Chapter 138 Acting
"They can't leave," Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "If the black bears and tyrants were at the iron mine, the boss would have kept their promise and let them go, but they came to the silver mine..."

Qingyun snorted, "You guys want to be black and black, and you never thought of letting them live. The people in these two mines, except for the bandits in the cottage, all the miners, including me and you, have to die. "

Boss Miao and the others had guessed something, and they assumed they didn't know until the end of the mountain.But it was hard to accept Qing Yun's point of view.

Qingyun glanced at Miao Boss and the others, there is no way out, and if they don't, they will have to!She also cut off the luck in Boss Miao's heart.

"What is the origin of the mad wolf?" Qingyun asked.

"Before Crazy Wolf fled, he worked in the Escort Bureau. The past few years have been bad, and people have nothing to eat. There are still a few people who can hire the Escort Bureau to run the Escort. There is no business, and the Escort Bureau cannot continue. He took the Escort Bureau with him A few brothers from my family moved to other counties to make a living. They were also unlucky. A theft just happened in the county. A wealthy family lost a deep sea pearl. They were just a group of strangers in the county. The yamen arrested them for theft. , sent here for transformation.”

Qingyun made a "ha" sound, and there is still this kind of operation.

She suspects that the mine is seriously short of miners, and the nearby beggars and beggars have been caught, and there are no people left.It's not easy to forcibly recruit people, so I came up with such a bad way to catch people.

"He runs an escort agency? No wonder he looks chivalrous." Qing Yun turned to look at Boss Miao, "Is it true that during those days, there were a lot of criminals? They sent a lot of people!"

"How do you know?" Boss Miao stared at him in shock. How did the magistrate know?
Boss Miao stared at the county magistrate, and couldn't help guessing whether those people who were arrested were from the county magistrate?
"Guess." Qingyun smiled happily, but he was thinking in his heart that Mad Wolf and the others must have hated the bandits in the cottage in their hearts because they suffered innocently.You can use this to draw people to her side.

Before that, contact them in private to confirm their identities before you can pull people.

She was afraid that she would also be in the dark under the lights.

Often look at people who are not that kind of person, and finally turn back and stab the knife in the back.Sometimes people who look like villains and spies are finally reliable partners.

"Is there a map of the mine?"

"No," Boss Miao shook his head. "The map of the mine is an important document of the copycat. It's too late for the boss to guard against me. How can he give me such a confidential document?"

Qingyun agrees with the way of the big master in his heart, and it is difficult to guard against family thieves, not to mention that he is an enemy who wants them to die all the time.

There is no other way, but to turn the mine around in a stupid way.

Boss Miao smiled sarcastically, he didn't know whether he was laughing at the boss or himself, Qingyun didn't bother to think about it.

"I don't have a map of the mine in my hand, but I have the route in my head wherever we village people go." Boss Miao said, pointing to his head.

Qing Yun's eyes lit up, Boss Miao is the obvious boss of this mine, and he must have been to many places.

"Draw it, let me see."

Boss Miao didn't ask Qingyun what he wanted the map for, he poured a bowl of water from the kettle, dipped his fingers in water and scratched on the table, and asked Qingyun, "Where do I start?"

"From the route we came into the entrance of the mine to the mine where we live, take this line as the main line and spread it around."

With this road as the main line, she can distinguish the direction of the line.

Boss Miao explained while drawing, "This is the route for you to enter the mine, and here is the mine where you sleep. On this main line, there are six turns and three tunnels..."

Qingyun nodded while listening, followed by drawing the route drawn by Boss Miao in her mind, compared it with the route map she had traveled, corrected the mistakes, made up for the missing ones, and perfected her map one by one.

After Qingyun perfected the route map, he found that what Boss Miao provided was the route on the first floor, part of the route on the second floor, and no route on the third floor below the mine.

"Do you know what to do on the lower floor?" Qingyun tapped his fingers on the table, then looked at Boss Miao.

"I don't know. Our people can't go down." Boss Miao shook his head. The investigation below was very strict. He wanted to go down several times to check, but he had no chance.

"However, all the ore dug out of the mine is sent down. The person who sent the ore down in the past was a lunatic. After the lunatic died, the bosses will choose another one. That's why I said they will come to you."

"Send the ore down? Why send it down? Didn't it go away once?" Qingyun's eyes were full of doubts, and the actions of the leaders and the others were confusing.

"No, not once. Since the opening of the mine, all the ore dug out of this mine has been sent to the lower side. But the iron ore side transports it every ten days, and ten large ships at a time." Boss Miao didn't understand.

Qingyun's eyes flashed, there are secrets below!
Regardless of the secrets, she will go to find out one night.

"Is there any explosives in the mine?" Qing Yun approached Boss Miao suddenly and asked.

"Yes, in the warehouse, the person who guards the warehouse is the head of the house. The warehouse is in the square above. Go out of the mine and go to the right until you reach the ground." Boss Miao drew out the route.

After Qingyun remembered it, he thought for a while and asked, "How many people are there?"

"Master, send a message from the front that someone is coming from below." Hei Ba ran in suddenly, glanced at Boss Miao, and then at Qing Yun.

"I'll go to the next door." Qingyun immediately got up and went out, entered the mine next door, saw all kinds of strange instruments of torture inside, gritted his teeth, this time he was going to suffer a little bit.

Boss Miao came over together.

Qingyun glanced around, lay down on the bench, raised his head and said to Boss Miao, "Let's fight!"

Heiba ​​held the whip, looked at Boss Miao and Qingyun, wondering if he should hit him or not?
Boss Miao's heart was trembling, this is the magistrate of the county!Thinking of the county magistrate making such a great sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation, the majestic seven-foot-long boss Miao also got wet eyes. He took the whip from Heiba's hand, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and swung it over, thinking Read a sentence: "offended."


Boss Miao whipped the whip a few times, Qingyun's back was bloodied, he raised his hand and tried to whip it again, suddenly five or six people broke into the mine, the leader came over and took the whip from Boss Miao's hand, and threw it on the ground.

"Eighth boss, what are you doing? There is no lynching in our mine! What did this little brother do to make it like this?"

"Captain, you don't know that this kid gathered a crowd to fight, delayed the progress of the mine, and even killed a lunatic. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he thought I, the eighth master, was a mud bodhisattva!" Boss Miao pierced Qingyun fiercely.

Qingyun also stared at him viciously, with cruel words in his mouth, "If you don't beat me to death today, one day it will fall into my hands, and I will let you know what hell is."

(End of this chapter)

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