Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 373 Ambush, Intercept

Chapter 373 Ambush, Intercept
There is no place for them in the Dayong Dynasty, and the worst is this result.If he loses, even if he has blind eyes and ignorance of people, at most he will never recover, if he wins
After weighing, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Huang Kun is no longer hiding his clumsiness.

"I have some ideas, Mr. Qing, listen. Mr. Qing just mentioned that the route of Huangquan Village and Guigu Village is already known, and the information came from a bandit named Ma Ming. Regardless of Ma Ming's identity, first send someone to investigate Explore these two routes, right?"

Qingyun bent the corners of his lips, thinking of going with her.

"Whether we fight Huangquan Village first or Guigu Village first, we have no advantage. One is that the troops are insufficient, and the other is that the journey is far away." Huang Kun stood up, grabbed his teacup, dipped in water and drew a simple picture on the table. map.

There are only three targets on the map, Wumo Village, Huangquan Village, and Guigu Village.

Qingyun, Heixiong, Crazy Wolf, and Heiba ​​came over.

The two brothers, He Qiu and He Shui, thought for a while and then came over.

"Look, Master Qing," Huang Kun pointed to the map on the table and said, "If this is our Nineteen Village, this is Huangquan Village, and this is Guigu Village. According to the route provided by Ma Ming, from Nineteen Village to Huangquan Village for nine days The journey to Guigu Village is the furthest, and the journey of twelve days is considered to have crossed one-third of the land boundary of Qishan Mountain."

Qing Yun nodded, and Hei Xiong, Mad Wolf and Hei Ba also nodded.

"When attacking Huangquan Village or Guigu Village, the brothers traveled day and night. When they arrived at these two places, the brothers were tired, hungry and exhausted, but the bandits in Huangquan Village and Guigu Village didn't have to travel. They ate well and slept well. We are full of energy, and if the two sides fight, we must suffer."

Qingyun and the others nodded, for sure!One is tired and hungry, and the other is full and has nothing to do, so they must suffer in a fight!
He Qiu He Shui also understood.

"So it is not advisable to attack Huangquan Village and Guigu Village." After Huang Kun finished speaking, he looked at Qingyun.

Crazy wolf and black bear were stunned.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Hei Xiong stared at him, "It's impossible for the brothers to stay in the cottage and wait for them to come over, right?"

"If Huangquan Village and Guigu Village join forces, wouldn't we be even more unable to defeat them?" Crazy Wolf said after thinking about it.

"What good idea do you have?" The smile on Qingyun's face grew bigger and bigger, and his eyes were burning hot when he saw Huang Kun.

She might, might have found a treasure!

All of them are like Tian Duoliang's crazy wolf and black bear, she has to vomit blood.Younger brothers, like Huang Kun, can help the boss solve problems, instead of the boss solving problems for younger brothers.

"The bandits in Huangquan Village and Guigu Village are all dead. The news of Wumo Village's demise can be hidden for a longer time. When Huangquan Village Guigu Village receives the news of the Wumo Village's accident, it will be at least half a month later. It's been five days, and there are still ten days left, so there's still time.

I guess they will send people over to investigate, the number of people will not be less than one hundred, after the route is confirmed, we will plan to intercept and kill them on the way they came. "

"That's a good idea." Qingyun slapped the table and smiled, finally he has a younger brother who can do things.

"I can't see it, Huang Kun, you're hiding something." Hei Xiong looked at Huang Kun enviously, how brainy he is, he's almost catching up with Master Qing.

"Brother, it's amazing! I was wronged by staying in Wumo Village before!" Crazy Wolf said.

The idea is cruel and vicious, just like Master Qing, it is not a thing, and after becoming brothers, he would rather offend Tian Duoliang, the black bear, than Huang Kun.

What a villain!
"Where do you think is the best place to intercept?" Qingyun asked again.

"The place to intercept and kill should not be too far from the cottage, nor too close. Two or three days' journey is the best. The advantage is on our side. The Huangquan Village and Guigu Village are on the way. The brothers lay in an ambush beforehand, keep your spirits up, and wait They will attack as soon as they come. I have to look at the surrounding environment to determine the location of the interception."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Crazy Wolf Black Bear Heiba ​​He Shui He Qiu is at your disposal, and the resources of the cottage are at your disposal. I will find out the route. Whether the bandits in Qishan can be wiped out depends on success or failure. In one fell swoop."

Qing Yun patted Huang Kun on the shoulder, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes, he was a titan, brave and resourceful.

"Crazy Wolf, Black Bear, Heiba, He Shui and He Qiu obey the order and fully assist Huang Kun to complete this bandit suppression operation. Those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy!" Said murderously.

"Yes, Master Qing, this subordinate takes orders."

"Huang Kun, I'm optimistic about you! It's okay, you all go down and get busy!" After solving the serious problem in her heart, Qingyun's whole body is relaxed, and she is not suitable for brain work.

For the sake of suppressing the bandits, I don't know how many brain cells want to die.

Huang Kun's mad wolf and his party left the lobby, and the mad wolf and black bear hooked up with him familiarly, "Come on, brother, let's go to your place, let's have a good discussion and discuss what to do. You have to teach the brothers well." , you can’t hide your secrets, Master Qing likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper, he only cares about the result and doesn’t care about the process.”

Qingyun waited for them all to leave, as if picking up gold for nothing, he couldn't suppress the joy on his face, wandered around the lobby for a few times, but still couldn't suppress the joy, he waved for Bai Yanheng to come over.

"Captain Bai, come over and have a chat, let's talk about five cents and copper coins."

Qingyun was happy, and wanted to find someone to share with, but old man Song was not around, so he didn't even have anyone to share with, so he could only talk to Captain Bai.

Captain Bai is her guard, and he is a man of few words, Qingyun doesn't have to worry about spreading what he says.

Bai Yanheng was startled, glanced at Qingyun, and walked out from the corner. It was rare to see Qingyun so happy, and said with a blank expression on his face: "Master Qing, this subordinate is just a guard."

The implication is, what is there to talk about with the guards?

"What's wrong with the guards? Who stipulates that the guards can't chat. Come, come, come, I say you can, hurry up, dawdle, I'll punish you for being disrespectful, take off your clothes and run around the cottage."

This kind of punishment is the most effective against a taboo man like him.

Bai Yanheng's face twitched fiercely, and he flashed in front of Qingyun in an instant, helpless with the local hooligans, there was no reason to speak.

"Master Qing, what do you want to talk about?" Bai Yanheng said emotionally, without any fluctuation in his tone, they were all on a balanced line, giving people a feeling that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

Qingyun took a deep look at him, Captain Bai's aloof look, who knows which blind woman would like it in the future.

Then he said excitedly: "Captain Bai, how about Huang Kun?"

"Very good!" Bai Yanheng didn't expect Huang Kun to be so outstanding.

"Really?! I also think he is very good. Judging from his performance just now, he is well-organized, clear in thinking, and very experienced in the use of tactics. At first glance, he looks like a general on the battlefield. He dispatches thousands of troops, just like It’s as simple as eating and drinking.”

Bai Yanheng thought to himself: You can see clearly.

 Thanks to U151865831, 20180220174726094, a tree shade in Tangli, tourist 0083, it was cold for a moment, waiting for someone to ferry, dgafgfgh, Chen Rong, 1234567890cl, great sunshine, Mushu1106, voted for the monthly ticket, ok

(End of this chapter)

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