Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 2 is all young master, still fleeing

Chapter 2 is all young master, still fleeing
She didn't think about running away from the famine on her own. She was unfamiliar with the place of life and didn't know the customs and customs.

She heard that Longqing is not a good place to settle in. If you can persist, it is best to walk forward and find a place with beautiful scenery and outstanding people to settle in.

Qingyun swept around, and the group of people in the temple who escaped from the famine really couldn't hold on any longer. They were skinny and only a piece of skin was left.It's better to survive in Longqing, and it's almost as close as possible, than to die on the road to escape from the famine.

Qingyun added a cracked mouth, moved a little closer to the old man, bent down slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Master, can you tell me, how did I get hurt? After I woke up, my mind was buzzing. I can't remember what happened before."

After resting for a while, she finally regained some physical strength. Qing Yun carefully touched the back of her head, causing her to gasp in pain.

This wound was definitely attacked from behind.

Speaking of this, the old man looked at her with sympathy and pity, and sighed: "How else can you be hurt? Who else is there besides bandits? You have guards by your side, and who doesn't have eyes to dare to attack you?"

Qingyun thought to himself, that's hard to say.

"Three days ago, at Leopard Ridge, I met a group of bandits. They were ruthless and mad. They didn't spare the refugees.

No wonder I didn't see a few young girls who were robbed by bandits.

Qingyun blinked, the original owner escaped unexpectedly...

In ancient times, the reputation of a woman was very important, and being hugged by a man would be considered frivolous. Unless the man was responsible, the woman would end up miserably!
If a man refuses to take responsibility, he will have no choice but to die if he does not go home. Only when he dies can he preserve his reputation and not drag down other girls in the family.

Into the bandit den, hehe...

Qingyun, a layman, heard that so many girls were taken away, and the ending was tragic. I sympathized for a few seconds, and I was glad that I was still fine.

This is not a society governed by the rule of law. The status of women is low, and she has limited abilities and is powerless.

Then I heard the old man say: "Thank you for being a young master. You are thin and tender, and you look good. I don't know how much you have suffered. At that time, the bandits rushed down from the mountain and saw you among the refugees. Several rushed towards you, if it weren't for the guards beside you, they would desperately protect you..."

In this world, some perverted people not only like beautiful women, but also masculine, especially handsome young people.

The world is down.

Wait, she seems to have heard something terrible?

"Master? Me?!" Qingyun's pupils shrank, pointing to himself and asked in surprise.

Before she came here, she was a little taller than the average person, a little more handsome, and a little more handsome than a star, and she was only in the top ten in the world; the airport in front was a little bit, and since childhood, the girls' love letters have never been broken. .

No matter how she looks like a puppy, it can't hide that she is a real girl.

After being a girl for more than [-] years, she suddenly becomes a man, and even a woman can't accept it.

A little dark in front of him, Qingyun pretended to be casual, rubbed the front, and his heart sank to the bottom of the water all of a sudden.

Really flat!

If it weren't for the inconvenience of being surrounded by people, Qingyun would want to take off his clothes and take a good look.

Taking herself as an example, the flat is not necessarily a man, it may be a woman.Convex, not necessarily a woman, it may be a man.

The old man thought that Qingyun was surprised by his identity, and said angrily: "It's not that you are so difficult, it's me?"

This way, if it wasn't for this kid's guards trying to protect him, he would have become someone else's meal.

No matter which direction you take, you are the same as those who hate the rich.

"I... I'm already a young master, and I'm still running away?"

Is she afraid that she is not a fake young master?

Qingyun bluntly changed the topic, leaving aside the question of whether it was a girl, the primary issue now is to survive.

"Is the young master amazing? Why can't the young master escape from the famine? Thinking back to that time..." The old man just started, suddenly stopped talking, and stared at him angrily. After he woke up, he was much less likable than before.

"Master Renguan is still fleeing, the young master is a fart!" The old man was very angry.

Although this kid wasn't likable in the first place, he wasn't so irritating when he spoke.

in those days?
Qingyun narrowed his eyes, the old man also had a story.

"Master, where are we going?" The old man ignored her, and Qingyun took the initiative to lean over, she was a cheeky one anyway.

"Who are you and us? Go and go, you will get angry when you look at you. You are a young master born with a golden spoon. I count the old man up to eight generations. He was born with mud legs, and you are not the same way. Where do you want to go? Wherever you go, with your legs growing on you, who can keep it?"

The old man got angry, despised her, and chased people away.

Qing Yun, the cheeky one, even laughed when he was scolded, "Look at you, why are you so angry? It's not worth it if you get angry. We're not discussing it!"

The old man directly rolled her eyes at her.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, yes, she has a bigger temper than her, and turned her head to look out the door.

The original owner didn't know that he hadn't eaten for a few days, and his stomach was "gurgling", almost as loud as thunder.

Qing Yun changed direction and leaned lazily against the door to save his energy.

She was not the only one with a rumbling stomach. Some people were so hungry that they couldn't stand it. They ran out of the temple and picked leaves and stuffed them in their mouths.

As for whether it can be eaten, clean or not, no one cares. As long as it is not poisonous, it will be fine. If you chew it, you will not die anyway.

 This book, Dongdong has been thinking about it for a long time, I hope the babies will support a lot (*^ω^*)
(End of this chapter)

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