Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 241 Do You Want To Collect Taxes?

Chapter 241 Do You Want To Collect Taxes?

"The food for the people in the county has been harvested, what do you think, sir?" Du Chun'an cupped his hands and made a bow, then looked at Qingyun.

"what idea?"

Qing Tian blinked and turned to look at Du Chun'an.She has no idea, and the rice is not hers, so what idea can she have.


Hearing Qing Yun's words, Du Chun'an was not surprised at all. His lord's thoughts have not yet turned around. He is an official of the imperial court and the county magistrate of Qishan.

"My lord, the imperial court has a decree that taxes must be paid after the grain is harvested. You are the county magistrate of Qishan, and the grain tax of Qishan will be collected by our county government in the future."

Du Chun'an is used to adults' blind eyes, and he doesn't know the court's express laws at all... Du Zhu'an is very worried, how long will your lord be able to be the county magistrate?
"Huh?" Shocked, Qingyun put down the bowl and chopsticks, pointed to his nose and asked, "I'm here to collect taxes? Is there a mistake?"

No wonder he came here early in the morning to block her, and he dared not tell her in the yamen. The horse owner Bo squats in the yamen every day, and Du Chunan wants to raise taxes in front of him. Don't even think about it. Scold white-eyed wolf.

The official affairs in Qishan County were done by Ma Zhubo and Du Chun'an during these days.

"The court's express regulations are like this. My lord is the magistrate of Qishan County. My lord can't shirk the tax collection. Whether the tax can be collected is related to whether the performance is good or bad, and it is even more related to the future of my lord."

Du Chun'an silently pointed to Qingyun. When he was in Guanshan County, the former county magistrate used all means to improve his political achievements and collect grain taxes, so the granary was full.

If it hadn't been for a sudden natural disaster, the food in those granaries alone, and a little bit of management up and down, would have allowed him to rise to the top, which is indispensable for a magistrate.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Du Chun'an.

"There is no future, Chun'an, don't even think about taxation, I won't do it, at least at this stage I can't collect taxes.

Qishan has not had a magistrate for many years, and the people here are accustomed to not paying taxes.For so many years, Qishan has not paid taxes, and the imperial court has not sent anyone to Qishan to collect taxes. What does that mean?It shows that the imperial court doesn't care about the tax in Qishan County.

The imperial court doesn’t collect taxes, and I’m not too full to support myself, I’m too busy to have anything to do, and meddling in my own business, the imperial court may not remember my kindness.

What am I doing such a thankless thing?Taxes are collected as soon as I come, and the group of people in the county town can't poke me in the back and scold me?

A few days ago, my brothers and I worked tirelessly, worked hard, and worked hard for a few days before we gained the reputation of a "good person". Once the tax is collected, isn't it for nothing?Don't say anything in front of me, but call me a dog official behind your back.I don't do business that loses money. "

She planned to live in Qishan for the elderly, but it made Qishan go crazy, do you want to think about it?

Qingyun sucked his teeth, raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Du Chun'an, this kid is not a thing, and he came to persuade her to do bad things again.

Well, Du Chun'an has been the master in Guanshan for ten years, and he is used to all the invisible operations of the court.

She came to Qishan to be the county magistrate just to retire in Qishan, and the affairs of the court have nothing to do with her.

Shan Gao is far away from the emperor, whoever can control her, just assume that Qi Shan does not have her as the county magistrate, and it will be the same as before.

Of course, she must not let the people below know about her retirement, not to mention other people, only Du Chun'an...

This man is ambitious.

She is not afraid that her subordinates have ambitions, if it is a big deal, she will fall apart. She is afraid that it doesn't matter if the subordinates themselves have ambitions, and she will encourage you to follow a long-term ambition.

Yay bah!

Tian Duoliang has a few crazy wolves and black bears, not to mention things, he likes to encourage her to do bad things, it's all thanks to her kind nature, she resisted the temptation, and didn't bow to the evil forces.

Sometimes when she thinks about it, Qing Yun even touches herself, if she really listened to their advice, she would not know what she would become.

Du Chun thought to himself, if an adult collects taxes, it would be easy to scold a dog official, and someone must throw feces and urine into the county government at night.

"I think you all know how I came to be the county magistrate. My old man donated it from his official position. I don't even have a salary. I pay for it myself to support you... If you talk too much, you will cry!

You see, the imperial court has long since given up on me and the county of Qishan. Whom should I tax?It doesn't make sense to collect taxes or not. There are only two hundred households in the county. How much food do you think can be collected?
That's the way it is in the imperial court, let's go in one ear and out the other, just let it go like a fart, don't worry so much.

We are not short of that little food, but the people in the county are different, it is life-saving food for them. "

Qingyun rolled his eyes at Du Chun'an's dark face, not afraid of being shocked by him at all, besides, she didn't say anything outrageous.

Having said that, she never thought about taxation. The point is, she didn't have this awareness.The county magistrate of Touyigan is not familiar with the business!

However, she kept this matter in mind.

"...My heart is towards the imperial court, but our Qishan is different from other counties. Didn't you notice? In the first few years, Qishan had no county magistrate, no taxes were collected, and the people in the county were all skinny. , It looks like you haven’t eaten enough for a long time?

If I collect food again, do you think they can still survive?I will be the next Guanshan county magistrate.The people depend on food, and there is no way to survive. The next step is the people's rebellion. The reasons are ready-made.Don't think I'm scaring you, the rabbit bites when it's in a hurry! "

Thinking of the thin bodies of the people in the county town, Du Chun'an fell silent.During these days, I was busy with the affairs of the county government, and the conditions of the people in the city, except for the dilapidated houses and patched clothes, I never thought about it.

Just when he was about to open his mouth, Qingyun waved his hand to stop him, and said coldly, "Don't talk about those high-sounding, righteous bullshit. As an official, you are doing your duty for the court. The bullshit that the court is training me, and the court will not abandon the people. talk.

If you go to the city and ask, even a three-year-old will not believe it.They have long since lost hope in the imperial court.To say something disrespectful, the imperial court is not even a fart in their hearts. "

Similarly, to Qing Yun, he is nothing but worthless.

Du Chun'an lowered his eyes, as if his mind had wandered into the sky.He was also rolling his eyes from the bottom of his heart, as if he didn't know that the imperial court was in the heart of the adults, so it was nothing like a fart.

"The imperial court doesn't care about us. We are just happy to be free and don't have to deal with the messy affairs of the imperial court. I heard that the emperor is about to die, and the imperial court can't take care of itself. The princes are going to make trouble again. The Dayong Dynasty is really turbulent. Maybe..."

Qingyun clicked his tongue, according to their way of doing things, in the end, all the princes died, and the Dayong Dynasty had to change their masters.

Qingyun glanced at it, and the few native-born Dayong people in the room finally suppressed the words.

(End of this chapter)

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