Chapter 392
This is the difference between the regular army and the miscellaneous.

Crazy Wolf and the others still have a lot to learn!
Huang Kun was born in the army, and gathering intelligence on the battlefield is an instinct for him.

"There are 300 bandits in Huangquan Village, 300 bandits in Wumo Village, 800 people were killed, and now there are 600 left. Guigu Village is the most powerful among the four villages, with 230 bandits. 400 people were wiped out, 1000 people were intercepted, and now there are 800 people left. The total number of bandits in the two cottages is [-].

Our Nineteenth Village is almost as powerful as them. If Huangquan Village or Guigu Village come to kill us alone, the chances of winning are not great.If the two families join forces to kill us, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, and we have little chance of winning. If we add tunnels and traps, we are only [-]% sure of defending the Nineteenth Village. "

Huang Kun and the others have never fought in tunnel warfare, so it's hard to say how effective it will be.Master Qing has emphasized that tunnel warfare is very good, but he has no idea in his heart. He is [-]% sure that tunnel warfare is already high.

Hei Xiong and Hei Ba were dizzy when they heard a pair of numbers.Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and the two were much better. They also heard Song Wenqian talk about the art of war, and they could understand Huang Kun's words, so they had a rough idea in mind.

"Heisha village won't let anyone go, and the brothers are all here, will the chances of winning be better?" Tian Duoliang pondered and said.

"No," Huang Kun shook his head, "Heisha village must keep people. Apart from gold and silver treasures, Heisha village also has several warehouses of grain, and it's only three days away from us.

Heisha Village is the only card in our hand. If we can't keep it here, it is our only way out.For the second purpose, Heisha Village can also attack Huangquan Village and Guigu Village from behind, and the two sides can attack them by surprise. "

Qing Yun raised her eyebrows, Huang Kun thought of going with her.

"Third, it will take six days at the fastest to get here from Huangquan Village and Guigu Village. They must not bring food with them during the long journey. They can only carry dry food for a few days at most."

It's not marching and fighting, and they pay attention to "the food and grass go first before the soldiers move", and the bandits don't have that kind of consciousness.Wherever they hit, where did they grab it.

"If the effect of tunnel warfare is as Master Qing said, our place is a piece of iron, and we can't eat it for a few days, and the dry food is gone, and they will turn around and attack Heisha village.

Heisha Village is the weakest of the four cottages, and they definitely want to snatch Heisha Village.At the beginning, when the brothers attacked Heisha Village, it took a lot of hard work to win it, and it became our territory.

No one was guarding, and the bandits took Heisha Village without a single soldier. Didn't we beat Heisha Village for the bandits?Are you willing?The bandits have food and are close to us, which is a great disadvantage to us, and they have the confidence to fight us to the death.Heisha Village must never be without people. "

Qingyun nodded, and Huang Kun said that she was in her heart.

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong Heiba ​​and the others understood what Huang Kun said.

Qingyun is very confident in the tunnel warfare, "Heisha village will still follow the original plan and draw 200 people there. In addition, the woods outside the valley can also dig tunnels and lay traps like this. No matter if the bandits in Huangquan village or Guigu village go Don’t go to Heisha Village, prepare more means, just in case it’s always right.”

Everyone nodded, this idea can be had. 200 people have no confidence in guarding a cottage. With tunnels and traps, the chances of the brothers surviving will be greatly improved.

"Because the bandits didn't come, a hundred people were left here to guard the village, and the other brothers went to Heisha Village to help dig tunnels and lay traps." Qing Yun said.

Time waits for no one!

Before the bandits came, the tunnel traps in Heisha Village had to be set up, so that they could stay here wholeheartedly without any worries.

No one objected.

Qingyun swept them around, and asked Lie Xing, "Do you have any good ideas, you can bring them up."

"Master Qing, there are other ways besides smashing to death." Huang Kun said suddenly.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Qingyun sat up and looked at him with great interest.

Damn, there is finally a younger brother who can help, every time she asks this question, Mad Wolf and the others will either pretend to be dead or look down at the ground, making her very angry.

"I wonder if Lord Qing has heard that officers and soldiers come to suppress bandits in Qishan every year?" Huang Kun asked suddenly.

"I've heard of it." Qingyun nodded.

I still learned about the collusion between officials and bandits from the old man Liu in Liujia Village.

"In the four bandit villages in Qishan, every time the bandit food is harvested, there will be generals from the border to suppress the bandits. In name, they come to suppress the bandits, but in reality they come to collect food. The officers and soldiers come to suppress the bandits twice a year, and once in summer. , harvest once in autumn."

Officials and bandits colluded, it's a real hammer!

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and the others looked at Huang Kun in a daze. They were clearly talking about the extermination of Huangquan Village and Guigu Village. What are the officers and soldiers doing to suppress the bandits?
Qingyun rubbed his chin to ponder, suddenly a flash of inspiration, could it be
Huang Kun aimed his ideas at the officers and soldiers?


"Go on." Qingyun raised his chin, signaling Huang Kun to continue, to see if the two of them have a tacit understanding.

He glanced at Crazy Wolf and the others. Why is there such a big gap between people? They are also younger brothers. Huang Kun is very suitable as a younger brother!

"Every time officers and soldiers come to Qishan to suppress bandits, there are at most 800 people, and 800 people are enough to escort food. The first place to go is Guigu Village. We can pretend to be officers and soldiers to go to Guigu Village. This is a dangerous move. It is not a big problem to wipe out Guigu Village if we are not prepared."

Qingyun smiled, it's no wonder that Meng Jiajun came out, just as she thought.

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong Heiba ​​and the others also came back to their senses, seeing Huang Kun click his tongue a few times.As expected of being an officer and soldier, what he thinks is different from them.

"How to impersonate? We don't have official uniforms? We don't know the leaders of Guigu Village?" After thinking about it, Hei Xiong felt that this idea would not work.

"The officers and soldiers who can come to Qishan to collect grain should be a few who come here often. The bandits must know each other. Suddenly, a group of strangers appear. If I am a bandit from Guiguzhai, I must be suspicious." Tian Duoliang said.

Qingyun glanced at him and Heixiong speechlessly, and didn't want to talk anymore, and nodded their heads with his fingers in the air, "Use your brain more!"

Crazy Wolf is quite knowledgeable, and after thinking about it, he said: "What do you mean, let's ambush and intercept the officers and soldiers, and then pretend to be officers and soldiers and go to Guigu Village?"

Qingyun glanced at Mad Wolf, finally she still has a brain, otherwise, she would vomit blood and die.

Huang Kun smiled when he heard Crazy Wolf's words.

"Brother Crazy Wolf is right, this is my proposal. Let's intercept and kill officers and soldiers, pretending to be officers and soldiers to attack Guigu Village. Master Qing, what do you think of this idea?"

Huang Kun looked at Qingyun, it was this master who made the decision.

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(End of this chapter)

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