Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 360 Want to blame

Chapter 360 Want to blame
I'm afraid that just after they left the wolf's den, they entered the tiger's den again!

At that time, Brother Kun brought them to Mount Qi to become bandits, it was just a stopgap measure, but he didn't expect this bandit to be a bandit for ten years, not only didn't get out, but got deeper and deeper.

Brother Kun squinted his eyes. At this point, they have been stirred into this muddy water, and it is useless to regret. They can only charge forward with their heads covered, even if there is still a dead end ahead.

You can't say that in words, you must let the brothers see hope.

"No, no one knows our identities, and He Qiu is the same. Designing to catch us doesn't have much benefit, the worst is to fight them to the death.

He Qiu, you don't know, he's a ghost.If he wants to harm us, he doesn't need to go to such trouble, just report it directly to the boss, and the future will come faster.

He Shui told me that the magistrate of Qishan County who came to suppress the bandits was not bad, and he helped Dama Village and the people of the county to solve many problems as soon as he came, and he was a reliable person.If you really want to be unreliable, let's go again. "

Brother Kun led the way, and a group of people went down the city wall building, signaling to the brothers to stand on both sides of the gate, holding swords, and staring at the gate vigilantly, just in case.

The gate of the cottage opened slowly, Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Heiba, and He Shui outside also increased their vigilance, and led the brothers slowly into the cottage, seeing the men on both sides of the gate with red cloth heads on their arms, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Kun?"

Crazy Wolf yelled tentatively towards the squatting man in the middle of the road, holding the big knife in his hand tightly all the time.Even seeing the red cloth heads on their arms, the brothers did not let down their vigilance, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

"it's me."

Brother Kun nodded, and glanced at the group of people who came in, six or seven hundred people, all of them were full of evil spirits, it can be seen that these people are not ordinary yamen servants.

Especially the three leading ones are even more unusual.Given time, give the three of them room to grow, and in the future, these people will be the overlords who dominate one side.

With such capable people around him and following him wholeheartedly, Brother Kun wanted to meet the rumored magistrate.

After confirming that this person was the one Qingyun mentioned to them, Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang, Heiba, He Shui and the others nodded to him.

"It's not too late, let's do business first, and the brothers will meet later."

Crazy Wolf said while leading the brothers to continue walking in. The most important thing is to suppress the bandits, so there is no time to chat with him.

"Okay!" Brother Kun nodded, and took his brothers along with him.

"You, you, you, lead a team of brothers to guard the gate of the cottage. They are only allowed to enter but not to exit. Those who resist the order will be killed without mercy!" Tian Duoliang ordered three people to come out from the crowd and asked them to guard Copycat.


The three of them took orders, and with their own troops, they walked out of the crowd, ran back to the gate, closed the gate and guarded it.

When Brother Kun saw this group of people, it seemed that everyone's division of labor was very detailed, a bit like marching and fighting, and every move seemed to be deployed.

"Brother Kun, where are the cottage bandits?"

When the brothers rushed to the cottage, Crazy Wolf asked Brother Kun.

"follow me."

Brother Kun led the crazy wolf Tian Duoliang to the yard where the bandits were drinking. Heiba ​​Heshui led their men and divided them into two groups to search for bandits all over the village.


Qingyun sat high on the tiger leather bench at the top, crossed his legs on the table, and looked down at the scene below.

Behind Qingyun are Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie.

She just went down to practice her hands, and the black bear quit. If she insisted on staying there, she would be bored to death.

"Who are you?"

"Aren't you from Heisha Village?"

The second head and sixth head of Guigu Village questioned in unison with the first head of Huangquan Village, and Qingyun sat on the top.

The bandit suppression operation has come to an end, no one thought that the two heads of the Guigu family and the big head of the Huangquan village would not be unconscious.

I don't know how they escaped the Mongolian sweat medicine?

The three masters, back to back, guarded against those around them.

The three of them regretted so much that their intestines were green.

But just like in previous years, when they came to attend the birthday of the head of the Wumo Village, no one expected that such a tragedy would happen, and the lives of the three of them were about to die.

If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't come if I killed them.

Too bad the world didn't know it sooner.

"You guessed it right, we are not from Heisha Village." Qingyun smiled and seemed to be easy to speak, but he didn't say who they were, and the three of them were so angry that they were in charge.

This group of people was blatant and came with invitations from Heisha Village. The people in Heisha Village were most likely to be murdered by them.

"No matter who you are, you have to think about it. Qishan is the territory of the Eighteen Villages. At the same time, you are an enemy of our Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, and you will not end well."


Qingyun seemed to have heard some funny joke, he patted the tiger's head and laughed, wiped away the tears she laughed with his finger, tapped the three of them with his finger, put away the smile on his face, and said sarcastically: "What's wrong with being your enemy?" ? Am I afraid?!"

The bandits in the lobby were almost killed by Hei Xiong and the others, and the ground was covered with corpses and blood. The survivors, apart from the unarmed girls, were the five comatose heads of Wumo Village, and Huang Quan, the second head of Guigu Village. Zhai Da is the head of the family.

The three masters are not blind, and the real master among this group of people is this thin and dark boy.

The three masters are in a bad mood.

They carried out the Eighteen Villages and their cottages, and the people on the opposite side were not only not afraid, but also confident.

Who is he?

What background?
Not afraid of eighteen villages, not afraid of revenge from Guigu village and Huangquan village.

"What do you want? I am the head of Huangquan Village. As long as I have it, you can take it away. I will pretend that this has never happened."

After he returned to the cottage, he gathered all his men and horses to kill him, and he wanted to cut this little bastard who humiliated him into pieces.

The second head and the third head of Guigu Village looked at each other, but they didn't speak rashly, wanting to see how the people above would deal with the head of Huangquan Village.

"You think I'm stupid," Qing Yun raised his eyebrows, and said with an evil smile: "Let the tiger go back to the mountain, have you ever heard of this word. Let you go back, and then take the people in your cottage to kill you. Do you think you are stupid or are you stupid?"

The leader of Huangquanzhai: "..."

This is not going to give them a way out.

"If you die, the remaining masters in Huangquanzhai should be grateful to me. If I hadn't killed you, he wouldn't have had a chance to become the master.

Besides, you are all dead, who knew I did it?I also said that you were killed by Guigu Village! "

Qingyun really intends to do this. The death of the head of Huangquan Village will be blamed on Guigu Village, and the death of the two heads of Guigu Village will be blamed on Huangquan Village, so that they can eat dogs.

"You want to blame us?" The second head of the Guigu family's face darkened, and when the person on the opposite side mentioned something, he guessed right, and glanced at the head of Huangquanzhai.

 Thanks to 110415104123, 1234567890cl, 854***126, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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