Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 175 I finally eat white rice (2 more

Chapter 175 I Finally Eat White Rice (Part Two)
Qingyun sneered, "justice and freedom in the world", bullshit!

Walk over, sit on the county magistrate's seat, look down, outside the main hall is the street, there is a big iron pot on the street, the refugees are busy back and forth.

Qingyun withdrew his gaze, turned around, changed from sitting to reclining on the armrest, with his legs crossed and resting on the opposite armrest, shaking non-stop.

"Captain Bai, do you think there are any perfect people in the world?" Qingyun suddenly asked Bai Yanheng, under normal circumstances, Qingyun rarely talked to him, mainly Captain Bai, who was expressionless all day long, making Qingyun even want to talk to him Say.

To be honest, Qing Yun talked more to Bai Shaojie than he did, and of course, Bai Shaojie's scrambling for words was inevitable.Often, when she ordered Captain Bai to do something, Bai Shaojie would rush to do it.

She doesn't care, who does it or not, Captain Bai doesn't mind, and she doesn't mind either.However, there is something wrong with Captain Bai, Qingyun will follow wherever he goes.

This time, Bai Shaojie left, and there was no one else around, so Qingyun could only tell him.

"What do you want to say, young master?" Bai Yanheng replied.

"Master Du! Don't you think he is too good? As long as he is a human being, he will inevitably have shortcomings. It is impossible to take care of everyone. If some people say he is a good person, others will say he is not good.

At the execution ground, you also saw that the people in the city came to prevent me from killing him.Interestingly, everyone said he was a good guy. Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "My old man said that there are no 100% good people in the world, if there are..."

Qingyun didn't say the last sentence, but snorted, "When the county magistrate died, he called out the silver mine, he must have heard it. You send someone to investigate, the county magistrate's death, Du Zhubo wants to investigate even more, the more information the more The more detailed the better. I don't want to keep a poisonous snake around and bite back at any time."

A dark light flashed in Bai Yanheng's eyes, and he glanced at Qingyun.Before Qingyun swore that he had lost his memory, but he still remembered what his old man said.

Qingyun spat and scolded: "I'm so unlucky, I'm really crazy, I thought I could avoid it if I didn't go to Zhangtai, who would have thought that the county magistrate of Guanshan County would have something to do with the silver mine.

If I had known it would be such a trouble, I should have caught an in-charge interrogator in the first place, so as not to worry about it all the time.Yaya bah, if you have the ability, don't let me know who's behind the scenes, or you'll have to peel off their skins. "

Bai Yanheng walked outside the main hall and told Bai Yi to come back and stay beside Qingyun after the incident.

Qing Yun glanced around, then back to Bai Yanheng, thought for a while and asked, "Who taught my kung fu? Is it the same master as you?"

If it is, she will rely on him to teach her lightness kung fu, no, she will settle accounts after Qiuhou, as a young master, she can't even know lightness kung fu, and the guards know how to do it. Did she deliberately not teach it?
"No," Bai Yanheng cast a glance at him, and suddenly he felt blessed, and added, "I'm studying abroad as a teacher."

Qingyun's question came to his throat, and he swallowed it back. He squinted at him for a few seconds, and then smiled, "Did your teacher say that you can't spread it? If not, I will learn it too! Don't worry, I'm not afraid of suffering." , My advantage is that I can bear hardships and stand hard work."

"The teacher's sect has rules, and it cannot be passed on." Bai Yanheng's words broke Qingyun's dream of lightness kung fu, and he snorted, but fell silent.

After sitting for a while, I felt bored, and was about to get up when Lan Hua came over.

"Master, it's time to eat."

Hearing that dinner is ready, Qingyun turned over and got up to live in the back room, urging Lan Hua, "Go, go, I can finally eat, I'm starving to death."

In the open space of the back yamen, there were a few cobbled-together tables. Crazy Wolf, Black Bear, Miao, and the others squatted down and ate with bowls, Heiba, and the others ate in another place, and Song Wenqian, Miao, and the others sat on the table, waiting for Qingyun to eat. Come.

Qingyun was next to Song Wenqian, and the child sat next to Song Wenqian. After Qingyun sat down, he took a bite of food with his chopsticks and said, "Eat, why don't you eat?"

When she moved the chopsticks, other people moved, Qingyun didn't notice this small detail.The spicy taste spread in his mouth, Qingyun was so happy that he wanted to cry, chewing grains of white rice, Qingyun didn't think about anything.

It's not easy. After coming to ancient times for so long, I finally had a mouthful of authentic food.This is the life of man.

Next, everyone saw Qingyun eating one bowl after another, and then poured the vegetables directly into the basin, which was as big as a washbasin, stirred it around, held the bowl to eat, poured a bowl after eating, and counted to the back They were all numb, and looked at Qingyun's stomach strangely.

So many meals, where to eat?My belly didn't bulge at all.

This is the real rice bucket!

Having said that, there was nothing to eat on the way to escape from famine, and there were only two steamed buns for a meal in the mine, and there was still a day of mining, so why didn't he starve to death?
Qingyun ate twenty bowls and burped before putting down the bowl.

When Bai Yanheng came back from his meal, he was shocked to see Qing Yun's appetite. Who could afford this amount of food? It was thanks to him being a young master with money in his family.

After eating, everyone went to the county office to help cook porridge.It is not suitable for porridge, there is no water in the porridge, it looks like the soft rice eaten by the elderly, a lump of soft.

This meal of porridge lasted until midnight before the show ended. Qingyun rubbed his sore arms and didn't want to say anything.Aunt Li prepared a change of clothes for her, took a shower and washed her hair. With her damp hair, she tied the bed and fell asleep.

It was noon when I woke up, and the clothes I changed last night were taken away.Qingyun took out the two boxes under the pillow, tied them around his waist again, put on a new sky blue robe, tied a ponytail and pushed the door out.

Standing outside the door was a great god, Bai Yanheng, who saw Qingyun's slovenly ponytail, raised his eyebrows indistinctly, and looked away to the side.

Qingyun is not surprised to see him guarding here, he is used to it.

"Master Qing, Mr. Song has something to discuss with you, and will wait for you in the front hall."

Qingyun was stretching her arms in the corridor, and Heiba ​​ran over from the outside. Since she woke up to now, it has not been more than 3 minutes. Heiba ​​received the news too quickly!

"The old man came to see me, did you say anything?" Qingyun asked Heiba ​​as he walked slowly to the front hall.

"I don't know. I'm not in the front hall. The county government's house has been searched. I'll go to the front hall to find Mr. Song. The uncle saw me and told me to call you."

Heiba ​​smiled, looked around, approached Qingyun and said in a low voice: "Master Qing, what you said is good, we dug out a few boxes on the wall, which contained a lot of silver bills. Then I thought, Walls can hide money, and the beds where those women sleep may also hide money, I took someone to search again, and found a lot of bank notes."

Qingyun squinted at Heiba, this kid is very promising, he can draw inferences from one instance to another.

(End of this chapter)

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