Chapter 375 Confession
Huang Kun glanced at the faces of the brothers one by one, and then continued: "Master Qing, you have noticed it these days. We are dying, and there is no drag behind us. Let's make a big bet and lose Yes, but if you die again, if you win, maybe all the brothers can stand up."

The brothers are all moved.

"Master Qing values ​​love and righteousness! I overheard something. Before they met Master Qing, the black bears, crazy wolves, and the others were also felons of the imperial court. They were sentenced to death. I don't know what they did. Working by Qing Ye's side, Qing Ye settled down in Qishan for them.

Our situation is similar to that of Black Bear, Crazy Wolf and the others. As long as we show our sincerity, this time the bandits suppressed Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, and told Master Qing that the brothers also settled in Qishan. For the sake, Master Qing will not refuse. "

If you settle down, it hits the heart of everyone present.

If they settled down in Qishan, they would no longer be dead people, people who could not see the light, they would be able to walk on the streets just like ordinary people, and it is possible to see their relatives?
The brothers suddenly found that their throats were a little dry, and they swallowed a few times with difficulty.

This mention is so exciting that no one can resist it.

"Sincerity? Brother Kun, what is our sincerity? How much sincerity does it take to be considered the sincerity of our brothers?" A brother asked.

"I have seriously considered that in order to gain Master Qing's trust, we must be honest about our origins and keep it hidden for the rest of our lives. This place is not far from the border. If you are willing to investigate, you will definitely be able to find out.

In case, one day, he hears about our origins from someone else, Master Qing will definitely suspect us, does he have ulterior motives towards him?Even if we put in a lot of effort, it seems to him that we have ulterior motives.

It's better to confess from the beginning that he can accept it and everything will be fine. If he doesn't accept it, considering his character and the fact that we helped him, he won't embarrass us, at most let us go. "

Huang Kun thought about it carefully all night, even thinking about the way out.

The brothers thought over and over, pondered over and over, and they all thought that Huang Kun was the most thoughtful, taking every aspect into consideration.

The brothers looked at each other, and they all saw each other's eyes of agreement, nodded and said: "Okay, we will do as Brother Kun wants."


Crazy Wolf and his group walked out of Huang Kun's yard. He Qiu pulled He Shui and told Crazy Wolf Hei Xiong Heiba ​​and the other three, "Three brothers, I have something to say to the third child, so I'm going back first."

If there is anything else to say, what should be said was finished a few days ago!
He Shui was unhappy in his heart. He glanced at his second brother's warning eyes, swallowed his refusal, turned around and said to Crazy Wolf and the others: "You go first, I'll be back in a while."

Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong and Hei Ba looked at He Qiu and He Shui, their faces were clear, and what they said was very comforting.

"It's rare for you brothers to meet here. Take advantage of the few days that you are not busy, get together well. After the bandit suppression is confirmed, you will have to be busy for a long time. I don't know when we will meet next time."

He Shui and He Qiu's brothers returned to He Qiu's place, and the three of them, Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong and Hei Ba, planned to find Qing Yun.

"Second brother, what's the matter with pulling me here? You can't talk about it yet." As soon as he entered the room, He Shui immediately asked him.

He is in a hurry!

Crazy Wolf and the others must have gone to find Master Qing. Before Master Qing and the others discussed things, he was also there. If he is not here this time, what will Master Qing think of him?

He Qiu has been thinking about their way out for the past two days. After the bandits are wiped out, can they go back to the village and work honestly?
The result is obvious, no!

These people have been bandits in the mountains for ten years. It is undeniable that they have a good heart, but after being bandits for more than ten years, they are used to the way of bandits, and they are used to the days of licking blood on the tip of a knife. I am definitely not used to the pastoral life of working at sunrise and returning to sunset.

"Third brother, tell me about Master Qing." With his younger brother, He Qiu didn't hide anything, and asked about Qingyun openly.

"What are you talking about Master Qing? What does Master Qing have to say?" The one who inquired was Master Qing, and He Shui, who was careless, stared at him warily.

Following Qing Ye these days is not for nothing, he should be vigilant, he will not relax, even if that person is his own brother.

He Qiu looked at him like that, his teeth were sour, and he was afraid that someone would guard against him.It was funny and angry, but he couldn't get angry, so he hit him hard.

"Who do you think I am? I just want to know if Master Qing is a good person. If Master Qing is good, we also want to follow Master Qing, but I don't know if Master Qing will accept him or not?

I thought about it, it’s unrealistic to go home and farm. I haven’t touched a hoe for more than ten years. "

He Shui thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.Compared with himself, he doesn't like farming and rarely works in the field. When the family's farming is busy, he only goes to the field to help, holding a hoe and sickle to death.

Anyway, he can still do some work in the field a year, which is awkward. His second brother really hasn't been in the field for more than ten years, and he probably has forgotten how to farm.

"Master Qing is quite a nice person..." He Shui said something, suddenly recalled, "Second brother, how can I do this? I also want to follow Master Qing!

If you follow Master Qing, what will I do?No, you can't do it with Master Qing, you said at the time of suppressing the bandits, you went home to farm.Master Qing doesn't like people who don't count. "

He Qiu stared at him expressionlessly, he was promising and growing, and knew to use Master Qing to block him.

"You're a bastard, so Master Qing doesn't dislike you. If I would have kicked you out long ago. If you eat so much every day, you won't turn a corner if you only have a long brain but not a long heart. We brothers can be together." Leave."

He Qiu swept his head, why didn't he just die of stupidity.

"That's a good idea!" He Shui's eyes lit up, and he still smirked after being beaten.

"I heard Master Qing said that he is short of people, many, many people. If you work for Master Qing, Master Qing will definitely want it."

He Shui grinned, "I heard from Crazy Wolf and the others that the wages of being a yamen servant are high. They pay one tael a month and 12 taels a year. Our family, young and old, work hard in the fields from dawn to dusk. You can't earn three taels of silver."

When they heard the wages, all the villagers were moved and agreed that after the bandits were suppressed, they would go to the county government to find a servant to arrest them quickly.

"Have you asked Lord Qing? There are about 200 of us in total, and the Yamen needs so many arresting Yamen servants?"

The former county magistrate of Qishan only had 30 arresters and yamen servants. Crazy Wolf and the others had at least 500 people, which was equivalent to a medium-sized bandit village.

One tael per person, four to five hundred taels a month, the county magistrate is really rich.

 Thanks to 110415104123, the love between rose and peony, U146740716, sister Qiao Qiao, I don’t know, what’s the name of the swastika, the dark jade smokes, the monthly ticket I voted for, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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