Chapter 297

After Qingyun and his party finished looking at the fence, they found a quiet place and squatted together to discuss the future.

"My lord, if hundreds of people from the Liao Department can cross the border safely, pass through Fengcheng, and directly enter the inland of our Dayong Dynasty, I'm afraid the border..." It's unreliable.

Du Chun'an was very worried. If there was a problem at the border, all the tribes in the grassland would unite to attack the Dayong Dynasty. The soldiers would not be able to resist, and the ferocious tribes might be able to attack the capital of the Dayong Dynasty.

At the end of Du Chun'an's words, everyone in Qingyun understood.After learning in Dama Village that those bandits were from the Liao Department, Qing Yun and the four of them already knew what they were doing.

Among the generals at the border, I dare not say that all of them are traitors, but there must be some generals colluding with the Liao Ministry.Not only did the generals at the border collude with the Liao Ministry's Eighth, there must also be Fengcheng, who opened a green car for the Liao Ministry's people, so that the Liao Ministry's people went straight to Qishan.

The bandits in Shibazhai are things that have milk and are mothers. People from the Liaobu will pay enough to buy the road, and Qi Shan will give it to the Liaobu. Shibazhai will definitely be able to do it.

Intuit is not a thing!
"Whether there is any problem at the border, it has nothing to do with us. That is the matter of the court. I am just a county magistrate, and it is enough to manage one acre of land in Qishan." Qing Yun waved his hand and did not talk about the border.

"Master Qing, you are dedicated to serving the people. If you want to manage the one-third of an acre of land in Qishan, you are afraid that someone will not agree?" Hei Xiong looked at Qingyun and said, and secretly poked Crazy Wolf and Tian Duoliang.

Qingyun remained silent.

Tian Duoliang rolled his eyes, glanced at Du Chun'an who was expressionless, and followed suit with a half-smile.

"I definitely won't agree. If the people in Qishan listen to Master Qing and stop paying food and taxes to Shiba Village, Shiba Village should not be impatient! We must find ways to kill Master Qing."

"Eighteen villages are the stumbling blocks in front of Qingyun, they must be wiped out. Master Qing, while they are unprepared, how many villages can we destroy?" Crazy Wolf immediately followed Gonghuo.

Du Chun'an's face was gloomy, and he glanced coldly at Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and Black Bear. What do the three of them mean? Let's just talk, and look at him?What's the meaning?
"Hearing what you say, it seems to make sense!"

Qing Yun also subconsciously glanced at Du Chun'an, there was no other way, the four of them were not good at anything, and they deliberately pulled Du Chun'an to discuss matters today, just because they didn't want to avoid him anymore.

In the future, if they want to suppress bandits, Qingyun will definitely not stay in the county government office, and neither will the mad wolf Tian Duoliang and black bear. The guarding of the county government office can only be handed over to Du Chun'an.

Therefore, in the future, Du Chun'an must be involved in everything.

Du Chun'an: "..."

Du Chun'an has black lines all over his head, and the county magistrate also looks at him, what do you mean?What did he do to offend the four of them?

"The bandits in the Eighteenth Village are indeed outrageous. Apart from the incident in Dama Village, the Huangjiabao also had an accident. I heard that there was a problem with the food delivered to Guigu Village. All men and women were taken away. Only Huangjiabao was left. The old, the young, the sick and the disabled."

"What happened to Huangjiabao? Where did you get the news from?"

The black bear mad wolf Tian Duoliang and the other three looked at Qingyun in surprise. The three of them followed Qingyun all the time, why didn't they know that something happened to Huangjiabao?
"Don't worry about how I know, just send someone to Huangjiabao to have a look."

Qingyun rarely put away the foolishness on his face, and glanced at the four of them expressionlessly, "To tell you the truth, I have no ambitions, and I never thought of climbing up..."

As far as her status is concerned, she is not allowed to climb up.

"On the way to Qishan, I made up my mind. As long as the Qishan county under my jurisdiction can pass, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and there are no bandits and bandits rampant, I will farm and raise fish. until old age and death."

Qingyun's eyes suddenly became fierce, she wanted to live until she was old, but a bunch of people jumped out and didn't want to make it easy for her.

Whoever made it difficult for her, she made it difficult for the whole family.

"I must destroy the Eighteen Villages. It's my fault that they shouldn't be in Qishan, and their hands shouldn't be so long. According to their way of doing things, they will slaughter Huangjiabao today and Dama Village tomorrow. In a few years, Qishan has become an empty county seat. Can I, the county magistrate, survive?

My family doesn't have a few 10 taels of silver, so donate another official to me. "

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, Crazy Wolf and the three breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Master Qing is willing to suppress the bandits, they don't want to open up wasteland and farm.Their hands are not fit for hoes, only for knives.

Du Chun'an saw that the magistrate was determined, so he swallowed the words of persuasion.

He figured it out, the magistrate is like the wind, making people unpredictable, he is a person who comes out when he thinks about it, he has never planned and then acted here.

When he first came here, he also said that he had to take a long-term plan. Before a month passed, he was going to suppress the bandits.

"Chun'an, we didn't hide from you that we went out to rob food this time. The food was robbed and hid in the mountains. My previous plan was to rob the grain collected by the bandits, let the bandits bully and bomb the people, and force the people to have nowhere to go. Don't come near me."

This method is more insidious, but the effect is the best.

"I thought about it all night last night. The bandits in Shibazhai bullied and oppressed them. The bandits in Shibazhai are not a thing. I am Qi Shan's parent officer anyway, so I can't do this against my conscience."

So what do you want?
Of course, Du Chun'an thought so in his heart, so he couldn't ask that in his mouth.

"My lord, what's the plan?"

The magistrate is a willful person, and no one can persuade him to decide what he decides.As a subordinate, what can he do?
You can only follow him, one way to the end.

"That's what I thought, there must be villages in Qishan that haven't paid the grain, let's follow the bandits holding the grain, go to their lair, and kill them directly.

There is no problem in taking down a cottage with no more than 1000 people. If it is unlucky, a cottage with more than [-] people will be considered unlucky for us. "

Du Chun'an's head was full of black lines, he was planning to do something reckless.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear and the three idiots nodded fiercely, and they very much agreed with Qingyun's words, they are all big bosses, they can't play tricks, how cool it is to kill them directly!
"My lord, your decision is too hasty, why don't we discuss it again." Du Chun felt right, he could still persuade the magistrate.

"Is there anything to discuss, I'm afraid to discuss it again, the village's food has been handed over, and it will not be easy to find the old nest of Shibazhai.

Qishan is so big, if you don't spread out thousands of people, it won't take several years, where can you find the Eighteen Villages.It's been a long time, and I'm worried that Shibazhai will receive rumors and be on guard against us. It's hard to say who will die when the time comes.It's better to take advantage of Shibazhai's ignorance of our existence and catch them by surprise, the chance of success is very high.I think Master Qing's idea is right. "

Crazy Wolf said after pondering.

"I also agree with Master Qing's decision." Hei Xiong stated.

"I also agree." Tian Duoliang also expressed his opinion.

 It's Chinese New Year, wish you all a happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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