Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 188 Hug a Golden Thigh

Chapter 188 Hug a Golden Thigh
Everyone nodded, they understood.

Otherwise, they would not say, who knows who is the hidden stake in the mine, for the sake of their own lives, they can't say it even if they are killed.

"In Guanshan, I want to attack the city and kill the county magistrate. It's not suitable for me to be a shackle, and a refugee is fine. From now on, everyone will be a family, and there is no need to hide it."

"Understood, we understand." Everyone still nodded, feeling that Qingyun was thoughtful.

"Good brother!" Qing Yun narrowed his eyes with a smile, boasting that everyone was rude, and he was rarely embarrassed.

Tian Duoliang's eyes couldn't be controlled, and he kept glancing towards Qingyun.This is the real county magistrate, or his brother.

Tian Duoliang once again praised his good vision, why is he so powerful, he hugged his thigh and hugged the official master, and he will hug him even tighter in the future.

Everyone is very excited.

From escaping from the mine, to breaking through Guanshan County and killing the county magistrate, to leaving the county magistrate now, everyone obeyed Qingyun's orders.

Follow Qingyun, because Qingyun is strong enough and loyal enough, everyone can rest assured to follow him, don't worry about betrayal, and have no expectations for the future.

They are wanted criminals, they can live one day, who knows whether they will be dead or alive tomorrow?I don't know when tomorrow will happen today, and I have the mentality of living a day is a day.

Who would have thought that they could return to the lives of normal people, be famous, behave in an upright manner, and live in an open and aboveboard manner.

"It's really great, Master Qing, from now on I will be your man, I will be your man in life, and you will be responsible for death. You say you will never go east and west, and you say you will never set fire to a murderer. " Crazy Wolf wiped his tearless eyes, grabbed Qingyun's hand, and didn't want to let go of the money if it was nasty.

"Get out!" Qingyun raised his foot and kicked him.

Everyone was amused by Crazy Wolf's funny expression, and they all hated in their hearts that Crazy Wolf took the first job of showing loyalty.

Tian Duoliang gritted his teeth, he deserved to be kicked, he is the number one younger brother!Dare to steal his words.

"It's enough for you guys to know in your hearts. It's a long way to go to Mount Qi, and there are many bumps on the road. Others don't need to know my identity, so as not to see me uncomfortable."

Qingyun was worried that after knowing her identity, the people in the motorcade would not be able to hide their expressions. Unknowingly, with awe, they revealed whereabouts and affected the next plan.

The crowd nodded, expressing their understanding.

"The other thing is about the team. I think so about the team..."

Qingyun explained her plan in detail, and everyone agreed after hearing it.

"...Then let's do this. Crazy Wolf Heixiong is the bodyguard of the Escort from now on. Crazy Wolf has worked as a bodyguard before. He knows the rules of the bodyguard. Heixiong, your team must obey the command of Mad Wolf this way.

How the escort will act, you can discuss it after the meeting.Boss Miao, you are responsible for conveying the news to everyone, including the children. Don't say anything else, you must let them remember that you belong to the Shangguan family team.

From now on, the entire convoy belongs to my Shangguan family. My brother and I will take Mr. Song back to the ancestral land. You are my Shangguan's servants. Just do as usual when you see me.Master Du is my housekeeper, remember that.Do you have any questions?If there is a problem, if there is no problem, change the dart flag and continue on the road. "

"No problem." Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

No problem, Qingyun let people go, so what should I do.

"Did you say it?" Song Wenqian asked as soon as Qingyun got into the carriage.

"I've said it, I can't hide it. It's better to say it earlier to avoid embarrassment. Besides, it's a good thing. Knowing my identity, they can rest assured that following me is not wandering."

Without a purpose, people's hearts will fluctuate sooner or later, and the more suppressed they are, the more they will rebound.It's better to give them hope at the beginning. For this common hope, everyone can unite as one, so why not do it.

Qingyun dug out the package and took out a set of fine clothes and jade crowns. She was going to change in the carriage.She thought about this layer last night. The inner garment has been changed, and she only needs to change the outer robe.

"Old man, you keep these three things for me." Qingyun untied the package on his waist and abdomen, took out the official uniform and handed it to Song Wenqian.

Song Wenqian took it and put it in the dark cabinet next to him.After buying the carriage, he groped around in the carriage and found a dark cabinet in the carriage, where two boxes fit perfectly.

"There is a hidden cabinet in this carriage?" Qingyun glanced curiously at the hidden cabinet.The dark cabinet is not big, and it is no problem to put two boxes, but there is not enough space to put the official uniform.

Just thinking about it.No matter where old man Song in the official uniform was going to hide, I heard him say, "Get out of the way."

Qingyun wore a robe and went to the corner of the carriage to wait.Qing Tian looked at Grandpa Song, and then at his elder brother, who squatted in the corner with his elder brother.

Song Wenqian lifted the carpet of the carriage, folded the official uniform in half, and then spread it on the floor of the carriage, with a thick carpet on top, so it was impossible to tell that there was a set of official uniform hidden underneath.

"Excellent!" Qingyun praised with his thumb up, he is old man, and he is talking about old man Song.

"The two of you have also changed, old man, remember, you are my husband, Qing Tian, ​​you are the young master of my Shangguan family, and everyone outside is the servant of our Shangguan family, you have to say that when anyone asks you, do you know? "

Qingyun took out two sets of brocade clothes, one big and one small, and threw the big one to Song Wenqian, and the small one to Qingtian.

"Do you want my brother to wear it for you?"

Ever since he recognized this younger brother, Qingyun hasn't put on any clothes for him.Of course, there is no change of clothes if I want to wear them.

"Really? Brother, you are so kind!"

Qingtian was so excited that his little face turned red, and he looked at Qingyun with bright eyes.Qingyun said casually, seeing the child's expectant eyes, what Qingyun could do, he bit the bullet and changed it for him.

The bumpy process made Qing Tian feel uncomfortable.The child who was wearing the mirror did not feel uncomfortable, so he squinted his eyes and looked at Qingyun with admiration and admiration.

"Okay, ask Sister Lanhua to comb your hair." Qing Yun wiped off his cold sweat, and he would not even say such a thing after killing her, it was too depressing.

Qingyun got out of the carriage, took the jade crown and wanted to find Lanhua to comb her hair.She doesn't know how to do ancient hairstyles, even a ponytail is a bit forced.

In modern times, she has short hair since she was a child.

"Shaojie, comb the young master's hair." Bai Yanheng saw his disheveled hair, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he called Bai Shaojie over.

"Master, sit down, I'll come." Bai Shaojie was really dexterous, he took the comb and combed it a few times, his fingers fluttered, and then he finished combing.

Qingyun couldn't see it, so he raised his hand to touch it, feeling pretty good, raised his eyebrows and said: "I didn't even know that you can comb my hair with your hand besides holding a sword. From now on, you will comb my hair."

Bai Shaojie glanced at his master, and said in embarrassment: "Master, I want to take care of the motorcade, so I don't have time to comb your hair. This is a maid's job. Or, you can find a girl and I will teach her."

Qing Yun glanced at him, not embarrassed, called Lan Hua, pointed to Bai Shaojie and said: "Lan Hua, find a girl to learn how to comb hair from Shao Jie, and she will comb my hair specially in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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