Chapter 104 Inquiry
Song Wenqian glanced at Wang Chaoming, feeling displeased. He thought this kid was a character before.An out-and-out farming man, he was able to lead a village of young and old out to make a living, and even protect a village of people.

Now it seems that he is also treacherous and cunning.Also, how can you protect so many people if you are not treacherous and cunning?

The meaning of these words is that they listened to Qingyun's words and brought a whole village of young and old to the cottage. Now that they were arrested and fell into this result, Qingyun was partly responsible.

If they don't admit their responsibility, at least they will arouse Qingyun's guilt, so why Qingyun can help them along the way.

Song Wenqian glanced at the heartless Qingyun, Wang Chaoming's calculations were in vain.

Qing Yun was indeed not guilty, she was ashamed, she only said that her group was going to come to the cottage, but she did not invite Wang Chaodong and the others to come, they wanted to come by themselves.

The decisions you make, the consequences, are your own responsibility.

Fortunately, Wang Chaoming didn't explicitly blame Qingyun. According to Qingyun's temper, if Wang Chaoming dared to blame her, she would definitely punish him without mercy.

This team, without Wang Chaoming in charge, will sooner or later be swallowed up by others.

Qingyun: "..."

If she really couldn't persuade him, she could only pat him on the shoulder comfortingly.

It is useless to talk more.

Wang Chaoming wiped his face, and then said, "Let's not talk about us, what about you? Why are you arrested?"

Although there are only six or seven of Qingyun and his group, all of them have real skills.

Mr. Song is very knowledgeable. He has observed all the way, and it seems that there is nothing he doesn't know.Old man Li farms like him, but he is not only good at farming, but also very skilled.

Look at the bamboo mats they carried and the straw mats they slept on, none of them were made by him.Some people may say, how many people in the countryside are not skilled in craftsmanship?

Yes, country people know how to make crafts.But look at how many people fleeing famine all the way want to find this kind of soft straw mat?

not a single one.

From this detail, it can be seen that Old Man Li is not a simple person.Aunt Li cooks good food, any wild vegetables are better than others when they come out of her hands.

That little girl is even better, she knows medicine!
What are you most afraid of when fleeing famine?
Afraid of getting sick!
With a person who knows medicine by his side, the chance of survival is several times higher than others.

The best fighter in the team is Tian Duoliang. I heard that he used to be a hooligan, and it was not a problem for one to fight five or six. Now the prodigal son has turned around and is dedicated to protecting their team.

The most incomprehensible thing is Qingyun, the young master of a rich family, at first glance he seems to be a weak scholar, I heard that he can't even know three scriptures, and Mr. Song taught him, so you can see the image of a scholar Deceitful, occasionally revealing his dandy nature.

Such a dandy and frail scholar, but he can suppress Tian Duoliang, a rascal, can it be simple?

Arriving at Xiangwu last night, I didn't see Qingyun and the others. I thought they didn't come to the village to go to Longqing. Many people in the village complained about them.

Qingyun and his party were arrested, he felt really strange.Logically speaking, it shouldn't.

"As long as you come to the cottage, the result will be the same as yours. In fact, it is worse than you. You were caught in the cottage anyway. We were caught by them halfway. They drove us here like chickens and ducks. We didn't suffer from braids. My back It still hurts."

Speaking of braids, Qingyun grinned, as if just mentioning it made the injury worse.

Damn Xipi, after beating her ten years old, she can do all kinds of tricks under the old man's hands, and she is rarely beaten, and it is even more impossible for others to beat her.

After coming here, I met bandits or robbed every three days. I have never been so unlucky in my life.

For kung fu, you have to practice as soon as possible, and you can just cultivate to the skill of the previous life, and you don't want to be a peerless master.It’s best to practice light exercises. Really, ancient times are too dangerous, and you must have the ability to escape. If you are chased and killed, you can escape!
Qingyun never wanted to dream of the rivers and lakes as early as 800 years ago.

Hearing that Qing Yun and the others had suffered worse than them, Zhao Ming and the others felt inexplicably relieved. Now that they are locked in the same prison as them, they have no complaints.

"You guys came earlier than us, did you find out about the situation? What are the cottages doing with so many people? We don't need so many people to do the work, right? How much food do we get for one steamed bun?" Qingyun said.

Wang Chaoming looked at him inexplicably, this young master is still saying such naive words even now.

"We are only a day earlier than you. How do we know what the cottage is doing to arrest so many people. I asked the people in the next cell secretly, and they didn't know. Listen to them, they were also arrested in the past two days. But the front cell , I heard from them that it took the longest time to catch it, half a month."

"I've seen that this cell is very big, there are about 80 people in one cell..." Qingyun counted up to this point, thinking that Wang Chaoming and his group only had this number, one cell is enough, why divide it into two cells?
Qingyun guessed that there must be something in it that they didn't know.

"Didn't anything weird happen?" Qingyun asked unwillingly.

Wang Chaoming thought about it carefully, shook his head, really not.

"Every half a month, take away a group of people, does it count?" Lao Ba interrupted suddenly.

Qingyun turned to look at him, "Take away a group of people every half a month?"

"Yes, I heard from the brother next door, and he also heard from his brother next door. The cell we lived in used to have people locked up, but people were taken away and vacated."

When the cell was empty, he went down the mountain to lure the refugees over.

Having said that, what do they want so many refugees for?Where did people go?

Qing Yun thought of something bad, his face turned dark, and he asked Lao Ba, "What do they feed you? How many meals a day?"

"Brother, you think too much about people, how many meals a day do you eat? One meal a day, one bowl of porridge per person, really worthy of that rare word, if there are two or three grains of rice in the bowl, you will laugh."

Hearing that it was rice porridge, Qingyun was relieved.Fortunately, it's not what she thought.

"Little brother, have you noticed that the villagers in this cottage are different from those in other places?" Wang Chaoming lowered his voice even though he knew that people outside could not hear him.

"After being arrested, I realized that it was a gimmick that they sent water down the mountain to lure us here on purpose. It's all their shit to open up wasteland and build a house!"

Wang Chaoming sighed, people who are greedy will end badly, they are bloody examples.

The old eight nodded and echoed his words, "The third is right, it's all bullshit. I've seen that the walls of the cottage are stronger than our county town. I guess they robbed rich people and got a lot of money. They are afraid of being beaten by officers and soldiers." I came up to build a city wall like this."

"It makes sense, this cottage may have really made a lot of ill-gotten gains." Qing Yun patted Lao Ba's shoulder appreciatively.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Song Wenqian squinted his eyes, not knowing what to think about.

 The second update, hee hee
  Guess, what are these people doing?
(End of this chapter)

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