Chapter 421
At lunchtime, the county government servants quickly beat the gongs from the street to the end of the street.

The people in the county who were just about to go out to work, heard the sound of the gong, stopped their movements, listened to what the yamen servants shouted, and after hearing what the yamen servants shouted, all of them stared wide-eyed in shock.

Something happened in the county seat, something big happened.

The county government moved away, moved to the south of the city, and the one with two big stone lions at the door is the county government.When the people in the county heard the news, their faces were filled with bewilderment.

Is there a place called Chengnan in their county?There are only two streets in the county town. The so-called two streets are the people in the county town who pay for their faces. There are only two rows of houses, from east to west.

The former site of the county government office is the big house now built by the county magistrate. This is no longer the county government office, it is the Shangguan mansion, and it is the county magistrate's own home.

They just said, how could there be such a good person in the world who built the yamen with their own money, it turned out to be the county magistrate's own house, no wonder the building was so big and so good.

The people in the county town don't care at all whether or not the county government will be moved, and where they will go. It has nothing to do with the people.It's not their turn to worry about where the magistrates live and build a house for themselves. Someone has to worry about it.

Another thing, the county government, two announcements were posted outside the Shangguan Mansion, one was for tax collection, and the other was for the county government to build a city wall and recruit workers.

The county is going to build a fence!
When the common people thought of this, their eyes were red with excitement.Great to build the fence, once the fence is built, you will no longer be afraid of bandits coming to rob you.

Wait, just now, the yamen servants and arresters seem to be, they seem to be recruiting?
The county government wants to recruit workers?
The people in the county were stunned, remembering the wages paid by the county government when the house was built, and rushed to the county government after regaining their senses, no, they rushed to the Shangguan to read the announcement.

Everyone was speechless with excitement, thinking in their hearts, the county magistrate is really a good person!Great man!
The city wall is much longer than the wall of the county government. They can do it for a few months, and the family has a lot of income.

Thinking of the rules established by the county government when building the fence, everyone vigilantly guarded against neighbors.This time, he can't be taken down by the county government, he must take this matter down.

The owner of the horse was dizzy, and the county magistrate dropped a bomb when he entered the lobby, which made him dizzy, and his mind is still buzzing to this day.

The county is going to build a city wall.

This is a good thing, a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

However, what is the contribution value, what is the exchange... What is it, he does not understand.Oops, it’s because he’s an old man, his comprehension ability is poor, and he can’t understand, he’s still a young man now
The magistrate dropped such a big bomb and left, Ma Zhubo looked at Du Zhubo.

"The contribution value advocated by the adults." Master Du broke it apart, crushed it, and explained it to him, ".That's what happened. If there is anything that Master Bo doesn't understand, just ask."

The horse owner Bo shook his head slightly, "No need, I understand."

After saying this, the horse owner Bo was speechless for a long time.

The owner of the horse suddenly stood up, bowed deeply towards the honored seat in the high hall, Du Chun'an was surprised at first, and then showed a clear expression.But seeing the horse owner Bo got up and turned to salute him, Du Chun'an hurriedly avoided.

"Horse owner Bo, no."

"Master Du," Ma Master Bo interrupted Du Chun'an's words solemnly, with tears overflowing from his cloudy eyes, making Du Chun'an unable to speak.

The owner Bo was so excited that his hands were shaking, he asked in disbelief, "Your Excellency, do you want to set up a school in the county?"

Du Chun'an was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ma Bo was going to say something important, with such a solemn expression.He explained for a long time, but Ma Zhubo only heard about 'running a school'.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and he nodded, "My lord has this plan. But, not so fast! Your old man also saw that there is nothing in the county, and everything is lacking. To build and develop, these things can't be rushed, you have to take it step by step .Your Excellency, build the city wall first to protect the safety of the people in the county."

"I understand it, I understand it. Don't worry, I will build a school after the county is built. There is a county grandpa in Qishan, which is the blessing of Qishan. Your lord is the nobleman of Qishan!"

I dare not think of such a thing.

Since Qishan was controlled by bandits, they couldn't even solve the problem of food and clothing, and their lives were threatened all the time. How could they dare to think about such a luxury as studying.

In the future, the children and grandchildren of the common people in Qishan can also study.

The owner of the horse was excited, but also ashamed and ashamed.Because of his selfishness, the old man used to be on guard against the county magistrate, fearing that the county magistrate's failure to suppress the bandits would hurt them, so he even thought about reporting it to the bandits
The owner of the horse, Bo, was so ashamed that he wanted to get into the cracks in the ground.

"Your Excellency, he is a good official. Shame on his lowly position!" The horse owner Bo suddenly sighed, his life will belong to the county magistrate from now on.

Du Chun'an didn't know Ma Zhubo's thoughts, thought that the old man was excited, so he didn't care.If the county magistrate had selfish intentions in building the city wall, there is no need to let Ma Zhubo know about those things. No matter if there is a misunderstanding, both sides are seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence.

"Why is it so lively outside?" The horse owner Bo looked outside and said.

The policeman on duty at the gate said: "The people in the county are reading the announcement outside. Just now the government servants beat gongs and drums to inform everyone, and the county government issued a notice. No, the people have come here."

On this day, the county government was more lively than the Chinese New Year, and the common people gathered in the street to discuss the announcement.

The common people were illiterate and couldn't understand the above content, but the big red seal of the county magistrate saw it.

The yamen had considered this matter long ago, and sent two literate yamen servants to stand by the notice to explain the above content to the people.

"The tax is [-]%?"

"Yes! It's [-]% less than the tax collected by bandits!"

The yamen servant could hear the joy in the people's words.

"It's more than that! I didn't hear from the yamen servant, the big brother, that the yamen only collects [-]% of the tax, and no other taxes are collected."

"I didn't hear it when I came here. Is it true? Is it true that other taxes are not collected?"

"No. If you don't believe me, ask the policeman, they are here!"


"Brother Hurry up, do you register here? I heard that the county government is going to build a city wall, so I'll be one of them!"

"Do you want to recruit a job? Then count me in? My son is tall and big, so he counts as one."

There was a sudden chaos in front of the notice board, and all the clever people crowded in front of the policeman. The clothes on the policeman's clothes were almost torn by them, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze out of the crowd.

After receiving the news, the senior uncles in the county went to the horse owner Bo's house.When they went, everyone looked dignified, and when they came out half an hour later, they all left with smiles on their faces.

In the county yamen, the common people were discussing the matter of taxation and recruitment of workers. A dozen teams of arresting yamen servants took the official notices from the yamen and set off for the villages and townships.

 Thanks to jly69, 20190827125635754, 110415104123, Satisfied Duo Duo Le, 20170718005724936, ygangela, 闹雪雪, Tingfeng, Brother Zhang 1, liao1306799, jingyexi, baby Rongrong, psychedelic fairy, 20181101093750292, 20190606211514903, 681147, I don’t know, 69 , Shuzishushu, Mu Mingyou, Wenwu Lb, Mythology of the Old Capital, Look at My Schoolbag, Mitu Fengyun, hulian20181101093750292, Mumuheevery, jly161117204038710, 20170518101539727, Mumuheeverytime, Zizishushu, Luanshumi, VEMY, Three reflections, Zhixueyi, wmhjjf, 854, Meizi Qingqing, jingyexi, Pianlin, 679, [-]***[-], voted for the monthly ticket, what?

  Thanks to jly69, Peiyo, Shuzishushu, for the reward, okay?

  Hold your fists together, wait for Wen's brothers and sisters, after the vaccination, they feel uncomfortable, so there is no change.

(End of this chapter)

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