Chapter 151 Incitement
The number of people in the cottage was not even half that of the miners, and the miners launched a sudden attack. Several of them were killed by the miners, and many of them were injured.

Both sides were red-eyed, and now, the miners seem to have been beaten with chicken blood, and the more they fight, the more excited they are. There was a burst of light.

The name of Qingyun Killing God is so taboo, seeing her coming is as kind as seeing his father coming, and shouted: "Master Qing, help me!"

The miner who followed Qingyun was very kind. He did not know where to pick up the shovel and handed it to Qingyun respectfully. Another miner dragged a forklift over and put it in front of Qingyun. back to the team.

Qingyun glanced at the two of them, and silently twitched his mouth. The mining shovel hit the forklift truck hard. Look over here.

Killing God Qingyun's intimidating power was overwhelming, and when the three parties saw her, they couldn't help but backed away, clearing an open space in an instant.

Qingyun was carrying a mining shovel, looked at the miners on the left, at the cottage and others on the right, at Heiba's team, and finally at Xiaosanzi and others, relying on her power, arrogantly scolding the miners for being trash.

Qingyun glanced at him coldly, the little third son who was scolding happily, suddenly bumped into her cold, non-warm eyes, which made him back away in fright.

When he realized that he was too timid and lost face in front of everyone, he immediately turned down and scolded him: "Mad dog, don't forget, whose dog are you?"

Heiba ​​led their people, and at some point surrounded him, and when he heard the words of the third son, he rolled his eyes at him unkindly.

Qingyun closed his eyes and twisted his neck.Anyone who has seen her do it will subconsciously take a few steps back when they see her action.

Qingyun opened his eyes, tilted his head to look at him, and grinned, "Whose dog do you think I am?"

After the words fell, the shovel was raised.


The arrogant smile on Xiaosanzi's face was still there, half of his skull was shattered, and he fell to the ground with a "bang", lifeless, and he couldn't die anymore.

The sudden change frightened the rest of the cottage bandits.Glancing at Qing Yun who was still smiling, and at the corpse of the third son who died on the ground, his mind was as muddled.

Before they could react, Heiba ​​took their men and wiped the necks of the rest of the bandits in the cottage, blood spattered on their faces like a ghost crawling up from hell.

After a while, there were dozens more corpses on the ground.

Qingyun praised the corpse on the ground without changing his expression, as if she was praising a stone, and there was no wave in his eyes or heart.

Heiba ​​and others followed closely behind, all with expressionless faces.

The miners who were still fighting high before saw Qingyun approaching and backed away one after another. They glanced at the mining shovel in her hand with lingering fear, as if it was some kind of evil spirit, which made people frightened.

On the high platform, Qingyun sat on the box, stepped on the box with one knee bent, and dangling outside the box with the other foot, looking at the miners below carelessly. Wherever their eyes went, the miners subconsciously avoided her eyes. .

"Tell me, why did you fight with the people in the cottage?"

The crowd was silent for a while, and a young man walked out of it, took a deep breath, and stared at the young man on the high platform as if he was dead.

"This matter has nothing to do with them. If I tell you, can you let them go?" He heard that the matter of the young man was mentioned, and he didn't dare to intercede because he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Qingyun glanced at the miner who was silently pretending to be cowardly, but nodded if he didn't care.

"My brother has been unwell for the past two days. He has no medicine to take. He has to dig mines during the day and can't sleep at night. He couldn't bear it anymore and fainted. When they came, they threw him into the mine, regardless of whether my brother was dead or alive. Fight."

Qingyun gave him a strange look, as if her plan was not operating in this way.Then he turned his head to look at Heiba, who secretly shook his head, expressing that he didn't do this, and their people hadn't had time to do it yet.

Qingyun clicked her tongue, what luck, even God is on her side.

"You've all heard that this brother's elder brother has only been ill for two days, and the bandits in the village despised him as a waste, wasting the grain in the mine, and threw him into the mine.

Many people have heard my name!I'm new here, I've heard about the mine, and I'm sure you old miners know what the mine stands for better than I do.

Graves, or more precisely, graves of the living.Today is the grave of this brother, tomorrow is the grave of all of you.Do you think that only those who are dying and are still hanging will be thrown into the mineshaft?
Let me tell you, for the bandits in the cottage, human life is as cheap as pigs and dogs in this mine. Every day.

Crazy, you know everyone?eat human!Know what madmen call you?two-legged sheep.The one I shot to death just now is called Xiaosanzi, do you know why I shot him to death? "

You are a god of killing, you are insane, do you have a reason for killing?
Qingyun glanced at the people below and sneered.

"It's not that he called me a dog. Of course, there's a reason for that too. He used to have a good relationship with the lunatic, and he also ate the lunatic, which touched my bottom line. I don't want to be a human anymore. Why are you still alive? Go to hell!"
I can't understand him, so I kill him if I want to, because I have the strength.I just lost my soul to the mine, and I didn't come here to be bullied by a random kitten or dog.The lunatic oppresses me, I will send him to the King of Hades, and the people in the cottage oppress and enslave me, I will kill them all.

I have flesh and blood, live like a human being, and I have never been sorry to my parents who gave birth to me.Look at the way you look, remember that you are human?

We are all refugees from all over the world. We have survived the famine for several months.But here, in this mine, your parents died, starved to death by the bandits in the cottage, or thrown to death in the mine.Your wives and daughters were wantonly abused and oppressed by the bandits in the cottage. Wouldn’t it hurt if you didn’t look at it or listen to it? "

Many people in the crowd felt something in their hearts, slowly wet their eyes, and then choked up.

In the mine at this time, only the miners whimpered and wailed.Cry their grievances, sorrow.

Qingyun waited silently, seeing that the time was almost up, he immediately stirred up.

"I'll give you a chance. If you want to live like a human being, kill them all with me and avenge your parents, wives and daughters."

"Kill them all, kill them all, avenge your father, mother, wife and daughter." After Qingyun finished speaking, Heiba ​​and the others followed closely and shouted slogans, with extremely fierce expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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