Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 166 How to get a charter

Chapter 166 How to get a charter
This is a problem!
Several people looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

Everyone has their own little thoughts, and they all want to be the boss. Don't worry about handing over your own people to others!
In case, someone made a little trick behind the back and killed one of his own people, leaving him as a bare commander, rushing into the city, and getting no benefit!

Qingyun rubbed his nose shyly, looked at a few people apologetically, and said: "Well, the people in our village are relatively timid. They were deceived many times on the road, and almost killed their own people. They are afraid of being deceived, except What the boss says, other people may not listen to it!"

Hearing this, the faces of the bosses twitched, what do you mean?When they are liars!
They did intend to do so, and they must not admit it.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one would agree to be the boss.

"Little brother, if you have any good ideas, just say it."

The man in the short coat is smart and has good taste. No wonder the boss asked this kid to stand up. His mouth and brain alone are worth all of them.

"I'll just make a suggestion. Suggestion. Let the big brothers see if it works. If it doesn't work, we can discuss it again. It's the first time we've met. No one knows who you are. To be honest, the people in our village will be handed over to others. Tube, I am not at ease. Brothers are the same.

Even if we discussed it until night, there is probably no result.It's not as good as this, if you manage your own team well, no one can rest assured. "

"It's a good idea, let's do it this way, take care of your own people, don't rush into other people's teams, and cause trouble for others."

Everyone nodded, no one wanted to hand over their manpower to others, and Qingyun's proposal was unanimously approved.

"When will it be called? Tonight?"

They all agreed to fight, and those who were so impatient couldn't wait, and couldn't wait to ask about the time to start the fight.

"Brothers, have you figured out how to fight? I listen to your orders, you can fight as you say, point east, never hit west. Our boss has no objection." Qingyun is very talkative.

Hearing this, those people became quail again.They have a fart idea. This group of people have knives in their hands. When they come, they want to coax them to take the lead, and they will follow behind. If they can't, they will retreat.

I didn't expect that this group of people were not fools, so it's not easy to lie!
Several bosses exchanged glances that only they understood, and the man in the short coat said, "Well, little brother, just tell me if you have any good ideas."

"I don't have any ideas. I heard that the scholar talked about the siege before. This siege is very particular. It is divided into the main attack and the second attack. The main attack is the most dangerous, and it is the one who rushes forward to attack the city gate. The second attack is to prevent people from attacking the city." Disrupt the main attacking team.

For example, if we are the main attacker and go straight to the city gate, the officers and soldiers on the tower will be the first to deal with us, and the main attacker will die the most.As for you, just stop those refugees and don't rush over to make trouble. When the city gate is captured, everyone will rush in together.The question is, who is the main attack and who is the second attack? "

After Qingyun finished speaking, he blinked and watched them wait for the result.

The bosses understood it, and even if they understood it, no one wanted to attack.What if the stone has no eyes and hits them?It's okay to be crushed to death, but what if you are half dead?
It's still a good time to attack!There is no danger.

"Well, little brother, if it weren't for natural disasters and man-made disasters that forced everyone to have no way out, who would want to get to this point. We are just farmers, and we don't know anything except farming. Otherwise, we listen to you, who do you say? The main attack, we have no opinion."

The man in the short coat also knows that this is a bit shameless.But there is no way, there is only one life, and if I don't want to die, I can only push others to die.

"Yes, yes, little brother, whoever you say will be the main attacker will be the main attacker. We listen to you. You still have knives, we have nothing."

Others agreed with the words of the man in the short jacket.

Qing Yun looked back at Boss Miao and the others, and refused: "No, no, we are farmers just like you, and we don't know anything. No, definitely not, how can you let everyone listen to us. No, absolutely No. It’s better for the big brothers to make up their minds.”

Qingyun shook his head, disagreeing with life and death.

"Okay, okay, we trust you."

Several people chattered and chirped, insisting that Qingyun and the others should take the lead.Forced Qingyun had no choice but to say in embarrassment: "I can't make the decision, ask our boss. Boss, what do you think?"

Boss Miao listened for a long time, but he was still ignorant, how could he know what Qingyun was planning.

Tian Duoliang has been with Qingyun for the longest time, when he saw Qingyun blinking, he understood in seconds, and quietly approached Miao Boss to bite his ear.

Boss Miao's eyes flickered, and he walked forward and said, "Brothers, if you insist on us taking the lead, then we'll be the ones to say the least. The main attacking team died the most. Since we are the bosses, we have done the main attacking task. According to what you said, listen to our command, if someone is obedient, don't blame us for being ruthless. Of course, if you are the main attack, we will definitely obey your command."

"Brother, don't worry, we will absolutely obey your command. Whoever dares not listen, we can't get around him."

The bosses immediately swore to promise that they would not be the main attack, and they would agree to everything.

"When will the city be attacked?"

"Half an hour later, gather at the gate of the city, and everyone will go back to prepare." After Qing Yun finished speaking, he sent someone to send them down the mountain, and the group returned to the top of the mountain to discuss the details.

"In such a hurry? Don't wait until night for a sneak attack?" Tian Duoliang asked. Usually sneak attacks are carried out at night.

"Last night, those officers and soldiers set the fire all night. They were tired and sleepy. Now they are going back to sleep. There is no guard on the tower, which is the best time for a sneak attack. Go to attack the city at night, and those officers and soldiers are full of sleep and defend the city. , Just us mob, we can't do anything to them, even if we can win, our casualties are too great." Qingyun said.

"That's true. Who are you going to take? I'm definitely going to attack the city." Crazy Wolf glanced at the others and was the first to sign up actively.

The black bear glared at the cunning mad wolf, and immediately said: "Siege the city count me in."

There are also children, old people and women in the team. It is impossible for everyone to attack the city, and some people must be separated to protect these people.

Qingyun had his own plan, turned to Wang Chaoming and said: "Brother Wang, all the people in your village will stay here to protect the elderly and children, and I will take the rest away."

Wang Chaodong thought he was going to go to the city with Qingyun, so he was very excited. When he heard that he stayed, he was about to refute, but Wang Chaobei covered his mouth.

Wang Chaoming frowned, and was stopped by Qingyun just as he spoke.

"Listen to me first, your mission is equally important. The people I took away have all seen blood, and they can still kill the officers and soldiers. With so many people left in the team at once, the people around must be ready to move.

In addition to the elderly and women, don't forget that there are a few cows in the team, which are our most valuable things at present.In addition, you also have the bosses who supervise those hilltops. Once you find out that they have ulterior motives, you will immediately detain them and wait for me to come back to deal with them. "

(End of this chapter)

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