Chapter 234

Qingyun was thinking, I wonder if there are Shaolin, Wudang Kongtong and other sects in this plane?
If there is, she will look for it. She doesn't need the best lightness kung fu in the world.


Today is everyone's last meal in the county government. Aunt Li deliberately took out the dried game that everyone hunted on the road, and stewed it with dried beans, dried mushrooms, sauerkraut, etc. in a random pot.

Everyone ate desperately, and had no idea of ​​saving Qingyun's food. After eating this meal, tomorrow's meal still doesn't know where it is.

"I walked around the county in the afternoon and felt the enthusiasm of the people. They were so enthusiastic that I couldn't bear the enthusiasm. As the parent officer of Qishan, tears welled up in my eyes.

After returning, I have been thinking about how to repay the deep love of the folks, so that I am worthy of the official uniform on my body. "

Qingyun delivered a speech full of emotion, but there was no movement at all. At first glance, everyone was scrambling for the meat in the pot, and no one listened to her.

Qingyun gritted her teeth, a group of rough men blinded her performance for nothing, before she glared at them, the naked eye could see that the meat in the pot was picked up by Tian Duoliang and the others, one by one with a chopstick, even Du Chun'an was not slow.

"You starving ghosts reincarnated?"

Qingyun scolded them viciously, quickly picked up two big pieces of meat into the bowl, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up two pieces, and then distributed one piece to the children, one piece to Song Wenqian, and one piece to the horse owner Bo, who was flattered glanced at her.

After Qingyun ate the piece in the bowl, he went to look at the pot, and there was only soup left.

Qingyun: "..."

When eating, she shouldn't be beeping blindly, trying to take advantage of outsiders, she only ate two pieces of a pot of meat.

Crazy Wolf, that madman, didn't even let the soup go, and wanted to take it away.

"Don't go too far!"

Qingyun pressed the pot and glared at him. Crazy Wolf glanced at Qingyun's job, took a breath, and finally withdrew his hand.

Qingyun changed a pot and made a big pot of rice, poured the soup on the rice and mixed it to eat.

"What did you just say?" Tian Duoliang, who was full, picked up his teeth with a thin grass stick.

Crazy Wolf and Black Bear rubbed their stuffed belly, while Du Chun'an finished eating the bottom of the bowl slowly, and then put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Qingyun swallowed the food in his mouth, "Tomorrow, in addition to those on duty, there will be guards at the city gate. Other people in the yamen will help the people in the county to harvest rice and eat."

It's useless for Qingyun to stop talking about unnecessary words.

"Help the people harvest rice?" Du Chun'an glanced at Ma Zhubo, and said slowly: "This is a good thing. Your Excellency loves the people in our county and wants to do something for the people. It's a good idea.

Since we entered the city, we have behaved honestly, worked in peace and contentment, and treated the common people with kindness and amiability.The common people treat us... the adults will do this, I am afraid that the common people will think too much! "

The owner of the horse looked at the crowd in embarrassment, the people in the city didn't believe the lord, and there was nothing he could do about it!

The owner of the horse got up and bowed his waist to salute, "Your Excellency, I have sent my two sons to lobby door to door, and the official also went to the door in person, people..."

"Mazhu Bo, you sit down first." Qingyun raised his hand to stop him, motioning him to sit first, "Chun'an has no other intentions, Mazhubo, don't think too much. Mazhubo is for the people. You can see it all.

You are not to blame for this matter, you have done your best, the common people don't believe in this official, and they don't trust the court, it's because the official and the court didn't do enough. "

Qingyun also knows the official words, but she doesn't usually use them often.

"When I was wandering around the county, I met an interesting man named Dajiang. We had a chat. There were a lot of people at Dajiang's house.

Chatting, talking here and there, talking about harvesting rice, and the conversation rushed there, and it turned out to be a catcher of the county government to help harvest rice.Don't worry this time, they won't think too much about it. "

Qingyun turned to look at Ma Zhubo, "Ma Zhubo, I will trouble you with this matter. Tomorrow, you will unify which accounts need to harvest rice. If there are too many accounts, divide them into several batches. The first batch will be collected on the first day. , Receive the second batch the next day, and so on. How to divide it is up to you.

Chun'an, you are in charge of the yamen, and all the people and things are arranged by you. If anyone dares to be a moth to me, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Qin Lang, Zhang Liang, you must tell the people below not to test my rules. "

"Yes, I respect your lord's order."

The four stood up and responded with one voice.


"Master, do you want to take a bath? Wait a minute, I'll get you water right away."

After Aunt Li cleaned up the dishes, she saw Young Master Qingtian surrounding her, took a cloth and dried her hands.

After Du Chun'an's parents and daughter-in-law helped clean up, the family fetched hot water and carried them back to their house.

After the roof was covered with tiles, Du Chun'an divided into two rooms, Song Wenqian had a room alone, Qingyun and Qingtian had a room, and Old Man Li's family of three had a room.

Others still sleep in the yard outside.

In the kitchen, there were only three members of Old Man Li's family.

Kid Qingtian pursed his lips, walked over and held Aunt Li's hand, and said very seriously: "Aunt Li, I want to tell you something, Uncle Li, just so you can listen."

Aunt Li's family of three looked at the child, pretending to be an adult with a stern face, it was funny watching, caring about the child's face, the family of three endured it.

"Young master, tell me, what's the matter?" Aunt Li took two small chairs and sat down on them.

Child Qingtian frowned and looked at Xiaodengzi, thinking of what to say next, he would not be able to finish it for a while, so he sat down hesitantly.

People are too short, and after sitting down, they have no weight.

"Aunt Li knows it! The yamen will no longer take care of food from tomorrow!" Qingtian kid looked directly at Aunt Li.

"I know, my lord said I don't care." Aunt Li laughed.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong and the others, will have to worry about tomorrow.

"I went to the streets in the afternoon. Our county is so poor that we don't even have a small restaurant. There are hundreds of people in the yamen who have no food to eat. They just want to spend money and have nowhere to buy it.

My brother doesn't say anything on the face, but he must be worried in his heart.Brother Daliang, they were brought by my brother, how can we really ignore them. "

These words, Qingyun kid pondered over and over again, and pondered for a long time before he figured it out.

"My lord is a good man!"

The three members of Mr. Li's family nodded. The adults are too soft-hearted, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live a good life now.

"There are a lot of things in the yamen, enough for my brother to be busy. Don't bother my brother about things like eating. After thinking about it, I'd better open a small restaurant, cook a meal, fry two dishes, and sell them, Aunt Li, what do you think?"

Kid Qingyun blinked and looked at Aunt Li expectantly.

Aunt Li's family of three were stunned.We had a good chat, why did it suddenly turn into a restaurant?

(End of this chapter)

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