Chapter 346

The day to suppress the bandits was settled, and Crazy Wolf's IQ was online again. After careful consideration, he smiled.

"It's a good day. For his birthday, he will definitely invite people from the other three villages to come to Wumo Village. The head of the Wumo Village celebrates his birthday, and the other three families will not send their younger ones. If the head doesn't come, the other heads will not come. Always send one.

The bandits in Wumo Village must have never imagined that someone would attack the village that day, and they were unprepared, and they would be wiped out with a single net. "

Crazy Wolf thinks about beautiful things, thinking about beautiful things is bubbling.

"Apart from Qishan's cottage, I wonder if they will send people to the few cottages outside?" Hei Xiong was thinking foresight.

The Eighteen Villages are connected with each other, and Dadang Village of Wumo Village celebrates his birthday. Logically speaking, people should be sent here.

But it's hard to say, after all, they are not in the same land boundary. Although they belong to the same eighteen villages, they secretly compete with each other, and there is still competition for territory.

"If we kill all the people we send, we will offend all the bandits in the Eighteen Villages. We have less than one thousand people. If a few of them join forces, with our current power, the ending will not be very good, brother. We're all going to die," said the black bear.

"It's just their bad luck that they came to attend the birthday of the head of the Wumo Village. When you come to the Wumo Village, you can only die. Could it be that you still want to let the tiger go back to the mountain, let them go back, and then wait for them to bring people back to kill us. "Crazy Wolf disagrees with this idea very much.

"You are right in thinking, but this possibility is not. According to the information provided by He Qiu, the cottages outside Qishan have never stepped into the border of Qishan. Perhaps there is an agreement between them. The head of Wumozhai celebrates his birthday, Only bandits from Qishan have ever been present." Qingyun said.

It is true that plans cannot keep up with changes.The plan she had made before had to be changed again because of the birthday of the head of the family.

No wonder people often say: "Three cobblers are worthy of Zhuge Liang", listening to the thoughts of Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong, Daliang and the others, Qingyun feels that his thinking has broadened a lot.

The previous plan was to wipe out all the bandits in Wumo Village, except of course He Qiu and his brothers. There were not many factors to consider, and they succeeded in finding a way to break into the village.

Now that plan doesn't work.

You also have to consider Guigu Village and Huangquan Village. These two bandit villages are easy to kill but hard to sweep!

With enough time, she still had to think about it.

After all, it's still a human problem. She has too few people, and she is clumsy.

It's annoying!

Without the pressure from the outside world of Qishan, Mad Wolf Heixiong Tian Duoliang and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Facing two bandit villages was dozens of times more stressful than facing six bandit villages.

"Why do you have any worries? No worries! After the Wumo Village is destroyed, only Guigu Village and Huangquan Village remain in Qishan. When we destroy the Wumo Village, these two bandit villages are afraid of our power and dare not Act rashly." Crazy Wolf spread his hands and analyzed everything.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, but the mad wolf spoke loudly, the Wumo village hadn't been taken down yet, even the Guigu village and Huangquan village were ignored.

Confidence is good, but I'm afraid this kid is a little drifting!
"Forget it!" Qingyun raised his hand and knocked on him, "Wumo Village hasn't been fought yet, so I'm just dreaming during the day. Even Guigu Village and Huangquan Village don't even look at Huangquan Village. If you have this idea, someday you will be killed People don’t even know it’s dead.”

"Master Qing is right. I managed to survive this little life, and I don't want to die. Heisha Village was wiped out too easily, which made me think that the same is true for Wumo Village. I got carried away. Thankfully, Master Qing reminded me." Crazy Wolf is not a brainless person, Qingyun immediately corrected his mentality when he mentioned it.

"Just figure it out," Qingyun raised his chin, looked at Tian Duoliang, the black bear, and said, "It's the same with you, we are all people who live on the tip of the knife, every step we take, we have to think twice, take a wrong step, and die There is no place for burial, and the family members behind will suffer a terrible death."


Hei Kuma Tian Duoliang and the two agreed.

At this time, Heiba ​​and He Shui also came. Seeing Qingyun and the others, there was no surprise, so they came and sat down.

Anyway, in every meeting, the two of them came to make up the numbers, rarely expressed their opinions, and mostly listened to Qingyun and the four of them discussing.

"Here we are, we are discussing the matter of attacking Wumo Village, you two can talk about your own ideas, let's discuss and discuss, and learn from each other's strengths." Qing Yun said.

Heiba ​​He Shui responded.

Crazy Wolf told the two of them that Heiba ​​and He Shui didn't know the content of the discussion just now, and the date of attacking Wumozhai was postponed for seven days.

"I heard from my second brother that Wumozhai's head celebrated his birthday. That day the village was very lively. There were singers and girls in the building. Every village would send people to celebrate birthdays. Boxes of gold, silver and jewelry , transported into the Wumo Village, the leader of the Wumo Village has made a fortune."

He Shui once sneaked to the back of Wumo Village, and when he heard the bustle in the village, he didn't dare to sneak in for fear of being caught and killed.

Afterwards, he also knew that he had caused trouble, so he kept it a secret, and dared not tell his second brother for fear of being beaten.

"What you said makes sense. However, you have forgotten one thing. I want to remind you that Heisha Village is now our territory. Will Wumo Village also send people to invite us?" Tian Duoliang touched Chin, looking at Qingyun in a lisping manner.

Qingyun and the others were stunned for a moment, but they forgot that now they occupy the territory of Heisha Village, Heisha Village has changed hands, and it has become their [-]th Village, the former Heisha Village no longer exists.

But the bandits in Wumo Village don't know!

"It's really possible." Qingyun thought about it, the possibility was very high, and he turned to serve them, "Immediately notify the patrolling brothers, just say that we are still Heisha Village, if you see suspicious people, don't let them go." I'm about to kill myself at the moment, so I must have asked clearly. Especially the bandits from Wumo Village, if they come to send invitations, accept the things, and send them away politely."

The five mad wolves and black bears called their brothers to confess.

"Master Qing, do you still want to attend the birthday of the head of the Wumo Village? The bandits in the Heisha Village, the bandits in the Wumo Village must know each other, you go, the sheep are in the mouth of the tiger!" Get off the black bear.

"Crazy Wolf is right, Master Qing, your really not like that. People in Wumo Village may doubt your identity."

Hei Xiong also disagreed with Qingyun's taking risks, and he was the one who wanted to go. His body shape and appearance made him look like a bandit.

"Let's talk about this later!" Qingyun didn't say anything, and didn't say no.

"By the way, Lord Qing, news came from the brothers who were watching Guigu Village that Guigu Village suddenly wanted to collect taxes and grains again. The horse owner Bo and the others received the news and were worried about it." Hei Xiong said.

 Thanks to 854***126, 13579 Mingzi Titanium Compensation, Yixin loves to read, Mumuhe Changmei, Begonia Huayuwu, Tingting Yuli 216, colorful, voted for the monthly ticket, what?
(End of this chapter)

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