Chapter 191
It is estimated that no one has been to this creek. There are a lot of snails in the creek. After a while, a bunch of snails came up.

Those who know how to weave fishnets, weave fishnets and go into the water to catch fish, but they can't. When they saw Qingyun touch a bunch of snails, they also went into the water, and the water in half of the creek was muddy.

Those who want to fetch water can only leave this area and go upstream to fetch water.

The motorcade knew that there were fish and snails in the creek, and those who had nothing to do came over to touch the snails to catch fish.

The fish were caught and sent back to the convoy for cooking. The snails were woven into baskets for packaging, but there were not so many barrels in the convoy.

Qingyun came up after a while, and sent the snails she touched back to the convoy together, and walked along the stream to the depths of the forest. She and Bai Yanheng were the only two, and everyone was busy fishing and groping the snails, but no one saw them.

Qingyun was holding two handfuls of small pebbles, the size of her fingers, and she wanted to see if there was any game in the woods, and if there were any, she would take a few back to taste.

She was lucky, and after turning around for a short time, she saw a hare jumping over the grass in front. With a sound of "咻", a cobblestone shot out, and the hare wobbled and fell down.

Qingyun happily ran over, picked up the hare and weighed it, good guy, it weighs almost five catties.

Qing Yun is so greedy that he drools.

The gates of the city in Guanshan County were closed for half a month, and there was no meat in the city, and there was no place to buy it.Qingyun and the others occupied the county government office and ate a meal with meat. The meat was left by the county magistrate, and one person could eat three slices, which is not bad.

There were prey in the woods, Qingyun didn't want to bear it any longer, and said to Bai Yanheng: "Captain Bai, let's compare to see who has more prey? I'll go here, you go there."

Bai Yanheng closed his eyes and opened them again, resigned to his fate and went.

When the two of them came out of the forest, their hands were full of prey, such as hares, pheasants, and roe deer, and Qing Yun still had them on his shoulders.

The team members didn't see the prey brought back by Qingyun and the two, and they were all very envious, but no one came up to ask him for it.

"Da Liang, take these to Du Chunan and let him arrange them." Qingyun left two rabbits, two pheasants and one roe deer, and gave the rest to Tian Duoliang.

"Okay!" Tian Duoliang couldn't take it by himself, so he called a brother to help him, and handed it to Du Chun'an.

There are more than a dozen large pots in the team, and the fish soup is cooked with steamed buns and dry food. The food is very good.

Crazy Wolf Black Bear and the others saw the prey Du Chunan sent, and led them into the woods. When they came out, everyone carried one or two prey, such as hares and pheasants, and returned with a full load.

On the first day on the road, there were hares and pheasants for extra meals, and the team laughed and laughed.

Crazy Wolf, Black Bear Miao, and the other captains ate with Qing Yun and the others. There were fewer people on their side, and Bai Yi and the others included 40 people. One person could eat a few big pieces of meat, which was slightly better than that of the convoy.

After dinner, Qingyun continued on his way, but Qingyun couldn't stand the shaking of the carriage, so he stayed outside with Tian Duoliang.Qingtian had just eaten and couldn't sleep either. He and Qingyun were outside looking at the scenery, while Song Wenqian nestled comfortably in the carriage by himself.

I don’t stop at noon, I eat steamed buns when I’m hungry, and stop at a place with water after dark. The snails I touch in the morning are boiled, and the stream water is clean. After another day, I can eat them. If I don’t eat them, I will die.

After dinner, Crazy Wolf arranged for night watchmen. After a day and a night of driving, everyone was already tired, and they lay down and slept like dead pigs.

Qing Yun patrolled in the middle of the night with everyone, and Bai Yi and the others took over the patrol in the second half of the night.

After driving for five days, they were all in the barren mountains and wild ridges. I didn't even see a ghost of a wild inn. Except for the mountains and forests, everyone was numb except for the excitement at the beginning.

On the seventh day, I climbed over the mountains and finally saw the mountain village. The mountain village is not big, with dozens of households.The people in their convoy are several times more than the people in the village.

Crazy Wolf signaled the convoy to stop, and after the training of Crazy Wolf, the convoy barely complied with the order and prohibition, much better than the first two days.Crazy Wolf Qingyun is satisfied.

Crazy Wolf drove to the middle of the convoy to look for Qingyun, "There is a small mountain village ahead, do you want the convoy to go to the village to rest?"

"How big is the village?" Qingyun jumped off the carriage and went forward.

"It's not big, with dozens of households."

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, "So small? I'll go and have a look."

A few of them squatted on the top of the hill, from which the whole view of the small village below could be seen.

The small village is built along the foot of the mountain, and the houses in the village are relatively scattered. There is a large grain drying field in front of the village, and a small river in front of the grain drying field, flowing from the front of the village to the end of the village.

At the small river, a dozen children were playing in the water. Across the river was a field where villagers were working.

The people watched for a while and stopped talking. There are so many people in their convoy and the village is so small, there is no place to stay in the village, so they can only stay in the grain drying field.

Besides, if a group of them entered the village suddenly armed with big knives, the villagers would definitely be scared to death.

"I'll go over and have a look." Qingyun thought about the people in the team, and it seemed that few of them looked kindly, then turned to Tian Duoliang and said, "Ask Master Du Bo and Uncle Li to come over, the two of them will go with me, you stay here Wait for my message. Captain Bai, don't follow me."

After Du Chunan and Uncle Li came over, Qingyun told the two about entering the village. Uncle Li thought about it, and returned to the cart with some peaches and wild fruits in a basket.

Qingyun glanced at it, pulled out a grass and shook it in his mouth.

The three headed down the mountain.

The first thing I saw was Qingyun and the others, they were children playing in the small river.Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and several children are not afraid at all when they see strangers, so they ran over to hold them back.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you? You are not from our village. Where did you come from? What are you doing in our village?" The person who asked the question was a big one with a small mouth.

"Hehe, it's amazing!" Qingyun walked over, pinched the child's cheek and rubbed it until it turned red before letting go.

"Bad guy!" The child glared at her, but refused to give way.

Uncle Li came over and took out a handful of wild fruits from the basket for him. The child hesitated for a while and ate it as soon as he took it. The other children saw that their boss had taken it, and Uncle Li took it when he gave it.

"Don't think that you can bribe me by giving me wild fruits. Why are you coming to our village?"

"I'm talking to your village chief, where is the village chief's house?" Uncle Li asked with a simple smile.

"The village chief's house is at..."

"Don't tell me."

There was a child behind who wanted to speak, but was stopped by the fierce yelling of the leader. The child looked at their boss, pursed his mouth and said nothing.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, quite vigilant.

A villager on the other side of the river heard the commotion and thought the dolls were fighting again. They looked this way and saw that the dolls stopped three strangers and quit their work, so they called a few people to this side come running.

"Who are you? Children are ignorant, don't be as knowledgeable as they are. Why are you here in our village?"

As soon as the men came, they pulled the child behind them, and looked up and down the three strangers with vigilant eyes.

 A young master asked me before if I wanted an operating officer, and I said reservedly: Yes (waiting for the young master to tell me if I can?), and then there is no more...

(End of this chapter)

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