Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 322 Provoking Discord

Chapter 322 Provoking Discord
"Us?" Qing Yun cracked his mouth and smiled, showing a mouthful of white teeth. In the dark cave, there was a gloomy light shining, like a ghost climbing up from hell.

"We are ghosts, here to take you to hell. Kill!" After finishing speaking, Qingyun rushed towards the bandit on the opposite side, and the dagger in her hand was swayed by her with rays of light.

The villain usually dies because of talking too much, and he can do it without making a fool of himself. This is her experience from reading novels, otherwise it is easy to change.

The third master didn't expect the person on the opposite side to be so unspeakable about the morals of the world, and he didn't finish his sentence before he started.

The people led by Qing Yun were a group of ferocious ghosts, who rushed towards the bandits on the opposite side screaming "Aoaoaoao".

The people around felt a gust of wind blowing by, and when the wind stopped, a faint green face appeared in the crowd of bandits, which frightened the bandits. A piece of corpse, bright red blood gushing from their necks.

The bandits with lingering fear looked over, and the corpses on the ground were not the brothers beside them.

One second he was talking and laughing happily with them, and the next second he became a dead person.Looking at the faint green face, the bandits were so frightened that they subconsciously wanted to escape.

They are not humans, they are ghosts from hell!
Qingyun shook his neck and flicked the blood off the dagger. She is not used to using small weapons. He likes to use hammers and shovels and other weapons with relatively high lethality, which can kill people faster!

Seeing that there was still blood on the edge of the dagger, he wiped it off the corpse at his feet, then put away the dagger, and drew out the big knife on his waist.

Seeing Master Qing shaking his head, the brothers decided to stay away from him, so as not to accidentally hurt their own people.

"Master Qing, these odds and ends are not worth doing by yourself, leave them to us."

The owl glanced at the corpse on the ground, the corners of its eyes twitched, and hurriedly stopped Qingyun who was about to attack, and let him do it because of Master Qing's lethality, these bandits have nothing to do with them.

Now he can understand the feelings of the black bear boss, why can't he ask Master Qing to do it, it's better not to do it.Master Qing is too powerful, it seems that these younger brothers are too incompetent.

Qingyun tilted his head and squinted at the owl, and followed his gaze to glance at the corpse on the ground. He was stunned for a moment, and then he spread his hands and said, "Okay, I won't do it anymore, you guys do it!"

Qingyun took a few steps back, the brothers were excited, and they no longer needed to be a foil, they rushed towards the bandits group screaming, looking at the ferocious posture, it was like a pack of wolves rushing into a flock of sheep.

Qingyun slowly followed behind his brothers, and swung his sword towards anyone who was in danger.



The wailing screams continued one after another, and there were more and more corpses of bandits on the ground.

Probably because of the evil god Qingyun, the brothers all seemed to have eaten the magic pill, they were extremely heroic, and they were even more ferocious when killing bandits. The amazing thing is that none of the brothers died, and the injuries were hard to come by.

The injury didn't make him lose his combat effectiveness, on the contrary, he became more ferocious.

Morale really matters.

The bandits were timidly killed by Qingyun at the beginning, so Qingyun and the others seized the opportunity. Seeing the increasingly fierce and bloody monsters and the corpses all over the place, the bandits were scared out of their wits and had the idea of ​​​​running away.

"Don't run away, I will cut him if he runs away. Don't be afraid, brothers, they are human beings and not ghosts. If you kill one, you will get ten taels of silver. If you kill two, you will get 20 taels of silver. If you kill the leader, you will get 200 taels of silver."

How can the third family fail to see that the brothers are scared out of their wits, they are not the opponents of the strange man on the opposite side, they want to escape.He also wanted to run, but the way to escape was blocked by the strange people on the opposite side. They had no way to escape and no way to retreat.

There is no other way but to fight hard.

Normally, due to the status of the third master, the land would not dare not listen to him. So many brothers died, and now they are almost dead.

The third family has no choice but to open the way with silver, and there must be brave men under heavy rewards.

Bandits are a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, bully the good and fear the evil, and at the same time like money and beauty.

Hearing that monster killers have a lot of money to take, many people became greedy and ready to move, their eyes were dazzled by the money, and they couldn't see the current situation clearly.


Qingyun tilted his head and smiled evilly, his eyes fell on the bandit who hid his head and tail, and asked with a smile: "Are you the third master?"

Qing Yun recognized that the third head of Heisha Village was the bandit he ran into on the stairs just now.Thinking of the package he was carrying at that time, he smiled meaningfully.

"Did you know that we were coming to wipe out Heisha Village, so you ran ahead of time? Did you take the silver ticket? Do you know that you left him to run for your life? I heard that your boss treats you brothers , as close as a younger brother."

Qingyun smiled maliciously, and then talked nonsense, sowing discord.

"If your bosses knew that you were a spy from Guigu Village, would they chop you up and feed them to the dogs?"

Qingyun is a person with sharp eyes, when she found out that she was talking nonsense that the third master was a spy in Guigu village, the third master's expression was abnormal, although it was only a few seconds, the bandits didn't see it, but she saw it.

Uh? !

Things are getting more and more interesting.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, could it be that she has come true?Is this third-in-command really a spy from Guigu Village?
The mob bandits were not strong-willed people. After hearing what the strange man said, many people remembered that the third master seemed to come out of the stairs...

The bandits looked at the third leader, and became vaguely unhappy.The bandits were distracted, and the owl seized the opportunity to kill a group of them.

There are fewer and fewer bandits.

Don't let him talk nonsense!
The third family broke out in a cold sweat, and glanced at his brothers who looked at him wrongly, wishing to hack him to death with a knife, even chopping it into meat paste and feeding it to dogs could hardly dispel his anger.

This group of idiots, being instigated a few words, unexpectedly gave birth to a second heart, and wanted to fight him.When he leaves here, he will clean up with them sooner or later.

"Fart, you are a spy from Caiguigu Village. Brothers, don't listen to his nonsense, he is sowing discord, he wants us to kill each other.

I am the third head of the Heisha village, and I and the big head are brothers who have been worshiped for eight times, and are loyal to the Heisha village.For so many years, you know how I have treated my brothers.

They are from Wumozhai, and they were painted like this on purpose, just not wanting us to recognize them.Brothers, those who don't want to die, fight a bloody road with me and meet the master.The white money, the girls in the building are waving to you.Go! "

The third master yelled to rush, and also made a gesture of rushing, but he didn't move at all.

The bandits who were incited by him still believed in the third leader even more after thinking about it. When he shouted "Chong", the bandits really rushed over.

 Thanks to Huohuo K, Desolation, 20180311152150282, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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