Chapter 308

Seeing the horse owner Bo's moving expression, Qingyun raised his eyebrows, added more anger, and said, "If the horse owner Bo is in trouble, pretend I didn't say anything. Chun'an is young, and it's okay to do more. He is really too busy. The matter of the Huangjiabao can be postponed."

Du Chun'an remained silent, squinting at Ma Zhubo, agreeing with the county magistrate's thoughts in his heart.Regarding the Huangjiabao matter, Ma Zhubo is more suitable than him.

When the county magistrate wants to do something, his mind turns very fast compared to usual, which does not mean that Bo Bo's attention has been diverted.

The owner of the horse, Bo's mind, was immediately transferred by Qing Yun to the matter of Huangjiabao, and the matter of whether the yamen's arrest exceeded the regulations was immediately thrown to the horizon by him.

The number of people in the yamen has nothing to do with him, the Huangjiabao has something to do with him.Hearing that the magistrate wanted to push, he blurted out anxiously, "No!"

If what happened to the Huangjiabao was true, it would be extremely urgent, and it could not be delayed for a moment, and it would cost hundreds of lives.

In case, something unexpected happens...

Qingyun looked at him expressionlessly.

Du Chun'an also looked at him.

The horse owner Bo knew that he had lost his composure and overreacted, but he was so anxious!

"My lord," the horse owner Bo got up and saluted, looked at the county magistrate in awe and said, "Your lord is right. Regarding the relocation of the Huangjiabao, it is more appropriate for me to be an official than Du Bo. The chief of the Huangjiabao, I am an official." know.

The official duties of the yamen are complicated, and things like building walls and houses are all on Du Zhubo alone. Du Zhubo is as busy as a spinning top, and he really doesn't have time to go to Huangjiabao.Besides, Du Zhubo is also inseparable from the yamen. "

During the period of staying in the yamen, Ma Zhubo could see clearly that the county magistrate didn't care about things, just idled around all day long, and let Du Zhubo do everything.

In this case, can Du Zhubo walk away?
Qing Yun curled his lips into a smile, and in an instant he was fooling around again. He slapped the table and said, "Okay, that's the decision. The matter of the Huangjiabao is left to you, the owner of the Huangjiabao. Be sure to let all the people from the Huangjiabao move here. There are not many things in the county seat, but there are many places. If you like one, you can just say hello to Chun'an.

By the way, you go to Huangjiabao, take the yamen servants and catch the fast, let them protect you.There are many bandits in Qishan, and the place is not peaceful. I really don't feel at ease if you take people there by yourself. "

"My lord, thank you. Your lord is dedicated to the common people. It is a blessing for us to have a lord in Qishan." The owner of the horse was excited, wiped his wet eyes, bent down and thanked the magistrate again.

This time, the horse owner Bo is sincere.

After being transferred away from Ma Zhubo, Qingyun was really relieved, and left the front office humming a song.

The horse owner Bo couldn't stay in the yamen, so he greeted Du Chun'an and went home to wait for news.

"Master Qing"

The training brothers saw Qingyun coming and shouted in unison, but fortunately the other side of the fence was as noisy as a busy city, so they couldn't hear what they shouted clearly.

Qingyun kicked the nearest black bear, "How many times have I told you that you are calling the Lord in the Yamen, do you have any brains, and you think others are not suspicious enough!"

There were three black bears, crazy wolves, Tian Duoliang, who were kicked by Qingyun twice in three days, and they had long been used to his style.The closer the person is, the easier it is to be kicked by Qingyun.No, the black bear was kicked and still smirked foolishly.

No need to look at my brother, Qingyun focused a few glances at the people in Heiba ​​and the Miao Village. When they saw the gaze of the county magistrate, they subconsciously raised their heads and chests, and looked at him in awe and admiration.

Heiba ​​also stared at Qingyun anxiously, expecting the magistrate to say something, Qingyun's teeth ached seeing that stupid look.

"I'm very happy that you can come. Do you know what you are here for?" Qingyun's eyes swept over the crowd, and his eyes swept over the crowd. There were a dozen short people in the crowd, estimated to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, and his brows jumped.

Is Hei Ba a bit hungry?Everyone pulls over.

Qingyun is a scumbag, don't expect her to use idioms correctly, she doesn't have that consciousness at all.

"I know." The brothers shouted in unison.

"It's good to know. Let me ask you first, this matter is very dangerous, and you must be prepared to die at any time. If you have parents at home, and the only child without brothers and sisters, you'd better think twice. If you die, no one will give you Parents, it's still too late to quit now."

After Qingyun finished speaking, he looked at the people in Miao Village and waited quietly.

The villagers of the Miao Village had lively expressions on their faces, but none of them came out.When they came, Miao Boss and Heiba ​​had mentioned the danger to them, but they still came without hesitation.

A man can do something and not do something.

It is their duty to follow the magistrate of the county to suppress the bandits, even if their bodies are smashed to pieces.What's more, suppressing bandits is a good thing, and it is a good thing to collect virtue for descendants.

The cold and solemn atmosphere in the yard became more and more heavy, so heavy that it made people feel cold even to breathe.

The sun above the head seemed to have discovered that the group of people standing below were thorns, and it was glowing vigorously, wishing to dry the group of people below.

Sweat dripped from the corners of his eyes, making his eyes sore.

Two quarters of an hour later, still no one came out, Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, seeing everyone's eyes satisfied.

"That's right, you have all passed my harsh test and become qualified police officers. From now on, you will be my police officers in Qishan County. From now on, you will represent the imperial court and me to eradicate violence and bring peace and arrest bad people." , Suppress the bandits, and return me to Qishan with a piece of blue sky."

Qingyun smacked her lips, the chicken soup was not cooked very well, she couldn't do exciting things.Overall, something is better than nothing!

"Catch the bad guys, suppress the bandits, and return Qishan to the blue sky." The brothers shouted in unison, startled the people who were building the wall, and turned their heads to look over. They only heard what they called "Qishan", but couldn't hear the rest clearly. .

"What are they doing?" someone asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter to us what they do, as long as they don't come to compete with us for work. Brothers, work harder!"

This speaks to everyone's heart.


That night, Ma Laoer came back in a hurry, and the news he brought back was the same as what He Shui and the others said.

"Is there any Huangjiabao..." The horse owner Bo asked urgently when he saw Ma Lao Er, unable to maintain his calm face any longer.

"Father, the people in Dama Village didn't lie. Something happened to Huangjiabao. The women and men in the castle, as well as men and women over ten years old, were all taken away by the bandits in Shibazhai to pay off their debts."

The horse owner's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the water.

"Your aunt's house..." The horse owner Bo was holding the chair tremblingly, took a few deep breaths, and asked again.

"Aunt and uncle are fine, my cousin and sister-in-law have been taken away." Ma Laoer was also gloomy, closed his eyes, and told the truth that his father didn't want to hear the most, shattering his fluke mentality .

The news that Ma Laoer inquired was much more detailed than that of He Shui, and he told his father one by one the causes of what happened in the Huangjiabao.

(End of this chapter)

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