Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 16 Hungry, want to eat

Chapter 16 Hungry, want to eat
When the thunder struck, Qingyun saw it, but he didn't expect to kill the boa constrictor.

She thought about it at the time, but she didn't expect it to come true.

Think about when he was threatened by gangsters before, thinking that a snake would bite him to death, but a python came instead.

Thinking of striking thunder and striking snakes, thunder came.

When did she get so lucky?May all your wishes come true?

Think what comes.

It was so weird, so weird that it was frightening.Qingyun will not say it out loud, as long as he understands it in his heart.

After eating the sliced ​​meat, Qing Yun didn't feel full, but felt even hungrier. He asked the old man for a dagger, and said, "I'll come! Do you want more?"

Qingyun cut off a large piece of snake meat, weighing more than a catty, and asked the old man.

The old man shook his head and waved his hands, "I'm full, I can't eat anymore."

The old man rubbed his stuffed stomach and moaned.I am so hungry, my eyes light up when I see eating, and then I eat desperately, I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore, this is not a panic.

"If you don't eat, then I will. I'm not full yet."

The old man refused to eat, Qingyun was not polite, he took the sticks and put the meat on the fire to roast, the fat oil from the snake meat dripped on the fire, making a sound of "呲呲", and the fire "canopy" rushed to Lao Gao .

The old man waved his hand, didn't want to say anything, and lay down on the ground.

Qingyun ate that piece of snake meat and cut off another piece to roast. Looking back at the remaining snake meat, he simply peeled off all the skin, cut it into palm-sized pieces, skewered it with wooden sticks, and piled it up around the fire. bake.

The old man saw it, and his face twitched violently, the little bastard is greedy!
"What do you bake so much, can you finish it?"

"Hum, it's over. I don't know what's going on, I'm so hungry, I feel like I can eat a cow. That's where it is!"

Beside the fire, there were dozens of wooden sticks densely packed.

Smelling the smell of burnt meat, Qingyun swallowed so greedily that he kept on watching the fire, never leaving his eyes from the meat.

Turn over from the first wooden stick to the last stick, flipping back and forth three times in a row, the meat is almost cooked, Qingyun took the wooden stick, gobbled it up, it was so hot that she gasped, tears came out of her eyes , I just can't bear to spit it out.

The old man looked at it and felt sorry for him, and said: "Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you, there are a lot of snake meat, and there will be more after eating."


Qingyun uttered a word, with meat in his mouth, he couldn't pronounce the word clearly, and then he buried his head and ate it fiercely.

The dozens of pieces of meat stuck on the fire were not enough for her to eat, so she went down in one bite, half of the meat was gone, and she ate it up quickly.

The old man was dumbfounded, and only looked at Qingyun's stomach for a long time.It can't be seen that this kid is not big, so he can eat so much.The stomach is only so big, so where to eat so much meat?
I've never seen him eat so much before!
Qingyun was not full yet, so he ran to drag the rest of the snake back, but he didn't realize that she was much stronger.

The boa constrictor was about ten meters long and the bucket was as thick as six or seven hundred catties.She used to be strong and strong, and she could lift three hundred catties at most, but she couldn't lift more than three hundred catties.

The original owner is arrogant and weak, and has no strength to restrain a chicken. It is estimated that he can't lift things that weigh dozens of catties, let alone things that weigh hundreds of catties.

Qingyun dragged a snake weighing five or six hundred catties, although it was strenuous, it was within her tolerance.

At this moment, all her attention was on eating, "Hey Hey Hey Hey" dragged the snake back, threw it on the ground, and with a "bang", it startled the old man who had just closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

"What are you doing again? Do you let people sleep in the middle of the night?"

(End of this chapter)

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