Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 280 Are You Like Bandits?

Chapter 280 Are You Like a Bandit?

village head:"……"

Villagers: "..."

This seemingly young boy is not a good stubble, this is the voice of the village chief and the villagers.

He Shui's heart was as thick as a bucket, and he circled around the boy foolishly.

He Da secretly glanced at the village chief, and couldn't tell if the village chief was angry, but he was definitely angry, or the village chief would be angry too.But seeing the third child desperately surrounding the boy, he went over and pulled him back.

There is no wink!

"Master Qing, you are here, making it easy for us to find. The bandits are over, and the brothers are waiting for you!"

When Crazy Wolf saw the villagers in the cave, he was about to ask "Have you found any villagers?", but he was able to swallow it back, and cleverly changed the sentence.

Qingyun nodded, then asked the village chief, "Do you want to come down the mountain with us?"

After hearing this, the villagers felt unbelievable, excited and apprehensive, and talked about it one after another.

"The bandits are over?"

"These people are so powerful? How about one or two hundred bandits?"

"Who are they? Will they trick us out like bandits?"

"You're right. As soon as the bandits came, they came too. Did they discuss with the bandits that one would sing the red face and the other the bad face?"

"Hey, don't speak so loudly, it's not good for them to hear you."


Qingyun who was heard: "..."

The voices of the villagers were very loud. Qingyun heard it, Tian Duoliang and the others heard it, and village head He Shui also heard it.

The village chief's face was as black as carbon ashes, wishing he could kill those blunt and thoughtless things.Knowing that others are not easy to mess with, but still talking so loudly, do you think you have lived too long?
Glancing at the smiling young man and the others, the young man seems to be a kind person, but the ones who came later are hard to say!

Look at the knives they held in their hands, they were soaked in human blood, the scarlet blood was dripping down, and human blood was splashed all over their faces and bodies.

And this frail boy, who can be promoted as the leader by these fierce men, is by no means as frail and kind as he appears on the surface.

These men called him "Qing Ye", which shows that he is not a good stubble, if he gets angry, he will have good fruit to eat.

A bunch of idiots!
"To shut up!"

The village chief turned his head and yelled, and the villagers were stunned by the roar. They glanced at the village chief's gloomy face, and all shrank their heads, not daring to say anything.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, it seemed that the village chief had quite a lot of prestige among the villagers.

Qingyun glanced at the crowd, smiled and said to the village chief: "The bandits have been wiped out and will not come again, everyone can rest assured.

The cave is damp, damp and not ventilated. It is not a problem if you are all crowded in the cave. The adults are fine, but the elderly, children and injured people are prone to infection. It is best to move to an open place.

Before it gets dark, the fire in the village is not too big, so hurry down to fight the fire.

A broken house is worth tens of thousands of gold, and as many things as can be snatched back, it is better than being burned by fire.Village head, what do you think? "

After being awakened by Qingyun, the village head patted his head annoyed, no wonder he felt that there was something important he didn't do, but he just couldn't remember it, and it was all because the villagers made a fuss, which made his mind messed up.

"Okay, stop arguing, those who can still move, take a breath, hurry down the mountain to fight the fire. Your own things are as much as you can get back."

After being yelled at by the village chief, the villagers froze for a moment, then seemed to come back to their senses suddenly, screamed, and ran down the mountain like crazy, as if they were desperate.

Can you not be crazy?

They are poor, but the quilts, clothes, furniture, pots and pans, and other things in the house have spent most of their lives. If a fire catches them, they will not survive.

When the villagers rushed out, Qingyun stood aside in a hurry, and Tian Duoliang, crazy wolf and black bear did the same.

Just as the village chief said, everyone who was able to move and pant ran down the mountain, not only adults, but also the elderly and children. The villagers who thought they were only slightly injured and had no broken arms or legs also went down the mountain.

The hula-la group ran away in the blink of an eye, and only the village head and He Shuiqingyun were the only villagers left in the cave who were too seriously injured to leave.

"Aren't you going down the mountain to grab things?" Qingyun looked at He Shui, and He Shui's brother ran down the mountain with the crowd.

"I..." He Shui looked at Qingyun, then at the village chief, and then at the boy eagerly. He wanted to stay and see what the boy was up to.

Qingyun asked casually, and without looking at him after the question, he turned to Tian Duoliang and said, "Notify the brothers, and help the villagers put out the fire together."

"Okay!" Tian Duoliang walked away, thought for a while, then fell back and dragged He Shui away.

Qing Yun turned around to go down the mountain, paused, and raised his feet to go to the cave.

"Master Qing," the village chief's face changed when he saw the boy going to the cave, and he shouted from behind in a hurry.

All the food in the village was hidden in the cave. The fire burned the village, and the village head was not so anxious. He had food in his hands and someone, so he didn't worry about not being able to build the village in the future.

If there is no food...

Right now, the teenagers saved the lives of their entire village, and they are their benefactors on the surface, but benefactors don't mean they are good people.

What if they are the same kind of people as bandits?
The village head has to guard against it!
"Is something wrong?"

Qing Yun looked back at him, saw the village chief's strange expression, and raised his eyebrows.So nervous, is there something wrong with the cave?

"The cave is full of injured villagers, and children's shit, which doesn't smell very good... Let's go down the mountain to talk." The village chief said cautiously.

"I see that the villagers are seriously injured, and I want to see their wounds. Since the village chief finds it inconvenient, then forget it. Let's go down the mountain."

Qingyun turned around and came out, and glanced at Crazy Wolf and Heixiong. Crazy Wolf and Heixiong also noticed the abnormality of the village chief. They glanced at the cave and followed Qingyun out.

Seeing the boy and the others go out, the village chief wiped off the cold sweat that frightened his head, and served the injured villagers in the cave, "You guys stay here well, the injuries are too serious to move around, I will call you later." People will bring medicine up, and when the village is settled, send them up to pick you up."

"Village chief, don't worry, we won't go anywhere, we won't cause trouble to the village, we'll recuperate in the cave and wait for you to pick us up."

The village chief was satisfied, and hurriedly caught up with the young man and the others.

Qingyun clicked her tongue, and there was nothing wrong with her words. I don't know if she suspected that there was something wrong with the cave. Anyway, in her ears, those words were very problematic!
A group of people went down the mountain.

"Village chief, is our Qishan village often attacked by bandits? I think your village is quite experienced in dealing with it." Qingyun said casually.

Fart experience!

If they had experience, so many people would not have died!
Thinking that they were still alive at noon, they got together and chatted, saying that this year's harvest is good, and there will be a lot left after paying the grain. Everyone is happy... Now those few people are dead, and their bodies are cold.

 Thanks to north latitude 32, Lonely を Tianhan, Hailongtian, gexuan, withered leaves know autumn night, Drunk material Xianzhong, 110415104123/20191220073333905, Susu and slow, [-], speechless, [-], listening to the wind, fate comes and goes, piece of forest, lost Fairy Huan, Moonlight Cloud Stone, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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