Chapter 344 Lobbying
Brother Kun covered the cold dark light in his eyes. For so many years, the imperial court did not care about Qi Shan's life or death. As soon as the enemy army lurked into Qi Shan, the imperial court immediately sent the county magistrate over. Is there any connection between the two?

"What does he want from you? Qishan seems to be someone sent by the imperial court. You see, those county magistrates in the past, after they came to Qishan, most of them died without a good end. If this is true, why not I don’t know how long I can live.” Brother Kun sighed casually.

That's right, based on the rumors that He Qiu heard, those county magistrates who came to Qishan really didn't have a good end, they died miserably.

Thinking of this, He Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was lured into a ditch by Brother Kun.

What is 'this is real'?Could it be that the magistrate of the county is still fake?
Then, he asked back: "What do you mean by that? Could it be that Brother Kun received some news?"

"That's not true. However, how do you know that person is the magistrate of the county? You may not know that Shibazhai once pretended to be the magistrate of the county in order to eliminate the court's dark sons, and caught the court's dark sons lurking in the Shiba villages. That part Days, the grass and trees in the Eighteen Villages are full of soldiers, and blood flows like rivers."

He Qiu carefully recalled the memories, it seems that there was a time when the atmosphere in the cottage was different, he had a buddy who got along well, and specially reminded him to be smart and not to make mistakes during these days.

Later, that buddy died, and it was said that he went to the head and the others to do something.

"He Qiu, you have been in the cottage for some years, why are you still so naive and believe in these tricks."

Brother Kun shook his head and looked at him helplessly.But my heart has raised a hundred thousand points of vigilance. Could it be that the people in the cottage have suspected him, and probably set a trap to lure him into the net?
In Wumo Village, apart from his own brothers, he trusted He Qiu and exchanged news privately.The two don't communicate with each other on weekdays, and their private meetings are also very secretive. No one has ever discovered their relationship.

But it happened that He Qiu met the magistrate.
If you want people to think about it, you can't do it. Brother Kun suspects that this conspiracy is aimed at him.He Qiu is just an ordinary bandit, he doesn't have anything on his body that could be plotted against.

The corner of He Qiu's mouth twitched, does he look like a fool?Or look like a fool?

The topic they talked about did not proceed as He Qiu expected.As a last resort, I had to reveal something to him.Of course, he didn't want to hide it either. If he wanted Brother Kun to be willing to get involved, he had to tell the truth.

"Don't doubt, the magistrate is real, not a fake conspiracy. Do you remember what you told me last time? When I returned to the village, it was too late. People from the Liao department had already entered the village. Later, the magistrate rescued me. our village"

He Qiuyuan originally told everything about the county magistrate saving Dama Village.

After hearing this, Brother Kun was very shocked. Is it too coincidental?Storytellers don't have such a coincidence.

". I heard from the third child in my family that the county magistrate has been in Qishan for a while, and a yamen has been established in the county town, and hundreds of yamen servants have been arrested."

He Qiu clicked his tongue a few times, the county magistrate who came this time was too powerful, he hadn't heard anything from Shibazhai, and if He Shui hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known about it.

The magistrate of the county and the others wiped out the Heisha village and touched the foot of the Wumo village. They didn't notice any movement from the head of the house, and they couldn't keep their heads on their necks.
With so many arresting yamen servants, it has long exceeded the imperial court system.

Brother Kun didn't show any emotion on his face, but he was thinking about it in his heart.The history of the magistrate is very strange.Either it was faked by bandits from Shibazhai. The purpose is temporarily unknown.Either the soldiers sent by the imperial court, under the slogan of the county magistrate, actually came to suppress the bandits.

"The third child of my family is now working with the county magistrate. There is one thing you may not know. The Heisha village has been wiped out by the county magistrate."

The news that He Qiu confided was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Brother Kun's mind buzzing, his mind was muddled, and he couldn't think of anything.

After Brother Kun digested the news, He Qiu's medicine was boiled, and he took out the earthen jar and put it aside to cool down.

"What did you just say? Heisha Village was wiped out?" Brother Kun felt that he seemed to be listening to the Arabian Nights. Why is it so unbelievable?

"Suppressed." He Qiu's tone was decisive. When he first heard it, he was even more shocked than Brother Kun and lost his composure.

"The county magistrate suppressed it?"

"The county magistrate suppressed it."

Brother Kun looked at He Qiu, who nodded.

"It's absolutely true, there is no falsehood. My family, He Shui, was suppressed with the county magistrate. If you don't believe me, you can send people to Heisha village to find out the situation. I heard that the county magistrate has many capable people. You have to be prepared to be punished." Get ready." He Qiu jokingly said.

Brother Kun was silent, then rubbed his face fiercely, and asked, "That's why you invited me here?"

For no reason, it is impossible for He Qiu to tell him such important news, unless...he has the permission of the magistrate.

Brother Kun thought about it, and suddenly a ridiculous idea popped into his mind. He swallowed hard, and found that his throat was dry, and said in a deep voice, "What does he want to do?"

Who is he referring to?The two knew each other well.

"He wants to suppress this place," He Qiu didn't mention the word Wumozhai for safety's sake, pointing his finger to his feet.

Brother Kun suddenly turned to look at He Qiu, grinned, and said dryly, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Brother Kun became extremely vigilant, glanced at the surrounding environment, and at the same time gestured to the person who was letting the wind behind him.

"Are you scared?!"

He Qiu gulped down the potion, put down the earthen jar, wiped his mouth, and said sternly, "When I heard this, I was also shocked. I thought they were fantastic. What kind of place is this? Eighteen Villages! It's just a county magistrate, Even if you say you want to destroy it, you won't be afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big."

The imperial court sent troops to suppress the bandits several times, but the Eighteen Villages in Qishan were not wiped out.

He is a county magistrate who has just arrived, why?
With his ignorant courage, or with his hundreds of fast yamen servants?
"What if? Brother Kun, what if it succeeds? That is Heisha Village! One of the four villages in Qishan, even if it is the bottom of the four villages, it is not something other people can calculate. Our cottage The big masters of Guigu Village, Huangquan Village and him, who would have thought about annexing Heisha Village, but they just didn't succeed. They were killed by the new county magistrate."

He Qiu let out a breath, as if he had also let out the depression that had been in his heart for a long time.

Brother Kun is silent, indeed, he wants to annex the other three villages in Heisha Village,
"I'm fed up with being bandits. I want to go home. Brother Kun, I don't know where you are from or what your status is, but I have eyes and I can see that you don't belong here, you are trapped here..."

 Thanks to Red Rose, Huobao Benbenben, JUDY, Zui Xu, Chen Rong, who voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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