Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 229 Want to open a small restaurant

Chapter 229 Want to open a small restaurant
Qingyun stepped out of the door in a daze, and for four hours, the cramming-style teaching was enough for even a god of learning. Under the devilish eyes of old man Song, she swallowed the dates wholeheartedly, memorized them by rote, and engraved them in her mind.

The sun was shining on his face, and the soft wind was blowing. Qing Yun, who closed his eyes, just wanted to feel the literary atmosphere, wake up his mind, and then frowned and opened his eyes.

The fart of literature and art, the vicious sun made her face hurt.

Kid Qingyun had already come out, so he didn't have to learn from Qingyun for four hours, he wrote big characters for an hour, and played with the children in Du Chun'an's family at the door.

There is nothing in the county government office, a few children have no toys to play with, the yard is noisy, they cannot run around, they are bored, one person is holding a twig, squatting on the ground to poke ants to play.

If the ants could talk, they would cry to death. They were a group of grasshoppers, walking well, and suddenly a giant pillar fell from the sky, standing in the middle of them...

Du Chun'an and the other children had a good time, and You Ge Neng had never played this kind of game before, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Qing Tian was absent-minded, played for a while and then turned to look at the back room, but no one came out, and continued to play with ants.

"Brother, have you finished studying?"

Qingtian turned his head to look at the back room again, and suddenly saw Qingyun coming out, the child threw a twig and ran over happily.

Qingyun looked down at him, the child was blushing, and his dark eyes were shining brightly at her.

"What are you playing, so happy?"

"Poke the ants!" Qing Tian curled his lips, he didn't play this game when he was three years old, today it's a foil, it's Mao Mao and his brothers and sisters who are having fun.

"My lord, good!"

The children of Du Chun'an's family saluted Qingyun when they saw Qingyun, and looked at Qingyun with bright eyes. The family members pointed out to them before that the one with the fairest face was the county magistrate.

Qing talked about it every day, how powerful my brother is, the bad guys trembled when they saw him, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

When a few children had never seen Qingyun show off his power, they heard others say that they almost felt that when they came to Qishan, they saw bandits blocking the road and robbed them, and they were scared away by the county magistrate.

After that, the children in Du Chun'an's family especially worshiped Qingyun, whose tall and mighty image surpassed Du Chun'an's father.

"Maomao, my brother is out, I won't play anymore, you play, I will come to you later." Qingtian said to his friends, and then pulled Qingyun out.

Qingyun glanced at the child, then at Du Chun'an's family, sucked his teeth, grinned and said, "Good boy!"

She really can't coax children!
Kid Qingtian pouted, and looked at the Mao Mao brothers and sisters defensively. If he had known that these brothers and sisters were here to snatch his brother, he would not have played with them.

"It's okay, come see us when you have time." Maomao waved his hands very boldly, and looked at Qingyun cheerfully.
Qingyun touched her face subconsciously, she always felt that this kid named Mao Mao looked at her a little strangely!

Qingyun originally planned to come out to help build tiles and repair the roof.Seeing the situation, she can't help, her little brother seems to have something to do with her!

The siblings left the county office and wandered the streets.

There were not many people on the street, and there were only a few of them. When they saw their siblings coming out of the county government office, they stared at them curiously, and then they did not pass by.

Most of the courtyard doors on both sides of the street were open. There were people working in the courtyard and people talking in the house. It was much more lively than when they entered the city that day.

Qingyun turned his head and glanced at the open doors of the courtyard guards on both sides. When the people in the courtyard saw her, they were first startled and shrank back in fright, then slowly looked over, their eyes slipped from her to Qingtian.

Qingyun could see that the child had something to do with her, Baozi's face was wrinkled, and she walked back with the child 20 meters away from the county office, but the child didn't notice.

Qingyun stopped, pinching the child's face, the chubby white face was reddened by her pinching, looking at the red marks, Qingyun felt guilty for a second, picked up the child, and then walked down the street.

"What's the matter? Tell me! Did you cause trouble, or was old man Song punished?"

For the sake of the red mark on the child's face, she had to make it up to him.

Qingtian turned his head, and suddenly saw a magnified face, he was startled, and later realized that he was being hugged by Qingyun, and the child's eyes lit up.

"Brother, when did you hug me!" The child hugged Qingyun's neck with both hands.

"When you're thinking about something," Qingyun gently bumped the child's head with his head, "you're a bigger person, you think about a lot of things. What you think about is so serious that you don't even know when you're hugged by Huazi."

Qing Tian smirked, "Isn't that with my brother! My brother won't let me be carried away, and with others, I won't do that."

What the child said is true.

"Brother, there is something I want to tell you." Qing Tian suddenly became serious, but Qing Yun was not used to it.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, looked at the child solemnly, clicked his tongue, and said with a straight attitude: "Speak, I'll listen."

"During the meal, I heard you tell the big brothers Crazy Wolf and Black Bear that the county government will not care about eating them from now on."

Qingyun nodded, "Don't worry about eating."

What does this have to do with children?
"When I was free before, I walked around the county town. The size of our county town doesn't even have a restaurant. The county government doesn't care about food, and Big Brother Crazy Wolf doesn't even have a place to eat."

After Qingtian finished speaking, she blinked and looked at him.

What does it have to do with her?People are alive, and they can find their own way!
Qing Yun tilted his head to look at the child, carefully savoring the child's words, but he didn't understand anything, and asked: "So?"

Qingyun was confused by the child's words, why didn't he see it before, this kid has a lot of eyes.

Think about when she was seven or eight years old, one intestine went straight to the end.Standing on horseback with a basin of water on top of your head, crying and rolling with the old man coquettishly, can you stand for an hour less, but the old man took a bamboo branch and gave you a small stir-fried pork. Now thinking about it, my whole body hurts.

It's not like this kid who turned ten or eight corners in one sentence.

"I want to open a small restaurant," after Qingtian said it, he smiled shyly, probably afraid that Qingyun would laugh at him, so he buried his face in Qingyun's neck.

"It doesn't need to be very big, one room is enough, cook a big pot of rice, stir-fry two dishes, Big Brother Crazy Wolf, Big Brother Black Bear, and the fast-moving yamen servants of the county government, all have places to eat."

Qing Tian kept thinking about this matter after eating.

The child said in the mine that he would earn a lot of money in the future and buy a lot of mines for Qingyun, but it was not empty talk, just lip service.

A man is a big man, what is said and the water that is spilled cannot be taken back, and the child has no intention of taking it back.

Mr. Song said, a real man is hard to chase after a word.Take his brother Qingyun as an example, as long as his brother promises, there is nothing that cannot be done.

 Looking at the collection and recommendation tickets at the speed of a turtle, I am impatient~~~

(End of this chapter)

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