Chapter 257 The First Stop

The horse owner Bo had no choice but to tell the county magistrate where tigers appeared, and told him to be careful in everything, and if he saw a tiger, let the arresters do it.

Qingyun nodded, and suddenly said embarrassedly: "By the way, are there any villages nearby? Is there anything we should avoid? With so many of us popping up suddenly, I'm worried that the common people will be frightened, thinking that we are robbers and bandits!" "

The latter sentence, Qingyun said jokingly.

"Your Excellency is right," the horse owner Bo was taken aback, thinking that he hadn't thought of this question just now, "There are indeed two villages nearby, about the size of our county seat, one is Mojia Village and the other is Dama Village. Mojia Village of the villagers..."

Ma Zhubo not only told about these two villages, but also told the county magistrate about any taboos in the big and small villages in Qishan County.The magistrate of Shengde County didn't know, and he accidentally touched other people's taboos without knowing it.

"Thank you Ma Zhu Bo, it is my luck to have Ma Zhu Bo sitting in the county government, and it is also the blessing of Qishan County." Qing Yun wrote down what Ma Zhu Bo said, and bowed his hands to thank him for his reminder.

"My lord, you are serious! You are too serious!" The owner of the horse returned the gift flattered, guilty of not daring to look him in the eyes, thinking of them delivering food to the bandits behind the county magistrate's back
After lunch, Qingyun left Bai, Bai, Bai, Bai, Bai and three three to protect Qingtian and Song Wenqian, and personally prepared the equipment for entering the mountain.

No one was willing to stay until night, and in the end Qingyun took Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf, Hei Xiong and a group of them away in a mighty way.

All the people who came to work in the county government heard that the county magistrate's old man was celebrating his birthday, and the county magistrate took people into the forest to hunt tigers.

The common people sighed unceasingly, the county magistrate is not a big man, and he is not small in courage.It is also said that the county magistrate is filial, and in order to celebrate the old man's birthday, he enters the forest regardless of his own safety.

Heiba ​​often pays attention to the movement of the county government, and when he receives the news, Qingyun has already led people into the forest.

Heiba ​​thought for a while and went to find Boss Miao.

"Uncle, the county magistrate has brought people into the forest to hunt. There are not many arrests in the county government office. Uncle Song and the county magistrate's younger brother are still in the county government office. They are old and young. Shall we send people to the county government office to help The county magistrate will take a look."

Boss Miao glanced at the village that was about to be completed, and said, "You're right, the county magistrate is not here, we need to help him take care of the house. You take someone there, listen to Uncle Song's orders, and discuss things with Uncle Song. "

"I see."

After leaving the city gate, they walked along the avenue for half an hour, away from the sight of the county seat, Qingyun and his group turned into the forest, and traveled through the mountains and forests according to the plan in advance.

Tian Duoliang walks to the front, Crazy Wolf and Qingyun walk in the middle, and Black Bear cuts off its tail.Qingyun always finds a secret place to mark at intervals.

"Master Qing, are you... making a mark?"

Crazy Wolf saw that he was holding a dagger, and carved a character under the root of a small tree under the rock, a character that he had never seen before.

"Well, if you get lost, you can get out according to the guidance of this character. Let's go!"

After climbing over several mountains, Qingyun and the others stood on the large rocks suspended on the mountainside, looking at the endless mountains and forests in the distance.

The mountains are high and the forests are dense, except for the forests, there are still forests. Without a guide who knows the way, it is really easy to get lost in the forest.

"Where did you go?"

Qingyun didn't answer the three of them. Every once in a while, Qingyun would ask this question to deepen the three of them's memorization of the terrain.

At first, Tian Duoliang walked ahead, entered the woods, and picked a direction. Tian Duoliang took the lead and walked forward. He got lost while walking. He couldn't look at the direction, and he looked the same everywhere.

Crazy Wolf and Black Bear knew a little bit of common sense, but couldn't do practical operations. After a few laps, everyone didn't know where they were, and finally Qingyun came to lead the way.

Qingyun's wayfinding skills were taught by Song Wenqian, and she taught them three without reservation, and the brothers below were taught by them three.

"Turning two more mountains, we will be Gaojia Village in Gaoliang Bay." Tian Duoliang said, turning on the kettle and drinking water.

"Can you enter the village?" Hei Xiong looked at Qingyun.

"No, with so many of us entering the village, the villagers thought that robbers had entered the village. Send a few brothers over to find out the situation." Qing Yun shook his head, they came to set foot on the ground, what kind of village did they enter, in case they startled the snake...

"Crazy wolf, do all the brothers under the contact code understand?" Qing Yun turned to him and asked him.

"I remember it all," Mad Wolf said.

"It's getting dark. Find a place to spend the night nearby. It's best to find a cave. It's dangerous to spend the night in the forest at night. Lighting a fire at night can easily reveal your location. There is no such concern in caves." Qingyun rubbed his chin and pondered for a while can speak.

The three of them all understand Qingyun's concerns.

Lin Dashan is high, who knows which hill hides bandits.Lighting the fire at night is not to tell the bandits that there is a problem in the woods.

Hei Xiong ordered a few clever brothers and went to Gaojia Village to investigate the situation. Crazy Wolf took a few brothers to find the cave. Tian Duoliang thought about it and took a few brothers to hunt for prey.

Qingyun looked down at the mountain forest below, his gaze swept across the forest inch by inch, looking at the gray mountains in the distance, he didn't know what to think about.

Half an hour later, Mad Wolf came back.

"There is a cave in front of it, and there is a big open space inside. I went in and looked at it. It's no problem to stay overnight."

"Leave a few brothers here to wait for Tian Duoliang and the others, and let the rest go!" Qing Yun said.

A group of people went to the cave. The entrance of the cave is small, and only four or five people can walk side by side. Walking down for about ten meters, there is a large open space, which can accommodate five to six hundred people.

Several fires had been burned in the clearing. Some brothers took homemade torches and checked around the clearing, but found no wild beasts living in the cave.

Twenty meters or so further in, there is a tiankeng, black and bottomless.Throw the torch down, and soon there will be no light spots.

Tian Duoliang brought back a lot of wild game, most of which were rabbits and pheasants. He also brought back a wild boar, which weighed about three hundred catties.Bloody all the way, carried back to the cave.

There was no water in the cave, the game was killed and peeled, and all the internal organs were thrown into the sinkhole, skewered and roasted.

The whole wild boar is racked and roasted.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Black Bear's grilling skills are good. When he came out, he thought of this situation, brought a large bag of salt, and sprinkled salt on it while turning it over. The action was very skillful.

"Hei Xiong, I didn't expect you to have such a hand." Tian Duoliang rubbed against Hei Xiong, looking surprised.

Qingyun joined in the fun and went to watch it. She knows how to grill, but only when it is done. She is envious of all those who can cook.

"I used to live in the rivers and lakes. There wasn't much to eat on the mountain, and I couldn't grab the food from the villagers down the mountain. When I was hungry, I went to the mountain to hunt game and roast it. If there was too much roasting, it would be enough."

Qingyun clicked his tongue, and was about to make fun of Heixiong, when the crazy wolf outside the cave came in, saw Qingyun and said: "The brother who went to Gaojia Village is back."

 Thank you, not cute, the prehistoric girl, Shunda smokes and drinks, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  There are two more chapters, come tonight????
(End of this chapter)

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