Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 207 The county magistrate is a good man 4 Ask for a monthly pass

Chapter 207 The county magistrate is a good man 4 Ask for a monthly pass
A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger!

Qingyun is the county magistrate, which is related to the fate of Qishan County!If he has something, what will this group of people do?
Du Chun'an disagreed with the county magistrate's personal involvement in the danger, seeing that Mr. Song did not persuade him, he also kept his mouth shut.

"Chun'an, the county government office is here for you." After Qingyun explained, he took Tian Duoliang out of the government office with a big knife.


Owner Bo came home with a bowl of porridge and some steamed buns. His house was on Qianjie Street, about a quarter of an hour's walk away. It was a two-story building with a yard in front.

After entering the door, the whole family gathered around, checking up and down to see if the old man was okay.

"Father, you came back so early today." Ma Da asked, in the past, his father would not come back from the yamen until dark.

"Father, what are you doing with the bowl? Where did this bowl come from?" Ma Er couldn't squeeze in,
"Grandpa, grandpa, you're back." Several grandchildren who were hiding in the cellar heard that grandpa was back, came out of the cellar, and circled around Grandpa Bo.

"There are bandits outside. There are so many bandits. Grandpa is outside alone. We are worried."

The horse owner, Bo, passed the bowl to his little grandson, one of the steamed buns to his wife, and the rest to his grandson and granddaughter, "Drink with your brothers and sisters."

"Wow, it's white rice porridge, wow, white flour steamed buns." Several grandchildren took the bowls and ran to the house to share the food with the white flour steamed buns.

"Father, where did those things come from? Several waves of people came to the city today, and the last group of people who came had hundreds of footsteps," Martha said.

Ma Da Ma Er, worried.The miscellaneous grains that their family eats, it has been a long time since they have seen white rice porridge, white noodles, steamed buns, etc., not only in their family, but in the whole Qishan County, every household is like this.

"Yeah, dad, at first I thought the bandits were coming, but I waited for a long time before the bandits knocked on the door. Looking at the direction, that group of people went to the county government office. What are those people going to the county government office for? Dad, are you in the county government office?" Didn't you make things difficult for those people?" Ma Er said.

"What's going on outside? Everyone is always hiding in the house, it's not a problem!" Ma Da was irritable, and he stretched out his head and stabbed him, but he retracted his head and stabbed him.Hanging up and down like this is more uncomfortable than anything else.

"What kind of bandit is not a bandit? Nonsense. The county magistrate, the new county magistrate, and the group of people who came here today are all clansmen brought by the county magistrate. You go and tell everyone that you don't need to hide at home, the new county magistrate He is a good man. The white rice porridge, white noodles and steamed buns were all brought back by the county magistrate."

"What? County magistrate? The magistrate is here in our county?"

When Ma Da Ma Er heard what his father said, he was taken aback. The two brothers looked at each other and saw the shock on each other's faces. "Our county hasn't had a county magistrate for several years. Didn't the court ignore us? What's the matter, and the county magistrate is here again?"

The people of Qishan County, on the one hand, hated the court for not caring about their lives, and on the other hand, they didn't like the arrival of the county magistrate.In the past few years, the county magistrates, with their nostrils turned upside down, did not talk about it, and they searched for names for two days to scratch their money, which made their county complain.

Now, another county magistrate has come. I don't know if it is good or bad?
"What are you talking about? What do you mean the imperial court doesn't care about us? Didn't the imperial court send county magistrates before? How many have come, and how many survived. The most hateful ones are those bandits, who killed the county magistrate." The owner of the horse said angrily.

"Father," Ma Er suddenly said, stopping his father from continuing.

"You old man, you've been the boss all your life, and you don't even know how to look at people. If someone gives you a bowl of porridge and a few steamed buns, you're a good person?" The old wife of the horse owner took a picture of the old man, feeling equally worried.

The people in the city are suffering enough, don't let a corrupt official come, the people really have no way out.

"I can't tell you, old woman. Boss, brother, go and tell everyone that the county magistrate is new to the city today. After a long time, everyone will know whether he is a good person or not after seeing people's hearts."

The two brothers Ma Da Ma had no choice but to knock on the door to explain to everyone that a group of people from the county magistrate came, and everyone still hid in the house and waited to see.


Qingyun and the others led 200 people out of the city gate to the mountains and forests, and then divided into two groups halfway, one group went to the west mountain forest, and the other group went to the north mountain forest.

"Master, do you think there are the county magistrates over there?"

Boss Miao took his brothers in the village and a few veteran planters to watch the fields on the wasteland side.

Heiba ​​looked at it for a long time, but didn't see the trick, threw away the clod and got up, and accidentally saw a group of people by the side of the forest.

"Did you read it wrong? My lord is at the county government office. What are you doing here?" Boss Miao continued to study the soil with his uncle without raising his head.

Without saying a word, Heiba ​​took a few steps forward, squinted his eyes, and after seeing the leader clearly, he ran back immediately and grabbed Boss Miao.

"Master, sir, look quickly, it's really the county master, with Mad Wolf and the others on the other side of the forest."

Boss Miao was about to reprimand him, but didn't do his business, and delayed his business, when he heard that Qingyun was with Crazy Wolf, he got up and looked over.

It really is Qingyun and the others.

"Bringing so many people, what are they doing in the forest?" Boss Miao was puzzled, watching a group of them plunge into the forest.

Heiba ​​thought for a while, and said, "I heard at the door in Xiangwu, Sun Zhubo said that there are bandits in this area, and the people in our village will move here to settle down. My lord brought so many people into the forest, is it right?" Didn't you go into the forest to suppress the bandits for us?"

"How many times have I told you, why can't I remember! Adults, they talk about things, don't get close. If you dare to eavesdrop next time, I will beat you to death. Only adults are kind-hearted and don't care about you."

Boss Miao glanced at the forest and felt that Heiba ​​was right.

"In the future, you must repay the adults well, have you heard?"

"Understood, sir." The young men said in unison.


"Where are Boss Miao and the others?" Crazy Wolf and the others saw the cottagers in the wasteland in the distance.

"It's them." Qingyun glanced around, "Leave them alone, hurry up and go into the forest."

"How to clear it? There are so many mountains and forests, and we have to search every mountain. If we just spread out, we can't find them all in one afternoon." After entering the forest, the mad wolf asked Qingyun.

"Wait, I'll go up to the tree and have a look." Qingyun picked a tall and strong tree and climbed up, and scanned several nearby hills from the top of the tree, but found no trace of bandits.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Crazy Wolf and the others looked up under the tree.

"No," Qing Yun came down slowly, about two or three meters above the ground, and jumped off, "there are few nearby hills, there is nothing there, send two people to each hill to check, if you find strangers, don't disturb them, Come back and tell us."

Crazy Wolf made arrangements.

"Let's go to the valley to see." Qingyun took the lead to go to the valley. If the bandits were hiding, the valley's terrain would be more favorable.

(End of this chapter)

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