Chapter 312 Signs
Of the four villages, only Heisha Village is the weakest. In front of the first three villages, every time there is a gathering, the leader of Heisha Village is not confident enough, so it depends on the faces of the three of them.

On the surface, the four cottages love each other like a family of brothers, but secretly, they hate each other, and everyone wants to annex the other's territory and expand their own territory and strength.

The head of the Heisha Village is even more afraid, because he is the weakest. If the other three families want to destroy the Heisha Village, it is only a matter of time.

Guigu Village and Wumo Village are evenly matched in strength, and the position of the boss of Qishan is coveted by the leaders of the two villages, and no one will accept the other.

The head of the Heisha village, in the internal struggle of the other three villages, relied on both sides and the pressure of the people above, barely survived.

Every time we go down the mountain to collect grain, the brothers will go to one or two hundred people to prevent accidents.No need to say who to guard against, of course the other three villages.

The people above do not allow the other three cottages to destroy the Heisha village. They can weaken the strength of the Heisha village and make the Heisha village exist in name only.

Except for the portion of their stockade, most of the collected grain must be handed over to the people above. If there is an accident with the grain, the head of Heisha Village will have to be replaced by someone else.

Sandangzhai had a gloomy face. The second child had only been down the mountain for a few days, and the eldest brother was worried about his accident. He went down the mountain for ten days and half a month, but he didn't see his eldest brother worrying about him.

When the third master looked over at the eldest master, he immediately recovered his expression.

"Brother, you are too careful. The second child has only been down the mountain for a few days, but if you lie down in the gentle village for a few more days, there is nothing to make a fuss about. If I rush to find him and spoil the good thing about the second child, the second child will still blame me eventful."

The third leader's indifferent look made the eldest leader even more angry, no matter what time, the third child is still making sarcastic remarks.

"I've been to Gaojiazhuang for many years, and nothing happened. The villagers in Qishan village were frightened by our eighteen villages. They were splashed and slaved. They were made to crawl on the ground like dogs and eat shit. They You have to swallow it with a smile.

It's not the first time that the second child went down the mountain, and he brought his brothers with him. He is not blind, and he will not seek death to provoke him, and the second child will be fine. "

Although the third master is dissatisfied that the eldest brother favors the second child, he is telling the truth.

"The situation is different this time. If it's the same as before, I won't bother to care about the life and death of the second child. The news came from above that a new county magistrate has arrived in Qishan."

This news shocked the third family almost jumping up, and said in a voiceless voice: "A new county magistrate has arrived in Qishan? When did it happen? I didn't hear the news! Why didn't the higher-ups stop it?"

The people above have hands and eyes, and the county magistrates sent by the imperial court in the past can intercept them and transfer them to other places.Why let it go this time?

"That's right! Qi Shan hasn't been to the county magistrate for many years, but this year the imperial court sent the county magistrate here. What do you mean by that? Do you know that after receiving the news, the people from Guigu Village and Wumo Village went ahead of time?" I have been lying in ambush outside for more than [-] days, but I didn't stop the new county magistrate. What a ghost!"

I heard that the two masters of the Wumo Village in Guigu Village had been lying in an ambush for more than 20 days, and they hadn't seen a single shadow. A lot of people were killed.

The new county magistrate was also unlucky. The route he came to happened to be in several counties suffering from severe drought.No one was seen in Guigu Village and Wumo Village, so they thought that the new county magistrate might have been killed or eaten by the fleeing refugees on the way.

He also thought so when he received the news.

The county town is under the jurisdiction of Guigu Village, and the bandits in Guigu Village are not things. They don't treat the people in the village below as human beings, and the food collected is half as high as that of the other three villages.

The people in the following villages have been oppressed by Guigu Village all year round, and they have long been servile in their bones, fearing Guigu Village like a devil.

If the new county magistrate hadn't died and came to Qishan, the people in the county would not dare to hide it. In order to survive, they would be the first to report to Guigu Village.

Guigu Village has not received any reports from the county people so far. The last time I went to collect grain, the people in the county town were still the same as usual, which shows that the new county magistrate really didn't come to Qishan.

It is reasonable to ask the second child to go down the mountain to collect grain, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't come back for a few days. In the past, he went to collect grain and didn't come back for half a month, so he didn't worry about it.

This time was different. After hearing that the second child hadn't come back, the leader of Heisha village was always uneasy, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

"Brother, what do you mean... the new county magistrate is very powerful, and the people above can't stop him?"

The third master sat down again, with a cloudy expression on his face, Qi Shan was coming to the new county magistrate, such a big news, but the elder brother didn't reveal half of it to him.

If it weren't for the second child who went down the mountain to collect grain instead of him by accident, the boss would still keep this news from him.

Brother is guarding against him!The third master suppressed the resentment in his heart.

"Whether the superiors can stop them or not is a matter for the superiors. Do you think that the people in Guigu Village and Wumo Village will let someone suppress them from Qishan? A person who is destined not to survive to Qishan, what can he say? "The head of the family accidentally saw the resentment in the eyes of the third child, and was shocked, the third child was blaming him, why?
After turning around in my mind for a few times, I realized that the third child blamed him for being too honest with the second child. After thinking about it, I explained a few words, and then saw the third child's pensive expression.

The head of the family is a bit disappointed. When the three brothers established the Heisha village, he was always the same to the second and third children.

The prestige of the second and third child in the village is the same as his.I don't know when, the third child is not as close to him as before.

If the second child hadn't had an accident this time, he didn't know that the third child hated him.

The head of the family turned his mind a few times, but it was all in one thought.An accident with the second child ruled out the possibility of a new county magistrate, and the suspects were the three villages in Guigu Village, Huangquan Village, and Wumo Village.

The big head jumped in his heart, hoping it wasn't what he thought, and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.After so many years, everyone has lived in peace, why did you do it this time?

Could it be that the affairs of the Ministry of Liao have been exposed?
The head of the family pondered over and over again, it seems that this is the only thing he has done recently.But the matter of the Liao Department is the meaning of the above. It is impossible for Guigu Village, Wumo Village, and Huangquan Village not to know the meaning of the above.

Glancing at the third child who didn't know what he was thinking, the head of the family suddenly sighed, and said decadently: "Third child, there are some things I haven't told you and the second child, just because I don't want you to worry, and I will not hide the matter until now. is you."

"What are you hiding?" The third master raised his head and looked at him in astonishment, thinking, the boss really has something to hide from me.Ignored the sentence about hiding from him and the second child.

"There are eighteen villages in Qishan, but there are actually only four villages in Qishan. You know that."

The third leader nodded, there are four villages outside Qishan, the boss suddenly mentioned this matter, what does it have to do with him?
 Thanks to yourenfan, Chen Rong, curtain, Maysun, 1001141193849497, Landing Fat Girl, Hot Fire K, 20190827125035754, Yixin loves reading, Zen in the Western Regions, tuxedo 6806, *heart rain* Ning Yanli, Jing, X Shishi Xiaobai , colorful, the darling of heaven charms all living beings, the monthly ticket you cast, huh?
(End of this chapter)

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