Chapter 148 Partners
Of course, he is also very clear about what Qingyun did on the road, and he can't define whether he is a good person or a bad person.

He wants to cooperate with Qingyun, one reason is that Qingyun is not a copycat, and the other reason is that he believes in his own vision.Apart from Qingyun and the new miners, who else can trust this mine?
Qingyun didn't speak, but stared straight at Mad Wolf, as if trying to see something from his face.

Crazy Wolf looked as usual, with a candid appearance.

Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What are your plans?"

Only then did she think about trying to win Mad Wolf over, but she didn't expect that Mad Wolf came to the door by himself.Responded to the sentence: someone will give you a pillow when you fall asleep.

If you want to ask Qing Yundan if he is worried, is it a trap set by the bandits in the cottage?Qingyun is not worried.

how to say?

Intuition, a kind of intuition, very mysterious.Anyway, she had an intuition that Crazy Wolf was not a copycat bandit.

"I want to take my brothers out of this ghost place," Crazy Wolf didn't hide his purpose, after finishing speaking, he fixed his eyes on Qingyun.

"Brother, just say what you need us to do. As long as you can leave the mine, brother, I will do whatever it takes. I, Crazy Wolf, will treat you for a long time. If you have any orders from my brother in the future, I will definitely do it."

"It's fine with your words." Qingyun doesn't have the spirit of selfless dedication. If he does a good deed, he must publicize it. If he helps someone, he must report it!

"I do have some ideas, but it's a bit difficult to implement. I'll let you know the results after I think about it for a few days."

Qingyun didn't intend to tell him the plan, cooperating with him was one thing.The cooperation between the two does not mean that she will tell him the plan without reservation.Exploding mines has a lot to do with it, and one more person knows one more danger.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news." Qingyun was willing to give him a hand, Crazy Wolf heaved a sigh of relief, looked around subconsciously, and then moved closer to Qingyun.

"Now that I am one of my own, I have some news for you. I have received news that this mine is a silver mine, and all the silver ore dug out is transported underground. I suspect that the people in the cottage can extract silver. Before we leave, let's do something The big ones? Ill-gotten gains can be obtained in a proper way." He looked at Qingyun.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, pressed his tongue against his teeth, glanced at him meaningfully, and clicked his tongue twice in his heart.

There are no stupid people in this world, even the mad wolf can see that something is wrong in the mine, who knows how many more are in the dark.That is to say, the mine cheats its ears and steals the bell, thinking that they have done a good job of keeping secrets, and it is foolish to be miners.

Unexpectedly, Crazy Wolf also had the idea of ​​playing money, and thought that the people in the escort agency were all big bosses, but Crazy Wolf was careful and bold.

"Let me think about it." Qingyun stroked his chin, and dealt with him vaguely, "Don't come over these few days, the people in the cottage are not happy to see us getting close."

Crazy Wolf nodded, "I'll wait for your news." Then he took his people away in a hurry. Of course, the amount of ore for today is enough to help dig.

As soon as Crazy Wolf and the others left, Tian Duoliang immediately left the mine and quit. Song Wenqian supported the old man's waist and greeted the old man Li for a rest.

Crazy Wolf and the others came to help, it would not look good if they didn't do anything, except for Qingyun who was sleeping, including Qingtian's children were doing what they could.

Qingtian came to sit next to Qingyun, raised his head and asked Qingyun: "Brother, does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore!" Qingyun patted the child's head, "Brother has something to tell your Grandpa Song, you go to the door to let brother out, and someone will come and let you know."

"Okay, brother." Qing Tian likes his brother to arrange things for him the most, so he went in a hurry.

Qingyun greeted Song Wenqian and the others to come and sit around.

"Let me tell you about my plan..." Qingyun detailed her plan, the participants of the plan, her team, and two big teams including Miao Boss and Crazy Wolf, as well as the silver found and the cost of the silver Wait, Tian Duoliang and the others were dizzy after hearing this.

"...What I just said is the whole plan. If you have anything to add, just let me know. Old man, I have dealt with the money like this. Do you have any comments?" To be honest, Qingyun still likes the old man's opinions.

Tian Duoliang and the others shook their heads, they didn't have any opinions, they followed Qingyun's lead, she could do whatever she said, and she was right.Playing with the brain is definitely not as good as Qingyun. People who read a lot, needless to say, have more minds than others.

"You handled this matter very well. Remember, you must be defensive." Song Wenqian also had nothing to add. Qingyun's outstanding performance exceeded his expectations.Don't be greedy for huge wealth, and distribute money to refugees, which has initially shown the performance of being a parent.

The latter sentence reminded him to be on guard against people like Crazy Wolf.

"Very good, everyone has no objections, so it will be implemented like this." Unanimous votes passed, everyone is happy, Qing Yun is very satisfied with the result of the first proposal, and then the meeting is adjourned, what should be done.

"By the way, old man, I want to ask you something. Where the humidity is relatively heavy, what caused it?" Qingyun lay down and was about to go to bed, when he suddenly remembered this matter.Intuition is important to her.

"What else could be the reason? There is a water source nearby." Song Wenqian glared at him angrily. Just now, he thought he had become smarter, and he became stupid after a while after complimenting him.

Qingyun's pupils constricted, and he squinted slightly in thought.

She fell into darkness under the lamp, forgetting that there was a big lake here.Because the big lake is on the other side of the valley, a little far away from the mine, subconsciously ignored the existence of the lake.

Boss Miao once mentioned that the big lake is very big, spanning several counties.There is nothing strange about all the mines behind this mountain is a big lake.

That makes sense why that wall has a lot of moisture.

Qingyun's eyes suddenly brightened, and she thought of a good idea.

Next, Qingyun continued to heal his wounds, Tian Duoliang took over the influence of the lunatic, and got along like a duck to water, Song Wenqian and the old man Li continued to mine for a while, Lanhua took the medicinal herbs that Aunt Li found, secretly made medicinal powder in the mine, and then To Aunt Li.

Bai Yanheng and the others were haunted, and Qingyun stayed at the appointed place for two nights, seeing no one, and didn't know what he was up to.

Not being able to see anyone, Qingyun was annoyed for a few seconds, and then let go.Then he dived into the fourth underground floor again, entered the room with heavy humidity, and after confirming that there was a big lake behind the wall, he quietly returned to the mine.

Qingyun lay there for three days, when someone came from below, Xiaofeng heard Qingtian call to the mine, "Brother, someone is looking for you."

"Little brother, how is the injury? Is it better?" The man who came to rescue Qingyun last time looked at Qingyun kindly, his eyes swept over the blood marks on her back clothes.

Qingyun's face was pale and colorless, anyone with eyes could see that his injury was not healed, but the man seemed to be unable to see it, turning a blind eye.

(End of this chapter)

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