Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 195 Exchange of Experience 2 More Monthly Tickets

Chapter 195 Exchange of Experience 2 More Monthly Tickets
Miao Boss and Hei Xiong have planted fields, and they know how much rice can be harvested per mu.Song Wenqian mingled among the common people, and the output of the rice fields at that time was well known to him.

"Impossible!" Boss Miao stood up and shouted in shock.

Song Wenqian squinted his eyes, looking scheming.

"I haven't counted the number of grains on the ears of rice. I think one mu of field can yield six to seven hundred catties. There must be at least a few hundred grains in one ear of rice!"

Qingyun didn't know, she guessed wildly, she must have counted it.His eyes swept across the stunned people, and he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Is it true? You can find out if you go and have a look. The village chief is such a good person, the villagers are so simple and kind! He not only agreed to let us go to the village to rest, but also helped arrange for the elderly in the motorcade. The villagers are so warm and welcoming, we Don’t reciprocate. Do you think this is the case?”

Tian Duoliang and the crazy wolves saw it, and this kid was probably planning something.

"That's the reason." The two of them nodded, no matter what Qingyun's idea was, they were the ones who benefited in the end.

They just need to know this.

Crazy Wolf agreed, and Black Bear had no reason to object.He didn't know what to object to, his brain was not working well, so he was right to listen to Qingyun.

Boss Miao has no objection anymore.

"Crazy Wolf, you organize the people in the convoy to help the villagers harvest rice. Chun'an, ask the village chief how to arrange it, we will listen to the village chief for everything.

Boss Miao, ask who in the convoy is a good farmer, and bring them all over to communicate with the villagers. There must be my teacher in the threesome.Do you have any suggestions? If not, go to work. "

After Qingyun finished speaking, he asked a few people according to the list, everyone shook their heads, and then dispersed.

Tian Duoliang thought about it for a while, and seemed to understand, and asked Miao Boss, "Did he ask someone for the secret recipe for farming?"

"Nonsense. It's obviously to exchange experience. Among the good farmers in our team, who doesn't have rich experience? Do you understand what an exchange manager is? You have never farmed, so I don't understand it when I tell you."

Boss Miao glared at Tian Duoliang with righteous words, would he speak?Turned around and strode away.The people behind didn't see that the corners of his mouth were almost reaching the back of his ears.

Tian Duoliang "cut" and muttered, "What are you pretending to be, I can't close my mouth with joy."

Crazy Wolf patted him on the shoulder, seeing through but not revealing, what everyone knows well, you have to make it clear, so you don't get scolded!

"Uncle Li, you go with a veteran farmer. Old man, I'll go over there for a stroll, you can do whatever you want!"

Song Wenqian couldn't sleep, so he went to the village for a stroll.

Du Chun'an went to the village chief's house and asked about helping to harvest rice. Mr. Du could speak. In order to thank the village for taking him in, the motorcade came to help.

The village head was so excited that he was speechless, holding Du Chun'an's hand tremblingly, "That really helped a lot. How dare I bother you!"

Every year at this time, he, the village head, is very worried about harvesting rice.

The rice in the village is one or two hundred catties more than outside. Because of this matter, it is difficult for them to ask people to help, so they can only do it by themselves.After the double robbing, half of the villagers in the village fell ill from exhaustion.

The character of this group of people, the village head can still trust, and then asked the eldest son to notify them from door to door.

Miao Boss and Crazy Wolf took their own people, went straight to the rice field, and jumped off the ridge to look at the rice.

Farmers, who don't care about the yield in the field.Carefully pulled out an ear of rice, measured it with his fingers, and then carefully looked at the grains, one by one, carefully counted the number of grains on the ear of rice, counting to 150 grains, the corner of his mouth grinned to the root of the ear, and there were two grains after counting. Baili, the smile on his face is brighter than the sun above his head.

Before the village chief and the others came, the team dispersed, and seven or eight people went to the field per mu to cut it with a sickle.

I bought the sickle in Guanshan County. Taking advantage of the iron shop's price increase, I don't know which big brother thought foresight and bought hundreds of scythes in the name of the team.

Everyone was busy and thriving. After all, it was a happy thing to gain a lot.

Qingyun picked up the sickle and went down to the field to cut the rice. The speed was no slower than that of a veteran, and he cut a large area in a swish.Everyone divides the work and cooperates. Some people cut the rice, and some tie the cut rice well and hold it on the ridge of the field.

"Young master, don't do it anymore, we'll do these jobs." Uncle Li was with Qing Yun, seeing the red marks on his white and tender hands, which were scratched by the leaves, and felt distressed.

Where did the young master do these jobs?

"It's okay, idle is idle, don't worry about me, take it easy." Qingyun looked down at the red mark on his hand, and continued to swipe his sickle and work hard.

Uncle Li couldn't persuade him, he sighed, the young master really didn't look like the young master at all, looking at his proficiency, he could work just like the country folks.

"Oh, you've all been cut!"

The village chief stood in front of the field ridge and said that when he and the villagers came, Qingyun and the others cut almost one-third of the crop.Seeing so many people in the field, I was so happy.

"They have done a lot of things at home, and it's not too difficult, so we don't have to wait for you." Qing Yun said.

Only then did the village head see that rich young man was also in the field, after being shocked, he jumped in shock and hurriedly shouted: "Young master, young master, come up quickly, these jobs are not for you, the field is dirty, come up quickly. "

The village chief jumped up anxiously, Yaoshou, if something happens to this young man, there are not enough people in his village to accompany him.

"It's okay, I'll do it at home." Seeing the village chief come down to the field in a hurry, Qingyun smiled, came up with a sickle, and sat down on the ridge of the field.

"Our family is different from others. Don't look at me as a young master. My old man will not spoil us. We have to plant rice seedlings and harvest rice every year. The old man said that only by experiencing it personally can we know that people's life is not easy."

The old man's saying is: Only after doing the work himself, will he know how difficult it is for him to make money to support their bastards.

"The old man is a good man." The village head babbled and held back his words.He thought that the rich and the rich would stretch out their clothes and eat their food, but he didn't expect there to be such a clear-eyed person.

After resting for a while, Qingyun went down to the field to cut rice again. The village chief slammed his mouth, and finally did not call him to come up, and shouted at the villagers in the field:

"See, they came to help, and they work fast and neatly. You can't be compared to me. You all work hard for me, do you hear me?"

"I heard it." The villagers shouted loudly, sweating and waving their arms.

In the evening, all the rice fields in this area have been harvested, and the rice drying field is full of rice ears.

The villagers did not expect that harvesting rice, which was the most difficult task in previous years, is particularly easy this year. The only difficulty is that the grain drying field has been rented out.

These questions can't help everyone. Every family in the countryside has a yard, and those who can't fit in the grain drying field are picked up and piled up in the yard when they go home.

(End of this chapter)

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