Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 218 Encircle the plot first 5 Ask for a monthly pass

Chapter 218 Encircle the plot first 5 Ask for a monthly pass
Du Chun'an, the owner of the horse, Bo, and the old man Li's family of three counted the leftover grain and dried vegetables in the backyard.

"Uncle Li, are you all here?" Du Chun'an asked.

When Boss Miao and the others left, they only took their things with them, and the rest belonged to Qingyun. The carts, ox carts and horses she bought, the grain copied from Guanshan, and the dried vegetables that Aunt Li Du Chunan and the others bought on the way Grain cloth and so on.

On the way here, Du Chun'an was in charge of making arrangements, how much food he ate and bought, the old man Li and his wife were responsible for this, and Du Chun'an didn't intervene.

"Most of them are here, and they can't be put in the yard. I let people put them in those rooms." Old man Li said, pointing to the yard over there.

There are several big houses in the backyard, dilapidated, without any beams, and the walls are also cracked. No one dares to live in them. If they fall down, they must not kill people!

The old man Li arranged for people to put the grain and cloth in, packed in sacks, so they were not afraid of being smashed.

"The horses and ox carts are locked behind the house."

"Uncle Li is still thoughtful. Then, let's start!"

Du Chun'an said that although he didn't care about the supplies, he knew how many supplies there were, and after calculating in his heart, the remaining supplies were about the same.

Ma Zhubo knew in his heart that it was mainly Du Zhubo and the old man Li who counted the supplies. They were the adults' right-hand men.

"Uncle Li, you two are in charge of counting, and I'm in charge of registration." Du Chun'an glanced at the bags of rice, and then called two yamen servants to come over and take care of sorting them out.

"Check the food first." Du Chun'an said, taking out his notebook to record, these are the assets of the county government.

The old man Li and the horse owner Bo and the two counted. The horse owner Bo was old and had to take a break after counting. Most of them were counted by the old man Li.

"... 130 bags of rice, 150 bags of white flour, and [-] bags of rough noodles..." After counting the food, Du Chun'an calculated the total, converted into catties, and frowned...

Counting twice a day, even half a year is not enough.

My lord has a weak foundation now, and he has to support so many people, so he has to find a way to save a share of the family business. It won't last long just by copying the things in Guanshan County.

Qishan County is poor, there are not many people who are poor, and there is no way to save a family business if they want to.

There are more than 200 people, and there is a lot of food to eat every day
Sad people!
When Du Chun'an and the others were counting, the little Qingtian followed them around.The child and Song Wenqian have been learning to read and write, and their aptitude is much better than Qingyun's. Not to mention that the speed of reading is improving day by day, and they will always reach it in a day.

Regardless of the small size of the child, he has plans in his heart. He and Song Wenqian have been learning to read and write. He is not interested in taking the imperial examination, but is very interested in doing business to make money.I don't know if this is the reason, but children are particularly sensitive to numbers.

Holding small stones and calculating on the ground, the Arabic numerals used were taught by Qingyun.Qingyun was worried that the vest would fall off, so he specially told the child not to tell it, this is a secret between the two brothers.

The child's mouth was really tight, and he smiled like a sneaky cat, guarding the secret of the two of them.

After the calculation, the boy's face was wrinkled into a ball, and the calculation was tens of thousands of catties, but there were so many of them, hundreds of them, and they couldn't eat it for half a year.


The child wiped the numbers on the ground with his feet, put his face in his hands and sighed, poor, if things go on like this, his elder brother will be overwhelmed by them sooner or later.

Hearing his sigh, Du Chun'an couldn't help but look at him, big kid, where are you worried?
After counting the grains, dried vegetables, pickled vegetables, etc., and recorded them one by one, there were still several pallets of boxes. When the old man Li was about to unpack the boxes, Du Chunan said, "Uncle Li, there are adults' clothes in the boxes, so there is no need to count them." , put it there, wait for the adult room to be cleaned up, and then move back to the adult room."

Old man Li didn't know, but Du Chun'an did. The boxes on the cart, the gold and silver utensils, and the antique calligraphy and paintings.Just exchanging those gold and silver utensils for money is a fortune, and antique calligraphy and paintings are even more valuable.

Wealth is moving!
It's not that Li Haohan Ma Zhubo is not a good person. Some things can be avoided if they can be avoided. People's hearts cannot stand the test.

At the beginning, when he saw the things he found, he was in a daze for a long time before he calmed down.Boss Miao and the others are Qingyun's loyal loyalists, and he was worried. After learning about the identities of Crazy Wolf and Black Bear, he was worried all the way, for fear that they would be killed halfway.

That is to say, Qingyun has no heart and no lungs, he should eat and drink what he should, and he is not worried at all.

After arriving at Mount Qi safely, Du Chun'an carefully thought about it. Crazy Wolf Black Bear Miao Boss and the others didn't become greedy. It is estimated that they are rough guys who don't know the value of antique calligraphy and paintings.

Hearing that it belonged to Qingyun, old man Li stopped opening the box, and then went to count the cattle, horses, and carts.

The child turned around, knowing what to do, and wanted to find his brother Qingyun, but then thought about it, his brother was busy during the day, so he would ask when the two brothers were asleep at night.


"Ma Zhubo, whose family owns the wasteland behind the county government office?" Tian Duoliang ran over and went straight to Ma Zhubo.

"Wasteland?" The backyard can also see the wasteland behind. Ma Zhubo walked a few steps and glanced behind, "The wasteland behind the county government office is unowned, not only behind the county government office, but also the wasteland behind our street. It's all ownerless."

There are only so many accounts in Qishan. In the past, some people thought about opening up wasteland. Later, because of the bandit robbery, the young ones couldn't stay and ran away. No one opened up the wasteland. It has been until now.

"Why are you asking this?" The horse owner Bo belatedly asked, does your lord want to open up wasteland?
"It's nothing, just ask casually, you are busy, I'm leaving." After asking the answer he wanted, Tian Duoliang walked away without stopping for a moment.

Du Chun'an glanced at Tian Duoliang's back, and continued to count the supplies with old man Li, and when he got to the back, he was in a panic.

Tian Duoliang left the backyard and ran to look for Qingyun, but he was surprised when he didn't see the mad wolf and black bear.

"My lord, the owner of the horse said that the wasteland behind our county office has no owner, and the wasteland behind this street has no owner."

"It's easy to do without a master."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, planning to build the county government with three basketball courts, with gardens, verandas and pavilions, etc., to enjoy the luxurious life of a general.

She used to have no capital, but now she has money, status and status, why should she wrong herself?
Qingyun circled a piece of land, took a big knife, and cut a circle on the wasteland, which was only half a meter wide. Tian Duoliang didn't know what Qingyun was doing. Seeing him chopping weeds, he went to find a sickle and a hoe, and messed around around. Cut a pass.

"What are you chopping?" Qingyun saw it hurting his eyes, picked up small stones and threw them at him.

"My lord, didn't you clean up the wasteland?"

Tian Duoliang looked around, the small piece of open space he cut out was bigger than Qingyun, and he felt a sense of accomplishment.

(End of this chapter)

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