Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 366 Don't come, stun and take away

Chapter 366 Don't come, stun and take away

100 taels of silver is a lot of money, and it is no problem for a family to support their families and live a lifetime.Master Qing also promised to help if there were difficulties, and the two were even more satisfied.

People also met, and the matter was understood clearly, Qingyun waved his hand to dismiss the meeting, the cottage had just been taken down, and a bunch of things were waiting for them to do.

How to build the cottage and how to manage it is the business of Mad Wolf. Qingyun doesn't intervene, and she is very comfortable as the shopkeeper.

Huang Kun was also surprised by the generosity of the magistrate. The brothers they sacrificed before can get 30 taels of silver each, which is not bad.

"Is there anything else? The meeting is over." Qingyun glanced at them, Tian Duoliang and others shook their heads, Qingyun looked at Huang Kun and He Qiu again, and they both shook their heads.


After Huang Kun went back, he called a few brothers to hold a small meeting, focusing on analyzing the county magistrate, with a view to their staying.And told the brothers about several things that the county magistrate had dealt with.

"Brother Kun, according to what you say, the county magistrate is not bad?" a brother said
"At least there is love and righteousness," another brother said.

"I can't see it. People's hearts are separated from the belly, and people know their faces but don't know their hearts. When the surname Qian came, no one would say that he was a good person, and he was not the one who stabbed the knife in the back." Another brother disagreed.

"Don't forget that he was sent by the imperial court. Those people in the imperial court are the best at acting. I don't want to leave these brothers with no bones left."

"Your thinking is too extreme. You can't overturn a boat of people with one shot. We are unlucky, and what we encounter is not a thing. The court is not necessarily full of bad people, and there are good officials. Didn't he say that he killed Guanshan county magistrate. "The previous brother retorted.

"Just believe what he says, who knows if they are all the same! Before the incident happened, the magistrate of Guanshan County had a good reputation." The brother snorted coldly, with a look of disapproval.

There is no harm in being prepared with multiple eyes, it is better than panic and panic when things come to an end.

"Who is behind the eighteen villages in Qishan, everyone knows. If he is really not a good official, he will not suppress the bandits as soon as he comes."

"He just arrived, but he didn't have a firm foothold, and the food was controlled by the bandits' village. If he wanted to make achievements, the only way was to suppress the bandits.

As you can see, he doesn't have many people himself, there are only a dozen or so personal guards, and the others are just making do.Right now, the suppression of the bandits requires the sacrifice of his brothers. He is not a fool to express his opinion generously and thank him for paying for his life. "

"Brothers, there's nothing wrong with being cautious. He said that day that this will be Nineteen Villages from now on. He is an official of the imperial court, and his suppression of bandits is upright, but his suppression of bandits dare not reveal his identity as the magistrate of the county. This is very suspicious. Ah!" A brother agreed.

This is indeed a doubtful point. Huang Kun pondered for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the deep meaning of the magistrate.

Huang Kun didn't make a statement, and listened to the brothers arguing, and no one was convinced until now.

"Is it true? Go and investigate, and you will know the truth. They have injured a lot of people in this bandit suppression. They will not attack Guigu Village and Huangquan Village for the time being. They will take a few brothers out for a trip."

"Okay, leave this to me." A brother took over the job.

"Whether he is a good official or not, let's not talk about it for the time being. We will talk about it when we come back from the investigation. But he is indeed kind to us. No one, our brothers are still carrying the identity of bandits. Before leaving, if you can help, try your best to help. His kindness." Huang Kun said.

The brothers agree with this statement.

"Let's discuss it. Why are you Guigu Village and Huangquan Village? After receiving the news, how do you react? If you want to fight here, how should you fight?"


Qingyun didn't know that Huang Kun was going to send someone to check on her. She went to see the wounded, and Tian Duoliang followed her.

"The room on the left is for the seriously injured brothers, and the two big houses over there are for the slightly injured brothers."

"Let's look at the seriously injured brother first." Qing Yun saw the closed window, brows furrowed, "Who closed the window?"

"Brothers, is there a problem?" Tian Duoliang looked left and right, it was fine, no problem.

"The weather is so hot, if you close the windows, the air in the room will not circulate, and the temperature will be high, which will easily lead to inflammation and festering of the wounds, so ask someone to open the windows."

Qingyun didn't bother to say words that were easy to breed bacteria, and they couldn't understand them.

"Do you want to open the window?" Tian Duoliang looked at him suspiciously, Master Qing is not a doctor, where did he come from with that statement, besides, they are injured like this.

Tian Duoliang was smart, he didn't refute Qingyun's words, and asked his brothers to open the window, and the doctor came to ask him another day.

Dozens of wounded were confined to a room, and the smell was terrible, even if the windows were opened, they did not disperse all at once.

Brother Huang Kun came over for a while, and was checking the wounds of the brothers. He was relieved to see them open the window for ventilation.

"Master Qing is right. Opening the window to ventilate the wound is good for the wound, it doesn't get inflamed so easily, and it's not like a woman is confinement and can't see the wind."

He is not from the magistrate of the county, so he raised his opinion once, but no one listened to him, so Xiang stopped talking.Fortunately, the county magistrate has great prestige, and these people listened.

"Master Qing"

When the brothers saw Qingyun coming, they greeted each other.

Qingyun nodded in response to them, his tone was not very kind.

"Brothers, it's hard work! Lay down for me and don't move. You're still restless after being injured like this. Don't you think about it? Just stay there and don't make trouble for the doctor. You can cooperate as the doctor says. "

Glancing at the downcast brothers, Qingyun couldn't bear it when she tried to cheer her up, and thought for a while and said: "I have already sent someone to find a doctor outside. I heard that there are some doctors outside who are very skilled in medicine. They can revive people with a broken stomach, and they can also connect broken arms and legs. Their injuries are nothing to them.”

Draw a big cake to hang them, arouse their desire to survive, it is better for them to wait for death.

You said in case, if no doctor is willing to come to Qishan, Qingyun will give people hope first, and then make people despair when the hope is shattered, resulting in being resented by brothers?

Qingyun hehe: That's impossible, the brother she brought out is like her, it doesn't matter if the doctor doesn't want to come, he's knocked out and takes one away.

After Qingyun finished speaking, the brothers looked at him eagerly with their dull eyes shining brightly.

They believed what Master Qing said.

The brothers' blind obedience put Qingyun under a lot of pressure. She seemed to have painted a big cake, and she didn't do anything out of the ordinary!

Every wounded, Qingyun carefully looked at the wounds, some of the wounds were opened, but the bleeding stopped, a little inflammation, not serious, because the gauze for dressing the wounds was seriously lacking, the wounds were not bandaged, and the wounds were exposed, but there was no wound. deterioration.

On the contrary, those wounds were serious, as if they were filled with pus and festered. The wounds were sprinkled with medicinal powder and wrapped with gauze. The wounds were stuffy, but they became more and more serious.

 Thank you YY for asking for cc, Peiyo, Qiao Mucarved Fleeting Years, the treasure is stupid and stupid, so I went back to the past, ahhh big lazy cat, 140618192924037, 170117215341035, ^*^ Forgot the book, voted for the monthly ticket, what?

  Thanks to Peiyo, Qiselu, 20200229075230011, 20170724181553322 for their rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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