Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 213 Work, eat, and just ask for a monthly pass

Chapter 213 Work, eat, and just ask for a monthly pass
Ma Da Ma Er continued to distribute pork. After they left, the houses on the street behind them lit up like stars.

"Father, what do you mean by the county magistrate? Why did he send us pork? What's his purpose?"

"Is there something about you that people can draw? Maybe it's really what the owner of the horse said, you are a good person. Light the lamp!"


"Master, what are you doing at the door? Come in soon? Huh? What do you seem to be holding?"

"Pork, it's from the magistrate. Quick, pinch me and see if I'm dreaming?"

The man's "Ouch" screamed in pain, and the man scolded, "You dead woman, you use so much force, do you want to strangle me? Don't turn on the lamp yet."


"Brother, this pork is really a gift from the county magistrate? It's a lot of meat, salted, and it can be eaten for half a month if you save it."

"Brother, is the magistrate sending pork from door to door, is it stupid? If it were me, I would hate it. Brother, do you want to light the lamp?"


"Mother, this is pork sent by the county magistrate. The second brother Ma said that the county magistrate took people into the mountains and forests to hunt wild boars at noon, and then delivered it door to door when he came back. The county magistrate who came this time is different from the previous ones. Nice guy."

"Good man? Who knows! Look back! Light the lamp!"

Almost every family that received pork had a similar conversation.


Aunt Li left food for Mad Wolf Tian Duoliang and the others, and served the whole meal on the table.

Aunt Li prepared a big basin for Qingyun, and when Qingyun moved his chopsticks, other people moved.

"It's a pity that there is no wine!" Qing Yun, who ate meat so much that his mouth was full of oil, had a look of regret.She yearns for the happy days of eating meat and drinking heavily.

Hei Xiong nodded, he agreed with Qing Yun's words, eating meat without wine will not taste good.The others pretended not to hear Qing Yun's words, so they ate hard.

They haven't eaten meat for several months, and they can eat it with an open stomach tonight. After tonight, they will eat meat for the next meal, and they don't know what happened in the year of the monkey.

"Crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the others distribute pork from door to door, is it your idea?" Song Wenqian smiled, seeing Qingyun pleasing to the eye, this kid finally looks like a county magistrate.

Qingyun was busy eating meat and had no time to talk, so he could only nod his head, and after finishing eating the pot of meat, he said flatly, "Uh, it's me, what's the problem?"

Not surprisingly, in this life, she has been exhausted to death by the county magistrate of Qishan.It is impossible to be promoted, and it is impossible to be promoted in a lifetime.

Because she absolutely does not allow it!

As the saying goes: distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors!

For the next few decades, she will live in this Qishan County, so she can't have a good relationship with her neighbors?If you can't sweep the couch to greet each other, at least don't look at each other with disgust, just be an ordinary acquaintance.

There are problems, of course there are problems.

Song Wenqian lifted his eyelids and squinted at Qingyun.This kid is quite lazy and afraid of trouble.Trivial chores, he has to know if he can do them without him, and leave them to others.

With a cold temper, people who have nothing to do with him will not even look at him if they die in front of him.

Wanting him to take a step forward is harder than reaching the sky, that is, if you arch his back and push forward, you don't necessarily have to move, if you do, it depends on how he feels.

From outsiders' perspective, this kid seems to listen to him very much, but in fact he doesn't, what he listens to are all irrelevant things that concern him, and he still goes his own way.

If the two hadn't met in the ruined temple, he had saved him by accident, and then he had become his husband naturally, and that little bit of convenience would have almost worn away in the subsequent escape.There is a mentorship between the two, and the brat is the one who really puts him within the scope of his own people.

Or family inheritance, brat is very respectful of teachers.

Because of this, Song Wenqian had already prepared the idea of ​​transforming Qingyun all the year round, and he was so surprised to see that he himself had improved first.

As a result, the kid himself took it indifferently, making the old man seem to have never seen the world, and made a fuss.

"Eat yours." Song Wenqian didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Qingyun rolled his eyes, old man Song was too difficult to serve, so he picked up a big piece of fat and put it in the kid's bowl, "Qingtian, eat more, you are skinny, eat more meat and eat more to grow faster."

The child's face was wrinkled into a ball.After raising him all the way, Qingyun was willing to give him food and clothing. Qingtian not only became white, but also gained a lot of fat. His small face is chubby, and the eyebrows and eyes of a young child are delicate, like the boy who gave money in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is very popular.

Qingyun couldn't help itching every time he saw him, pinched his face, and said the child was thin after pinching.

If he continued to eat like this, he would become fat, but his brother said every day that he was skinny.The child squeezed it quietly, the fat belly is so worrying!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" then the black pearl-like eyes narrowed into slits.

Seeing the child eating happily, Qingyun was even happier. He picked up another piece of fat and turned his head to put it in Song Wenqian's bowl.

"You want to get tired of me?" Song Wenqian refused to buy it, and took away the bowl. He was not Qingtian, and he threw away a piece of fat.

"If you don't eat, you'll fall! It's not rewarding!" Qingyun muttered, turned his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.Not long after, the four of Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and the others came back, and Ma Da Ma Er was about to go back after serving the pork, but they were pulled over by the two of them.

"Is it finished?" Qingyun asked in a hurry.

"It's over." Tian Duoliang looked around, pointed to the vacant seat on the other side of the black bear, and said, "Brother Ma, come, come, sit here. Aunt Li, where are the dishes?"

"Thank you!" Qing Yun nodded towards Ma Da Ma Er, and then said: "We have already eaten at this table, Aunt Li reserved a table for you alone, you go sit there."

How can I give the guests to eat their leftovers?
Qingyun didn't want to keep people talking, ordered people to work, and gave people leftovers to eat.

"No, no, we can just sit here and eat whatever we want." Ma Da Ma Er hurriedly refused, and opened a separate table for the outsiders of the two meetings, and then asked the county magistrate if the pork was distributed to them, how could he be ashamed.

Tian Duoliang didn't have so much information, and Crazy Wolf guessed what Qingyun meant.

"Where can it be casual, don't save me, work and eat, it's a matter of course. Daliang, you guys bring the two brothers Ma Dama over to open a table."

Qingyun's expression was undeniable, and he smiled and looked at the Ma brothers after speaking.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go over there to eat, we've been pushing the car all night, aren't you hungry? I'm starving to death." Crazy Wolf pulled one with each hand and sat down at the newly set table next to him.

Ma Da Ma Er had no choice but to sit down, Tian Duoliang helped to carry the bowls and chopsticks, and brought a large pot of pork to the table.

The county government office and the streets outside the county government office were always noisy, and even the common people's homes at the gate of the city could hear it. The bustling noise and the strong smell of meat made the mood unable to calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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