Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 164 The fire outside the city gate

Chapter 164 The fire outside the city gate

"Brother, are you going to do something?" Seeing that Qingyun was about to leave, the child took Qingyun's hand and said, "Brother, you are the only family member I have, so you must be careful! Don't get ahead of yourself in everything, and do everything well." Think twice, don't be impulsive. A well-behaved and smart brother like me can't be found with a lantern. Worrying about you every day, my black hair is almost graying."

The child looked like a little adult, worried about Qingyun to death, and provoked Qingyun to pinch him fiercely.

The adults around were amused by the child's appearance.

"Be careful." Song Wenqian only had two words.

Qingyun waved his hand, leaving Heixiong to guard the top of the mountain, and took Tian Duoliang and Crazy Wolf to wander down the mountain.

After going down the mountain, they acted separately.

Qing Yun took her guards, Bai Yanheng, Bai Shaojie, Bai Yi and the others to the city gate.

Bai Yi is Hero Su, they have nowhere to go, they have to follow Bai Yanheng after the mine, in order to make it easier for Qingyun to call people, temporarily take his surname as Bai Yanheng, Hero Su is Bai Yi, and so on, Bai Er Bai San and so on.

As for who is Bai Erbai San, Bai Yanheng and the others decide.Qingyun doesn't care about such trivial matters, as long as they are happy.

Before he got close, he heard a series of mournful cries, which made people feel very sad.

The newcomer, who didn't know the situation, came to inquire about it, and his legs trembled with fright, so the smart one stayed and walked back, and then found a hill to take refuge and squat.

Many, many refugees gathered outside the city gate, at least tens of thousands of people, crowded together, blocking up a mile outside the city, without even a place to set foot.

There were still refugees coming from behind, and when they came, they squatted behind and did not leave.No wonder the refugees under the city gate were doused with boiling water and stoned, and could only endure it.

They were blocked behind and couldn't escape.

The officers and soldiers in the city have already left, and the city tower is temporarily safe.

The front couldn't squeeze in, so Qingyun and the others didn't squeeze in. They walked around the outside, took a rough look, and then left, and then wandered around the nearby hills to see what ghosts and snakes are on the hills.

After wandering around, we went back to the top of the mountain to meet each other and listen to each other's information.

"The situation is not very optimistic. I went out for a tour, and many people inquired about the situation of our team." Tian Duoliang said.

"It's the same with me. In our team, there seems to be nothing worth remembering." Hei Xiong said.

How not?

Isn't that cow?Donkey isn't it?
It's all meat!Whoever sees it has green eyes.

Qingyun went out and walked around, except for their team with cattle and donkeys, no one else.To be honest, if it wasn't for his own, Qingyun would have wanted to grab it and kill it.

"At each intersection at night, people will be sent to watch the night. The elderly, children and women are all in the middle. Half of the people will protect their safety, and the other half will take turns sleeping. If someone comes, they will be killed directly." Qing Yun said calmly. .

Everyone knows that if you touch the top of the mountain in the middle of the night, it's either robbery or robbery, there's nothing to say.

At night, everyone slept with their stomachs stretched, half awake, waiting for other people to rob, but when the robbers didn't come, something happened at the city gate.

Qingyun and the others were woken up by the shrill cry, and when they opened their eyes, they saw the flames soaring into the sky.The flames were shot down from the city tower, and there was a sea of ​​flames under the city gate. Human figures rolled and screamed in the sea of ​​flames, and finally disappeared in the sea of ​​flames.

The scene was so tragic and vicious, Qingyun subconsciously covered the child's eyes, squinting at the people in the flames, not knowing what to think.

"How dare they, how dare..."

Someone said in disbelief that the trembling in the voice could be heard, and tears flowed down silently.

Those are living people, not just a tree or a grass, just burned to death.

Boss Miao subconsciously glanced at Qingyun. Uncle Song only said that Qingyun was the county magistrate. When Qingyun was about to come to Guanshan, he had guessed whether it was the county magistrate of Guanshan County.

Now, he knows, no.

Most people escaped from the flames.Those who escaped were the outermost ones. The rockets on the city tower could not shoot that far, so they escaped unharmed.

None of the refugees near the city gate escaped.

The escaped refugees rushed to various hills. Qing Yun stuffed the child into Song Wenqian's arms, walked over and said, "Let them in."

After being safe, the refugees who escaped from the dead couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground trembling, the panic had not yet receded from their faces.

Tian Duoliang Crazy Wolf asked several people, but no one answered them. These people were scared out of their souls by the fire.

Qingyun raised her head and looked at the city wall. She seemed to hear the wanton laughter of the officers and soldiers on the city wall.Qingyun's eyes gradually turned cold, and the cold light filled her eyes. For the first time, she had the urge to kill.

Tonight, no one can sleep anymore, and so is Qingyun.Unable to sleep, Qingyun sat and watched the stars, and at some point, Song Wenqian sat beside her.

"Old man, I don't know what I will be like in the future. At least, I won't kill innocent people like them."

Song Wenqian sat for a while, then went back to the car and fell asleep.


On the other hills, they were discussing about Qingyun and the others.

"Brother, I was among the escaped people, and I saw the new group of people with knives in their hands."

"Do you see clearly, is it really a knife? Don't look at it as a knife." The man called the eldest brother stood up in shock and asked while grabbing his clothes.

"I can see clearly. Apart from our people, I also saw a few acquaintances from other hills. We can see clearly that they have knives and guns in their hands."

The younger brother was frightened by the fierce appearance of the elder brother, nodded desperately, and pulled out the most powerful witness.

The elder brother let go, but at the same time he was thankful that he didn't have time to act.If it wasn't for the fire at the city gate, he would have taken his brothers to rob them one step later.

Really gone, now he is a corpse.

He was not the only one who was lucky, the bosses on several hilltops were all lucky that the fire at the city gate was set well, so they escaped unharmed.

Damn, where are the hard stubbles, one by one, they are worse than refugees.No wonder there are cows and donkeys, and they were almost fooled.

After dawn, several bosses on the nearby hilltops, as if they had made an agreement, came to Qingyun and the others.

After Qingyun heard the news, he scoffed, and said to Tian Duoliang and the others: "Let's go and have a look."

The eyes of the bosses wandered around Qingyun and the others for a few times, and their brows frowned. They were all too young to look like bosses, so they turned their heads and said to the person guarding the hill: "Brothers, please inform your bosses that we are coming Something to discuss."

The brother guarding the top of the hill subconsciously looked at Qingyun and the people around him, and looked at the bosses on the top of the hill without hesitation, feeling aggrieved to death.

You don't even know Shashen standing in front of you, so you have no vision.

"Ask Boss Miao to come here." Qingyun ordered the younger brother next to him.

Boss Miao has a burly body, a fleshy face, and fierce eyes, which fits the image of a boss.

(End of this chapter)

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