Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 284 People from Tianlang Village

Chapter 284 People from Tianlang Village

Tian Duoliang came back and smelled the smell of feces and urine, and almost vomited. After realizing it, he was yelled at by Qingyun, and then saw the dirty scene, his eyes widened in shock, and he glanced back and forth between the crazy wolf and the black bear. , asked: "Who thought of it? It's a talent!"

Tian Duoliang praised with a thumbs up, he can come up with such a sinister move, these two people are not a thing.

"Not out of trial?" Tian Duoliang squatted down to watch the commotion. It was obvious that there was no such thing when he came to trial Yang.He had never seen a man do that kind of thing with a man, and he had heard it mentioned before when he was messing around.

"The mouth is a little hard! I suspect that they are not bandits, and there is no backbone among bandits." Hei Xiong said.

He has been on the road, and it is very common to betray his brothers and friends in order to survive.

"It's possible," Crazy Wolf thinks so after thinking about it. The bandits he's seen are all mobs. After the leader was arrested, he threatened them casually and recruited them.

"Then who are they?" Tian Duoliang asked, looking at the two of them.


Qingyun hesitated for a moment, and the other side screamed miserably, the ghost knows what kind of tricks Black Bear and the others used to extract a confession, if it was too bloody, in case the village chief was frightened...

"Okay," Qingyun thought for a while, and agreed, then turned to the brother beside him and said, "Go and tell Hei Xiong that I will take the village chief to see the live, and let him take it easy."

The brother understood and ran over like flying.The bandit business was not over yet, so he glanced at it and ran to the black bear and said:
"Boss Black Bear, Master Qing and the village chief are coming to see them, Master Qing wants you to take it easy."

"What is the village chief doing here?" Hei Xiong frowned, turned around and roared mockingly, "Okay, don't do it, it's easier for you."

When they heard that they could stop, the bandits breathed a sigh of relief, and crawled away to squat on the side.The suppressed leader was really hanging on his breath, and he might die at any moment.

The black bear glanced at him, he was tossing like this, he couldn't ask anything, he beheaded with a knife, and the body was thrown there.

The rest of the bandits were all disheveled and trembling.

Qingyun and the village chief came over and saw this scene.Of course, the village chief also smelled the stinking feces and urine, and he admired these people for coming up with such a bad move.

They are used to the days when they don't deal with feces and urine in the countryside.The village chief didn't seem to see the excrement and urine all over the floor, so he walked over without changing his face, and looked at the bandits carefully.

There are too many bandits in Shibazhai, and the village head only knows the few little bosses who come to collect grain in the village, and he doesn't know many more.

These faces were very strange, they were not the gang of bandits who often came to the village to collect grain, and He Lao Er didn't send any news back. If it was that group of people, He Lao Er would not have known about it.

"Which village are you from? Why did you slaughter our village? Our village belongs to Tianlang Village, and people from Tianlang Village come to collect grain every year, and our village has never delayed the grain from Tianlang Village."

No one from the bandits answered the village chief's words, and the village chief was not surprised, and continued to ask: "You guys, do you know about the Heavenly Wolf Village? Did you keep it from the Heavenly Wolf Village? Or did the Heavenly Wolf Village agree?"

Sirius Village?
Qingyun, Heixiong, Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and the other four looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and a new bandit den appeared.

Hei Xiong gave the bandit brother a wink, and the brother kicked the bandit with his foot, knocked him to the ground, and scolded fiercely: "I want to ask you a question? Deaf man? Which village are you from? Did the Tianlang village send you here?"

"No, no... yes... yes... no..." The bandit knelt and shook his head, wondering if he was frightened, and spoke incoherently and confusedly.

The brother had a fierce look in his eyes, and he turned around to carry the bucket of excrement and urine. The bandit saw him, trembled in fright, and spoke fluently.

"I said, I said it all, we are..."

"shut up!"

Suddenly a bandit burst out from among the bandits, fiercely pinching the confessing bandit, until the bandit's face turned blue and veins popped out on his forehead.

The sudden change in the accident was so sudden that no one expected that there would be bandits resisting, and everyone was taken aback.

Seeing that the bandit was about to be strangled to death, Qingyun suddenly drew the broadsword worn by his brother beside him, swung it, and chopped off the bandit's head with one blow, blood gushed out like a fountain.

village head:"……"

The village chief rolled his eyes at the expressionless boy, his scalp was numb, and his heart was beating "poundingly".I knew this young man was not simple, but I didn't expect him to be so cruel.

The bandit was killed by Qing Yun, and the brothers finally came to their senses, secretly glanced at Qing Ye, Qing Ye seemed not angry, and the brothers secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If the bandit who confessed was killed under their noses, they would commit suicide and apologize.


A brother kicked the corpse away, pulled the bandit over to look, saw that he was still alive, threw it aside, and warned the remaining people viciously.

"You'd better be honest, so as not to suffer. Tell you everything you know, and give you a good time!"

"Cut off their tendons so that what happened just now doesn't happen again." Hei Xiong's expression was equally ugly. He tortured the bandits like that, but he didn't expect that among the mere few people, there was a powerful character hidden, so he took a big knife and went there himself.

The two brothers grabbed one and cut off the tendons of their limbs. Only the miserable voices of the bandits resounded through the night.

Although the village chief couldn't bear it, he felt that Master Qing and his group were too cruel, and they were not good at first glance. When he thought about the villagers who died suddenly in the village, he suddenly didn't think so.

Master Qing and the others are seeking justice for their villagers. Their methods are cruel, and they are also treating the bandits. To their villagers, it is a great kindness.

The rescued person coughed desperately until tears came out, coughing and said, "Yes...we are from Tianlang Village, we came to slaughter the village, the village chief knew about it, and without the permission of the village chief, How dare we come."

Qingyun narrowed his eyes suddenly, the bandits are dishonest!If she remembers correctly, the bandits said before that they paid a lot of money to come here, and they didn't say it was from Zhaiping the Sky Wolf.

Crazy wolf and black bear looked at Qingyun subconsciously, Qingyun shook his head, they both understood.

Wait and see.

After hearing this, the village chief's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that he was really from Tianlang Village.

"Why? Our village has never defaulted on food. You said you are from Tianlang Village. How come I haven't seen you?"

The village head was hit so hard for a moment, he couldn't believe this fact, and his expression was ferocious.

"There are thousands of people in our Tianlang village, how many do you know? It's normal not to know us, why are there so many, the village chief is wise and powerful, and he sent us here if he wanted to slaughter the village. Could you tell you in advance if you pay back the ticket? No way? Your village is the only one that gives food to our village.”

Anyway, he still had to die in the end. The bandit said so simply, seeing the village chief's shocked look, he felt extremely happy.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Jiujie Salary, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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