Chapter 418
The black bear protected Du Chun'an with food and treasures. When he came back, the food was still in the cave found in the woods outside the city. A trap was set at the entrance of the cave, and the money was transported back to the county government in the middle of the night.

"Sir," Du Chun'an stepped into the lobby and saw the county magistrate in his office. After being surprised, he bowed his hands and saluted.

"Come back, things are done?" Qingyun dropped the official document, walked over and circled around him, jokingly said: "You're thin! They didn't give you food?"

"It's over!" Du Chunan didn't say much, there was still a horse owner Bo in the lobby.The account book is in his hand, and he will give it to Qingyun in the evening.

"Beijing has gotten fat!" Du Chunan rolled his eyes, every day, white noodles and steamed buns and white rice are filled with meat, and only if you are thin, there will be ghosts.

"I saw that the house was all torn down. Your Excellency plans to build a new county office?" Du Chunan frowned. The reconstruction of the county office exceeded the county magistrate's regulations.If adults want to go smoothly in the official road, they cannot leave this handle.

"It's not the county government office, this is my Shangguan mansion." Qingyun happily took out the blueprint and showed it to Du Chunan, "How is it? It's beautiful!"

Du Chun'an gave him a shocked look, the county magistrate really dared to do it, and the county government was occupied by him like this. He turned his head and glanced at Ma Zhubo, who nodded slightly.

"As long as your lord is happy!" Du Chunan's mouth twitched, seeing how happy the county magistrate was, even if he objected, the county magistrate wouldn't listen to him.

The people and horses have no opinion!
"Old Suntou's house has a good piece of wood. In two days, he will carve a door flat and hang it outside. You can't make a mistake." Qingyun was also tired of seeing a personal explanation, and he could see the door flat.

"You came back just in time. This time the autumn harvest yamen began to collect tax grains. You and Ma Zhubo will sort out the tax revenue, follow the rules of the court, and notify the towns and villages as soon as possible, so that the people do not know about it and make random guesses. That's right. , the population is going to be re-registered, and after being tortured by bandits for so many years, Qi Shan doesn't know how many people are left!"

Qingyun said nothing about tax cuts or no tax collection.

After being exploited by bandits for so many years, the people of Qishan can still survive, not less than her tax.Besides, the taxation of the imperial court is definitely not as serious as that of bandits.

Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Chou!
She has rescued the people of Qishan from the bandits, and if she is exempted from taxation, she will make the people of Qishan feel that she is soft-hearted and easy to bully, so as to increase their appetite.

In the future, if she collects taxes and grains again, the people will complain, react, and even resent, thinking that she is a corrupt official, and if she does uncontrollable things, the gains will outweigh the losses.

There are white-eyed wolves everywhere, not everyone will be grateful.

Hidden danger, strangled to death in Shaolan at the beginning.From the very beginning, she had to stop thinking of the people.

Use the rules of the court as a feathered arrow, circle the rules, everyone in this circle, act according to the rules, hello, hello, hello everyone!

"Yes, I will lead the order." Du Chunan nodded, and after thinking about it, he said, "Sir, I want to build a house on the wasteland behind your mansion, is it possible?"

It is not the county government that has been changed to the Shangguan government. It is not suitable for their family to live here.Besides, the sons of his family will not be able to live in the county government office when they get married in the future, and the house still needs to be prepared.

Qishan is now in the hands of adults, and within a few years of the county seat, the population and housing prices will double several times. At that time, with his meager salary, how could he afford to buy a house.It is better to take advantage of the fact that you are just getting up now and build a house in a circle.

The old man in the family also raised this issue. The house where the yamen catches Kuai is too small for their family.

"You don't want to live with me?" Qingyun blurted out, and then she realized that this is her private place in the future. Chun'an is different from old man Song. They have a family with their family, so what's the matter of living here.

"No problem, if you want to circle that piece, I'll pay for building the house, don't refuse, it was agreed at the beginning." Qingyun couldn't refuse.

"Thank you sir!" Du Chunan did not refuse.

In the evening, Qingyun flipped through the account book registered by Du Chunan, and his eyes widened as he looked at it.No wonder the old man surnamed Qian wanted to control Qishan Luomeng Mountain and Guangqi Mountain's property of four bandit cottages, which was worth five years of taxes from the Dayong Dynasty.

Oily rich!
Anyone who sees it will be moved!

The old thing with the surname Qian, I am afraid that the money in his hand will only be more and more.

The eyes of the old emperor of the Dayong Dynasty, blind, let the loyal and loyal general Meng not want, get a big moth over, dig his corners, and reward him with money to praise him for his loyalty.

The Dayong Dynasty will be finished by them sooner or later!
The county government is on the right track, and Qingyun goes to the wolf cub Liu Kui.

The little guy is eager to learn. He reads with several children in Du Chunan's family every day, and he knows a lot of words.The two went to the corner to talk, and Qingyun didn't treat people like children.

"I've paid half of your village's revenge. There are no bandits in Qishan now, and the county town is no longer in danger. You let the wolves go back to the deep mountains. The woods outside the city are too close to the county town, and there are always people hunting in the mountains. It's not good if you conflict with the wolves. You don't want the wolves to get hurt, do you?"

Liu Kui tilted his head and thought for a while, then slowly spit out two words, "No, think."

"Yes, yes, you can talk now, take your time! Soon, you will talk as smoothly as we do." Suddenly, when he heard the wolf cub speak, Qingyun was happy, touched the wolf cub's head, and praised him fiercely. .

The wolf cub grinned, showing his white teeth.

The two agreed.

The wolf cub raised his head and called out 'oooooooo', which suddenly scared many people in the county office.The wolves in the woods outside the city responded a few times with 'Ouch, ooh, ooh', and the wolf king returned to the deep mountains and forests with the wolves.


Du Chun'an, the owner of the horse, Bo and the two, are busy spinning like a spinning top every day. In order to make a reasonable tax item, Du Chun'an and Huang Kun Ma Ming and the others inquired about the tax collection by the bandits, and they were busy for half a month. tax items introduced.

After taking a look at the newly introduced tax items, Qingyun asked Du Chunan, "Will it be too high?"

Sixty percent tax!The imperial court only received [-]%, and she was [-]% higher than the imperial court. After the people of Qishan knew about it, they could no longer scold her for Zhou Pipi behind her back.

"Not much, we only collect [-]% of the grain tax, and nothing else. Although the imperial court only collects [-]% of the grain tax, there are a lot of messy taxes. The poll tax, land tax, house tax, road tax... add up to [-]% of ours. Still in high school.”


There are many imperial routines.

Qingyun glanced at the tax items of the imperial court, which were densely packed and dazzled. After putting it down, he asked Ma Zhubo, such a big man, he couldn't pretend he didn't see it.

"Ma Zhubo, what do you think?"

After all, she is still a conscientious county magistrate.Outside counties, prefectures, and prefectures, the Dayong Dynasty was staring at them, and they had to collect taxes according to the tax items of the imperial court.

 Thank you for listening to the wind, ss7010130, psychedelic fairy, just go back to the past, \Oo little melody Oo, voted for the monthly ticket, huh

  Thank you _д_ for the reward, alright
(End of this chapter)

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