Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 181 Farewell to Dynasty Ming Dynasty

Chapter 181 Farewell to Dynasty Ming Dynasty

Qingyun can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't grab her and talk about it, the old man can do whatever he likes!

Before stepping out of the main hall door, a person rushed in from the outside, Qingyun was caught off guard, and he grabbed his belt tightly.

Qingyun: "..." There is a saying MMP, it should be said or not.

"Let go."

Qingyun's face was so dark that he could use ink to write, and he slapped his hand angrily. At the same time, he glared at Captain Bai next to him.

Bai Yanheng: "..."

He's used to being the backdrop, and if Qingyun does anything by himself, it can be regarded as a bad name, who knows that there are still people who are not afraid of death and rush forward.

"Don't let go," the man was also stubborn, his hands were red and he didn't let go.

Qingyun hit and pulled again, pulled twice, but failed to pull it off, almost pulled the belt off, and his face became even darker.

"Brother, if you have something to say, what's the matter with grabbing my belt?" If this man hadn't malicious intentions, Qing Yun would have kicked him to death long ago.

The man looked up at the thing he was pulling in his hand, it was really a belt, he let go in embarrassment, and was afraid that Qingyun would run away, so he sat on the ground without forgetting to grab her robe.

Qingyun's face twitched, he raised his foot and kicked him lightly twice, "I won't leave, let go."

The man ran in a hurry, and it took him a long time to catch his breath. He looked up at Qingyun before letting go, and apologized for being late.

"Sorry, young man, I didn't grab your belt on purpose. I rushed in from the outside and didn't notice."

Qingyun hehe, looked at him and didn't speak.

"I heard from the people in the city that you saved them and the refugees, you are this." The man praised Qingyun with a thumbs up.

Qingyun's face remained unchanged, "It's easy to say, easy to say. What are you doing in the county office? You don't look like a refugee?"

"I'm not a refugee. I traveled here with my master. My master just said a word. The damn dog county magistrate arrested my master and put him in prison. Young man, my master was wronged. Can you let me go?" He comes out?"

The man explained the reason of the matter in a few words, and then looked at the boy helplessly.

God, the other party is about the same age as him, but he is a ruthless person.

I heard from people in the city that the county magistrate was killed by this kid.He's so daring, the county magistrate will kill him if he says so, and it won't be long before the imperial court wants to arrest him.

From the mouths of the common people, it was said that this boy had a heroic spirit, rescued the refugees, and made many people earn a lot of money. More importantly, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Hearing that this kid was about to leave, he immediately ran over to ask for someone. When he got up, thank you for going to the county government to release him?

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, said something and was arrested by the county magistrate, she was curious, she smiled happily, and hooked the man's shoulder, like a good brother.

"What did your master say? The dog officer wants to arrest him?"

"I didn't say anything. It was my master who said that if he closed the gate of the city and refused to let the refugees in, there would be bloodshed, so the dog officer arrested my master." The man was indignant.

"My master's fortune-telling has never been counted as a miss, but after half a month, he was killed by you, so he should have suffered a bloody disaster."

Qingyun's eyes flickered, he stroked his chin and pondered deeply, the fortune teller is not just a magic stick.Hearing that his master is a magic stick, Qing Yun suddenly lost interest.

A blind cat meets a dead mouse.

After closing the city gate, the refugees will riot sooner or later, either by her or by someone else.If you don't kill the county magistrate, you can only die if you attack the city.

"Go to the prison and release your master yourself! Release all those innocent people who were arrested! Don't let the bad guys out." Qingyun called someone and led the man to the cell.

The man thanked Qingyun a few words, and walked away in a hurry.

In the county government office, Heiba ​​finished the search and sorted out the things. There were five big boxes for books, calligraphy and paintings, three big boxes for antiques, and three big boxes for gold and silver wares.

"Why are there so many?" Qingyun kicked the box and looked at Heiba, "You don't need to pack so many books. Take out the common ones. There are so many boxes that the cart can't fit."

"Uncle Song said, these are all necessary and unnecessary. Uncle Song picked them out, and our old village chief took them away." Heiba ​​didn't dare to look at Qingyun, and replied that he either looked around or looked at the ground, thinking " Bang bang" jump.

He lied, he was guilty!

Qingyun sucked his teeth and remained silent. Seeing that old man Song was not there, he kicked him twice, and said impatiently: "Move away, move away, it's annoying to watch."

Heiba ​​hurriedly asked someone to carry him to Uncle Song's house, and came back to look for Qingyun.

"What about the county magistrate's women? Are the arresters who set fire to them going to be killed?" These two groups are still locked up in the county government office.

"Go to Boss Du for these matters and let him handle them. From now on, all matters that are not in our team will be handled by Boss Du. Don't come to me, understand?"

"Oh," Heiba ​​nodded and left, led his brother to escort him out, and then went to find Mr. Du.

It's okay here, Qingyun was about to leave, but was stopped by Song Wenqian again.

"Qingyun, come here."

Qingyun pursed his lips, reluctantly walked to Song Wenqian's house, and when he reached the door, he smiled again.

"Old man, you wouldn't teach me to read under such circumstances, would you? It's a mess outside, and it's so noisy that people can't calm down."

"It's natural to be calm and cool. If you want to read, you can read in peace even in a busy city." Song Wenqian still didn't know Qingyun's piss, "I didn't find you for this. This is for you."

Handed a box to Qingyun.

"What's in it?" Qing Tian took it and opened it curiously. The inside was full of bank notes. He took them out and counted them, and there were fifty.There are 100 taels, 50 taels, and [-] taels.

"What do you want me to do with your things?" Qingyun pushed back after counting. She likes money, so she knows whether she should take it or not.

"It's not mine. Heiba ​​and the others searched it out and gave it to me. Where you go, there are so many poor places, and money is needed everywhere. People who go with you, you need money to house them."

When the county government searched it out, Qingyun didn't have any Gu Xu, so the box was pushed to Song Wenqian.

"Old man, you take it for me first, and I will ask you for the money. I am a bare-bones commander, and I have to plan everything by myself. There are always times when the calculation is missed. If you don't take care of it for me, no one will take care of it for me. .”

After Qingyun said so, Song Wenqian took the box and put it away.From now on, these will be Qingyun's belongings.

"That's all! I have nothing else to do and I'm going out."

Someone from outside came to find Qingyun, saying that Wang Chaoming and the others had come. Qingyun guessed that Wang Chaoming was coming to say goodbye. This time we parted, and he probably would never see each other again, so he went to see him.

"Here we are, are you ready?" Qingyun could clearly see the smile on Wang Chaoming's face, and the new clothes. The material didn't look good, but they were new.

"For your blessing, everything is ready. I'm here to say goodbye to you and Mr. Song. I'm leaving this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other in the future."

Wang Chaoming also knew that the gap between the two people's identities would become bigger and bigger in the future, and they might not necessarily see each other if they wanted to.

(End of this chapter)

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