Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 266 Waiting Chapter 264

Chapter 266 Waiting Chapter 264
Everyone retreated behind Qingyun, only the pack of wolves and the wolf carcasses on the ground were left on the battlefield, the ground was still blood-stained, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Can't tell if it's a wolf or a human.

The pack of wolves was about to move, staring at the two-legged monster opposite, and slowly moved forward, with their mouths open and roaring, their fangs gleaming white.

The murderous intent in Qingyun's eyes disappeared in a flash.

As soon as her murderous intent leaked, the advancing wolves suddenly became agitated, as if they were threatened by the species at the top of the biological chain, and they didn't know who was threatening them.

The wolves growled lowly, and the suppression of the natural blood pressure forced the wolves to dare to take a step forward. The vigilance of the wolves told them to step forward and step into the opponent's territory.

The wolves became more and more agitated, murderous intent enveloped them all the time, they had no choice but to lower their haughty heads, growling lowly, pawing the ground restlessly with their front legs, and bent their hind legs, as if about to kneel down.

The wolf king who was squatting behind the pack of wolves stood up instantly when the murderous intent emerged from the blue cloud, leaped onto the collapsed roof, raised the wolf's head high, and looked at the two-legged monster opposite.

That Twoleg is different, it feels dangerous to it!

The wolf king raised his head to the bright moon in the sky, and let out a wolf howl, "Awow", to appease the restive wolves.

The wolf cub also sensed the danger. The strange thing from the opposite side saw the wolf king on the roof, and then jumped onto the roof, grinning fiercely at Qingyun.

Under the comfort of the wolf king, the wolves gradually calmed down, and slowly retreated, exited the courtyard, and retreated to the abandoned house opposite.

When the wolf king saw the wolf cub's act of dying, human helplessness flashed in the wolf's eyes, the wolf's head gave him another push, the wolf cub turned to stare at it, and then bared his teeth at Qingyun again.

Qingyun saw the strangeness of the wolves, but she never imagined that she was the one who caused the strangeness of the wolves.

As the saying goes: "I will kill you while you are sick."

Qingyun didn't bother to think why the wolves didn't attack, he clenched his fists and walked towards the wolves.

The wolf king saw that the two-legged monster on the opposite side wanted to slaughter its people, so he jumped off the roof and let out a wolf howl. Hearing the wolf king's order, the wolves parted ways to let the wolf king pass.

The tall and strong wolf king shook his shiny fur, walked gracefully on his strong limbs, like an emperor patrolling his territory, walked past the soldiers on both sides, and headed towards Qingyun.

The wolves made such a big noise that even Qingyun was embarrassed to attack.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, his teeth were a little sour, what is a wolf doing so coquettishly?Thinking about the pomp of the wolf king, and then thinking about her pomp, I suddenly felt a little sad!
Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear, are not competent for their duties!Not as good as a group of beasts!
The wolf king stared at Qingyun and let out a wolf howl.

Qingyun's eyes were a bit complicated, she somehow understood it, and it was only after she understood it that she felt weird!

This guy is going to challenge her one-on-one!

One-on-one to decide the outcome.

Qing Yun gritted her teeth, looked down at the wolf king, then at the pack of wolves, and the wolf cub who was mixed in with the pack of wolves and kept baring their teeth at her.

Qing Yun wiped off her sweat, her life has fallen, she is about to be reduced to a one-on-one fight with a wolf, she is sorry for the ancestors of the Shangguan family.I don't know if the old man will jump up and whip her dead body in anger when he finds out.

"bring it on!"

Qingyun grinned, inexplicably excited!He hooked his fingers towards the wolf king, very frivolously.

The wolf king stared at Qingyun's finger for three seconds, and galloped towards Qingyun like a gust of wind. The wolf's mouth opened, and the target was Qingyun's throat.

Vicious enough, the attack is the deadly place!
Qing Yun's eyes flickered, he raised his fist, and when the wolf king jumped in front of her, he backed away to avoid the wolf's head's attack, and at the same time, his fist slammed down mercilessly.


When the boxer hit the wolf's head, Qing Yun withdrew most of the force, and only three points hit the wolf's head.

Three points are enough!
The wolf king only felt that there was a mountain falling on its head, and it made stars shine in its eyes. The wolf king shook the wolf's head, still thinking about fighting back, and then fell down.

Wolf King: "..."

Since it ruled the wolves, it has never lost such a big wolf face.

The wolf king struggled, wanting to get up and revive the wolf power.But its wolf body did not live up to it, its limbs twitched, and it couldn't struggle no matter how hard it struggled.

When the wolf king fell down, the wolves immediately became agitated, and they never dared to cross that dangerous line.

Seeing the wolf king fall, the wolf cub glared fiercely at Qingyun and bared his teeth, and then drove the pack of wolves to hunt the two-legged monster.The wolves were in a commotion, and no matter how the wolf cubs drove them, they did not dare to step out.

The wolf cub was so angry that he whimpered "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

Qing Yun raised her eyebrows, she had wanted to beat up this wolf cub for a long time, the first time she saw him, she guessed that the thing peeping at her during the day was the wolf cub.

What a daring thing, dare to drive the wolves to kill her.

If it weren't for her lack of knowledge, it was a rare thing to see a child raised by a wolf in this legend for the first time, so Qing Yun planned to spare his wolf's life.

Capital crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes are unforgivable!
If you don't teach him a painful and profound lesson, you will be sorry for yourself.

The wolf cub rushed over, but he didn't bump into Qingyun's body. Qingyun's fist landed on the wolf cub's head quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly.


The wolf cub felt a heavy boulder hit him on the head, the pain caused his eyes to burst into tears, and the golden stars in front of his eyes revolved around him, holding his head and screaming.

After Qingyun finished beating the wolf cub, his mood suddenly brightened, and he watched the wolf cub rolling with great interest.

Wolf King: "..."

Suddenly feel very ashamed, what's going on?

The wolf cub he raised had to accept his fate even if he was ashamed, and comforted his own cub with "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".How many times have you said horses, don't provoke them, if you don't listen, you will suffer!

The wolf cub rolled around a few times, howled a few times towards the wolf king, and received that punch, which aroused his ferocity even more, staring at Qingyun ferociously, and rushed to fight back like a cannonball.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows and chuckled lightly, she liked this kind of self-abuse-style teasing that was beyond her control.

Bear boy smokes for a long time!
She is not the parent of the bear child, so it doesn't hurt to beat the wolf.This time, she mastered the strength well, and the wolf cub was dizzy and his limbs trembled, but he was able to get up.


The wolf cub fell!
Come again!


The wolf cub fell!
Get up and come again!


Behind Qingyun, Tian Duoliang and the others looked at the immobile wolf king, and then at the wolf cubs who were huddling together again and again. They were inexplicably happy and wanted to laugh!

I thought to myself, the danger at night seems to be over.

Life, finally saved, it's not easy!
The wolves watched their wolf king and his cubs being beaten up by the Twolegs, and thought to themselves: The wolf pack is over.

 Thank you Tangli Yishusha, Hu, 20191124184817354, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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