Chapter 255

"Treat the body in the same way as the person." Qingyun squinted his eyes and said.

The three of them shook their heads to express that they didn't understand. Scholars are troublesome, and they have to drag out words when they say something. They are rough people, and no one can understand what he said.

"The meaning of that sentence is, how you treat me, I will treat you. He is the first day of the junior high school, and I am the fifteenth. The people in Guiguzhai did not take a batch of food from our county, and we did it from the county. They took it back from their hands." Qingyun said lightly.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Hei Xiong were silent, and then the three of them looked at each other, and then at Qingyun.

"How do you seize it? We've been gone all night, and there's not even a shadow of a ghost, and we can't catch up no matter how much we chase. We don't know where Guiguzhai's lair is." Hei Xiong said.

The three of them looked at Qingyun with great annoyance. They also wanted to grab food, but they couldn't find the old nest of Guiguzhai. Where could they go to grab it?
"We don't know what's going on in Guigu Village. Just our little people, if we get into people's lair, they won't be enough to kill them." .


Qingyun gave the three of them a blank look, and was really worried about himself.When I was in the mine, I didn't see them so stupid. Why did they become so stupid after following her?Why should she worry about it? What's the use of raising them?

"Ma Zhubo once mentioned that the rice on the Qishan side is half a month later than that on the south side. Originally, they had to wait a few days before harvesting the rice. Send food to Guigu Village.

I guess there must be more than one village controlled by Guiguzhai.The other villages don't have to build walls to make money. The rice won't be harvested in advance, and the food hasn't been delivered yet. If you send people to watch those villages, you will definitely find the ghost valley village. "

In the eyes of Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong, there was a bright light. It was a good idea. At the same time, he was annoyed, why didn't he think of it?

"The Eighteen Villages have existed steadily until now, and have not been wiped out by the government. Apart from the inaction of the government, there are many bandits and the hidden terrain, the people will not let the people send food to the village."

Qingyun stroked his chin and pondered, "There must be a special way of communication between them. You just need to keep an eye on them. When those villages take action, we will make arrangements in advance to grab the food and catch them by surprise."

Kill their prestige and let Shibazhai know who is the king of Qishan.

"Aren't there eighteen villages in Qishan? Let's build a nineteenth village, grab a batch and hide them in another place, and let them arrest people all over the mountains and plains!" Qingyun said quietly.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear are not stupid. After listening to Qingyun's prompt and thinking about it carefully, the more they think about it, the happier they are.

There is nothing in the boundary of Qishan, but there are many mountains, the mountains are endless, the trees are big and the forests are deep, and people can't find them if they drill into the mountains.

"...And then there will be someone who borrows a knife to kill someone."

Qingyun's sinister moves, one move after another.

"My lord, what do you mean, in the name of Shibazhai, we intercepted the food of Guigu Village, blamed it on other villages, and let them eat dogs?" Tian Duoliang rubbed his chin with a smirk.

Qingyun wants to make the people in Shibazhai riot, and then they will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This kid Qingyun is really bad!he likes!

Qingyun squinted at Tian Duoliang, this is not very obvious, she has said it so clearly, if she still doesn't understand, she will kick him to death.

Crazy wolf and black bear don't say such stupid things.

"That's right! You can't borrow a knife to kill people indiscriminately. For example, if we want to rob Guigu Village of food, you have to investigate clearly, which village has an enmity with Guigu Village, and we will act in the name of his enemy's village."

Tian Duoliang, the crazy wolf and the black bear looked at Qingyun with fear, respect and love, thinking that this kid is really nothing, too bad, and at the same time rejoicing that they are not Qingyun's enemies, otherwise they would not die Know.

There are examples to follow, such as mines, such as the county magistrate of Guanshan.

"Where should the food be brought back?" Crazy Wolf glanced at the county government that was doing a lot of construction work over there, "The county government built a wall, and there are so many people here every day. We can't hide anything from them."

"Don't worry about them. Qishan is such a big place, just find a hidden cave to hide. Leave the guards on duty at the city gate and the yamen, and the rest will set off in batches." Qingyun had already made up his mind.

"By the way, you go to the library to look for a map of Mount Qi, and write down the route. After lunch, I will use hunting as an excuse to lead people into the forest. You can discuss who will go first, and the others will go at night."

After Qing Yun finished speaking, the three of Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear immediately looked defensively at the other two. They all wanted to go first and others to follow.

After the four of them broke up, the three of them went straight to the county government library, and Qingyun also wanted to go to the study to look at the map. Seeing the three of them, you won't let me, I won't let you, so they pushed away, clicked, Go back to the county government office to find old man Song.

When passing by the kitchen, I remembered something, Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear and the others went out, and the children didn't have to cook so many meals.

Qingyun entered the kitchen, Aunt Li and the others were so busy cutting and washing vegetables, no one noticed that Qingyun came in.

Qingyun glanced, the child was not here, turned around and went out.In the yard, I saw children playing with Du Chun'an's children.

Qingyun glanced at the child's flushed face, thought for a while, didn't go to look for him, and told him when it was time to eat.

"Brother, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Qingyun turned around, a child's voice came later, Qingyun turned around and saw the child running towards him.

"Well," Qingyun squatted down, looked at the child at the same level, and wiped the sweat off the child's head, "I heard that there is a big tiger in Qishan, Brother Daliang and the others are going to hunt in the forest, don't feed so many people these few days. "

"Okay! Then, will brother go?" His brother is also a person who can't stay.

"Go, I'll go and have a look too. You go and play!" Qingyun squeezed the child's face and left.


"Old man, are you familiar with Qishan Land Realm?" Qingyun ran to Song Wenqian, and seeing him and old man Li weaving straw mats under the eaves, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

This is too busy to panic!
Seeing that the two of them had business to talk about, Old Man Li took the straw mat and walked away.

"Know the general direction, but don't know the detailed route."

Song Wenqian didn't ask Qingyun what he was going to do, he took a branch and drew on the ground.

"This place is the boundary of our Qishan Mountain. There is a pine and cypress at the intersection. Where you left the mark, go to the left from that road... Do you remember?"

Qingyun nodded, reconfirmed that the map she memorized was consistent with the one drawn by old man Song, wiped the map with the sole of her shoe, and the ground was completely clean, thinking about things while walking, and walked to the yamen.

"My lord, you should need this thing."

On the way, Du Chun'an came over, stuffed a roll of paper into Qingyun's hand, and left again.

 Thank you for being speechless, Fei, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
  The second watch, the last watch is in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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