Chapter 215 No Wages
Qingyun was unprepared, and suddenly Tian Duoliang hugged her leg tightly like an octopus. Qingyun shook a few times, but he didn't shake off. Seeing that the snot was about to wipe her robe, the corner of Qingyun's eyes twitched fiercely, Unable to bear it anymore, he lifted his foot and kicked him away.

Black Bear: ...

Crazy Wolf: ...

Shameless, they only obey Tian Duoliang.

"Boss, you can't just throw yourself away~~~" Tian Duoliang rolled around and wanted to roll back to hug Qingyun's leg.

Qingyun was so angry that he really wanted to jump up and kick Tian Duoliang to death. He sucked his teeth and looked at him coldly, "Shut up, don't talk nonsense if you don't know how to speak, is this what you use when you start messing up and then abandon it? That's fine, what am I Qingyun doing?" Is it time to be a person who doesn't care about the lives of his brothers?"

Don't you have no points in your heart?

The three of them only dared to mutter in their hearts.

"Okay, from now on, the three of you will be the Yamen's arresting servants. You know my rules. Take care of your own people. If you break my rules, it's useless if the king of heaven comes, you can kill without mercy!"

Black Bear: ...

Crazy Wolf: ...

Very good, in the future they will also have to study like Tian Duoliang, and try to cry, make trouble and roll over, and the results will be great.

"Don't worry about this. They obey you from the bottom of their hearts, worship you, and never touch the rules you set. Whoever dares to commit a crime, you don't need to say, I will be the first to chop off his head."

After his identity was settled, Crazy Wolf laughed again, as if he swore to be loyal to Qingyun to the death, no one could stop him from wanting to be loyal, and whoever stood in the way was in a hurry.

Those who came with them, who had never seen Qing Yun's disowning, cruel, and crazy appearance when he killed someone, who dared to touch his bad luck, was not tired of work.

What they say, the people below may be perfunctory, Qing Yun's words are definitely more effective than the emperor's old edict.

When he was in Guanshan County, Qingyun said that he was not allowed to harass the people, and he was not allowed to take advantage of the fire to rob. Look at those thorns, who dares to fart, is not an honest cat.

Qingyun rolled her eyes, who didn't know who, thought she couldn't see that they were acting together.

"I'm ugly to say, what's the situation in Qishan County, you've seen it, it's poor and remote, you don't have anything to ask for. According to Ma Zhubo, the Qishan County court has given up, and the county magistrate has not been sent for several years. What about the salary? There are none, and the yamen servants and arresters have already run away.

The dilapidation of the county government office is comparable to the ruined temple. As a county magistrate, I donated nine times out of ten. Not surprisingly, I will stay in Qishan County until my death. You will have no future with me. .I don’t have a salary as a county magistrate, and you don’t have a salary as a fast-moving yamen servant, so you still follow me? "

Tian Duoliang: "..."

Crazy Wolf: "..."

Black Bear: "..."

Du Chun'an: "..."

The four of them twitched fiercely, knowing that Qingyun is not a thing, but they didn't expect to be so not a thing, and they didn't even have wages for working for him.

So much money was found in Guanshan County, where did it go?Several large carts of gold, silver and jewelry are still there.

"My lord can make selfless devotion to the people of Qishan County. The lowly officials will follow the example of your lord and serve the people of Qishan County before you die."

Du Chun'an's heart ached, and he had a righteous expression on his face.

After the three of Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Heitong were stunned, they hurriedly shouted, "I'll do my best for the people of Qishan County for the sake of my lord." Seeing Qingyun's teeth sour, they are all better at acting than her .

Qingyun wiped his face, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the four of them, not to play tricks on them: "Brothers are determined to follow me, I, Qingyun, am not the kind of person who is ruthless and disregards the life and death of brothers. Take my private money Give the brothers monthly money."

The landlord's house has no surplus food!
If it wasn't for the raid on the Guanshan county government last time, and some money was stolen, she, the county magistrate, would starve to death.

Four pairs of eyes stared at Qingyun shiningly, Qingyun cast a glance at them in distaste, thought for a long time before saying: "In this way, your monthly payment is two taels, and the people below are paid one tael per month."

The four of them clicked their tongues, Qingyun was really stingy, but thinking about it just now, he wished he had to give them money to work, two or two is actually quite a lot, it is no problem to support a family, they are quite satisfied.

You go to farm, and the family does not have two taels of silver for one month of farming.So they have to be content, believe it or not, if they show that they don't like it, Qingyun will immediately turn his face and not give money.

This man is not a shameless person.

"My lord is wise and mighty!"

Crazy Wolf immediately flattered him.

Tian Duoliang Heixiong immediately followed suit, Qingyun raised his eyebrows and squinted at Crazy Wolf, and glanced at the three of them with a half-smile, and they immediately shut their mouths.

Tian Duoliang pondered over and over again, looked at Qingyun and said weakly: "My lord, I have no subordinates..."

"Get lost!" Qing Yun said furiously, "If you don't have men, you won't be able to find them by yourself. I didn't give you the people who are mad wolves and black bears."

The mother is a bitch, she finds someone to do things, and it doesn't count if she spends money, so she has to send him a soldier?If she wants soldiers, she needs to find some of them.

Wait, she seems to have a few soldiers!

Bai Yanheng's cold face flashed in his mind, Qingyun shook his head.Well, the lord, the general situation does not work.

Tian Duoliang still had a smile on his face when he was scolded, but he thought about Qingyun's words in his heart.Among the three arrests, he is the only commander in command, not so good!
"Have you decided on your names?" Qingyun looked at the mad wolf and black bear.

"Think it over, from now on, my name is Qin Lang." Crazy Wolf looked out at the sky full of stars and said.His surname is Qin, which is a homonym for wolf.

"Zhang Liang." Hei Xiong said.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, glanced at the two of them back and forth, and made a decision, "Okay, let's call it that, Qin Lang and Zhang Liang, and the household registration will be registered like this in the future."

The latter sentence was addressed to Du Chun'an, and Du Chun'an nodded.

"City gate, you send people to guard. Although Qishan County has only two streets, this county is not as peaceful and peaceful as it appears on the surface. I don't want to come here on the first day, and tomorrow morning there will be a dead body in the county government."

Qing Yun squinted her eyes to cover up the coldness in her eyes, and anyone who stood in her way, whether it was a human or a ghost, would be killed without mercy!

MMP, is it easy for her to live till now?

The catastrophe can be almost the same as Tang Monk learning scriptures.Finally, there is a place to settle down, and the head on the neck is not safe yet.

It's hard to live!
Ancient times are so dangerous!

Crazy wolf and black bear Tian Duoliang, the three of them looked at each other, their eyes flickering. There was too much content in these words. Could it be that Qingyun saw something?
The three of them carefully recalled everything from entering the city to now, except that the people in the county didn't go out, and they didn't find anything!

Du Chun'an lowered his eyes, guessing what the lord was implying.My lord listened to Ma Zhubo's words.

"Okay, it's getting late, you guys make arrangements! How to guard the city gate, you can discuss it yourself."

The goal was achieved, and Qingyun hurriedly drove people away.

(End of this chapter)

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