Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 301 It's Dangerous to Follow Me

Chapter 301 It's Dangerous to Follow Me (Happy New Year)

Boss Miao shook his head and smiled wryly. There are a few parents in the world who can be more stubborn than their children.

Although Heiba ​​is not his son, he is also his own nephew, who was taught by him personally, and he is better than blue, and there is no one in the whole village who is smarter than him.

What is he reluctant to do?
In the future, Heiba ​​will have a job in the yamen, and he will be more promising than being a small village head in the village. He can still hold onto the golden mountain of the county magistrate, and the relationship will only become stronger.

"My lord, you don't know that this bastard works in the village, fishing for three days and drying nets for two days, and always running to the county government.

The last time the magistrate of the county cut rice for the common people, the reason why I knew it so quickly was because he told me.And this time, he also told me that the adults went hunting in the mountains. He called dozens of people in the village to help the county government. He was worried about the county government office, so he insisted on bringing people to guard it. "

Boss Miao shook his head helplessly while talking, looking like he couldn't help his father.In fact, it is for Heiba ​​to leave a good impression on the county magistrate.

Qingyun was a little surprised, Heiba ​​paid so much attention to the county government's every move, and the three of them, Mad Wolf Heixiong Tian Duoliang, didn't even notice it.

Of course, she didn't notice either.Heiba ​​is a little bit patient!

Qingyun has decided to keep Heiba, this kid always pays attention to the news of the county government, it will be inconvenient for them to go out again, in case this kid finds out the name and leaks the news...

For the people in the county town, who knows if there is any eyeliner for the bandits, Qingyun can't vouch for it.

She was about to go out to suppress the bandits, and the number [-] people in the county government was a little short, and she was worried that there would be no one, so Boss Miao could add as much as she could.

There are still quite a few young people in the cottage. Heiba ​​and the others have been bullied in the mine for so many years, and they are still safe and sound.

"The county government is short of arresting yamen servants. There are more than one or two missing. I plan to go outside and find someone to come back and make up for it."

Qingyun squinted at Boss Miao, and said with a smile: "Ming people don't talk dark words, I don't treat you as an outsider. There are bandits in Qishan, you should have heard about it?!"

It's impossible for Boss Miao not to know about such a big matter.

"I heard." Boss Miao nodded, that's why he hoped that Qingyun would take care of his health and pay attention to his own safety.

"Then you must not know that Qishan has not had a county magistrate for so many years. It's not that the court didn't send officials over, but the county magistrate who came to Qishan was killed by bandits." Qingyun said that the county magistrate was killed, his expression was too calm, calm It shocked Mr. Miao, overshadowing the shock of the county magistrate being killed by bandits.

Boss Miao heard from the people in the county town that the bandits in Shibazhai were all ruthless and controlled all the villages in Qishan. The point is, there are a lot of bandits.

These years, Shibazhai has always been the first to control. If Qi Shan suddenly came to the county magistrate, it would be tantamount to snatching the peaches of Shibazhai and touched the interests of Shibazhai.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

The county magistrate is not a master who can take his anger. Judging from the previous events, the county magistrate is also not a good stubble, and he must not tolerate Shibazhai.

These two parties have to work together sooner or later.

"Tell me, what will the bandits do to me if they know that Qi Shan is here again?" Qing Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Boss Miao, and said slowly:

"Let me tell you the truth, I want to suppress the bandits in Qishan. It is better for them to die than to die for me. Heiba ​​is following me. Heiba ​​is not just dawdling in the yamen. It is very dangerous and will even kill people. Bandits are terrible. They are not soft-hearted people, they are cruel and cruel, and any accident can happen to suppress the bandits... If you can accept it, if one day you receive the news of death and insist on asking Heiba ​​to go to the county government, I will be happy. pole."

Qing Yun said first, don't want her to accept someone, if something happens in the future, come to her county government to make trouble, don't blame her for being ruthless.

Qingyun guessed the scheming of Boss Miao, and it was nothing more than to grab her big tree.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, if you want to get something, you have to pay the price.Boss Miao and the others wanted to be protected by the county government, so Heiba ​​and the others had to work for her to the death.

Fair trade.

"Of course, I am a very fair and just person. If they have made great achievements, I will reward them according to their merits, or be promoted or rewarded with money. Now the monthly salary of the yamen servants is one or two per month."

Whether Qingyun hits her with a stick and then seduces a jujube, whether or not he will be fooled depends on the determination of Boss Miao to hold her, whether he is firm or not?
Hearing that he might die, Boss Miao hesitated.

Heiba ​​is the eldest son of the second child, and there are several younger siblings under him. Heiba ​​is not as quick-witted as Heiba. Must cross.

"It's useless for me to discuss this matter with you. You have to ask the parents of the person involved. I will ask for someone if the parents agree. Don't worry about this matter. You should ask their parents first, and you will inform them when there is a result." I."

Qingyun got up to leave, Heiba ​​suddenly ran in, stood in front of Qingyun, summoned up his courage and said: "My lord, I am not afraid of death, my father and mother agreed. Back then in the mine, the people in our village were under the eyes of the bandits." Working is not the same as it is very dangerous, and the people in our village were also killed by those bandits, so I can still survive."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and patted Heiba's shoulder, "It's useless if you say it, if your parents agree, you can ask them to come to the county government to find me."

Then, he walked away quickly.

"The head of the village," Heiba ​​became impatient when he saw the magistrate leaving, and shouted, "Uncle, the magistrate is leaving."

After Heiba ​​worked under Miao Boss, he was called "the head of the village" like everyone else in the village, and he called "Uncle" unless he asked Miao Boss for something.

Boss Miao left those messy things first, and chased after him to send off the county magistrate. After seeing off the county magistrate, he came back to face the pair of juniors with shining eyes, and his head hurt even more.

Don't worry one by one!

"You all heard what the county magistrate said just now. You will die. Are you still going?" When Boss Miao said this, his eyes were fixed on Heiba.

"Go." Heiba ​​was resolute.

"Go", the guys who came with me are all firm, why is this world not dangerous?Thirsty water and choking to death!
Besides, one tael per month is a lot!
Boss Miao looked at this group of young men who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and felt pain everywhere.

In the mine, the reason why they were fine was that he paid a lot of money.

"All right, I'm old and I can't control you. If you want to go, go back and talk to your parents. If you agree, let your parents come to my side and talk."

"No problem." After hearing what Boss Miao said, the boys dispersed in a "boom" and went back to their respective homes.

(End of this chapter)

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