Chapter 429
"It seems to be Qin Tutou, Tian Tutou and the others are back." The people in the county who knew them murmured.

"Do you know those people?" asked the refugee next to him, the people who had just settled in Qishan.

"I know, of course I know, let me tell you." The people in the county immediately became excited again, and they made a picture of some influential figures in the county government, which made the people around them stunned.

"My lord, Master Bo, Tian Butou and the others are back."

A yamen servant ran over from outside and shouted from afar.

"Let's go and have a look." Qingyun dropped the prey he was packing up, and Du Chun'an came over with a ladle of water and gave him a flush.

Outside the gate, a long convoy was parked at the gate, and the yamen servants quickly moved the food on the cart, carrying two sacks on their shoulders to the gate.

"My lord, Master Du," Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang cupped his hands and saluted. Crazy Wolf took out the account book and handed it to Du Chun'an.

"I'm back, thanks for your hard work!" Qingyun patted the shoulders of the two, looked at the back of the convoy, and counted them. There were thirty carts in total, which could last for two months.

Du Chun'an was checking the number with the account book.

"I came back very quickly, where did I buy it?" Qingyun grabbed two sacks and carried them, and walked into the gate.

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang also went in with two sacks on his shoulders.

"I bought it in the county town of Jinlan. Weiyang is too far away, and the Futai is not a thing. We a group of strangers bought so much food. The thing surnamed Li should not ask around!
Jinlan is indeed a land of fish and rice, a place of grain production, and any county is more prosperous than Qishan.The Xiaopan county we went to has a much larger population than ours.I heard people say that the population of Xiaopan County is not large in Jinlan. "

After seeing the prosperity of Xiaopan County, I realized that their county is just a remote corner, or a corner full of bandits. It's really hard to explain it. No wonder the imperial court has abandoned Qishan for so many years and ignored it.

"What's the point of envying other people's county towns? No matter how good Xiaopan County is, it has nothing to do with me. Besides, Xiaopan County was not built by the county magistrate himself, and took advantage of the predecessors. I built a city for myself. What do you want to build? Build whatever you want, and no one can control it.”

Qingyun looked gangster-like, and stared at the two of them in dissatisfaction, frustrated his own prestige and boosted others' ambitions, he was puzzled, and kicked them one by one.

Crazy wolf Tian Duoliang knew that he had said the wrong thing, and poked Qing Ye's heart. The two were kicked, but they were still smiling.

"You guys came back just in time. I found a hunting ground with a lot of prey. I'll go with me tomorrow." Qingyun has been thinking about the valley, and plans to go to the village to transfer a group of people. It just so happens that Mad Wolf Tian Duoliang and the others will be back. Save her a trip.

This is good, they like it, it is better than letting them open up wasteland and farm.

Qing Yun saw the expressions of the two of them and guessed what they were thinking, a smirk curled up on the corner of his lips.

Qing Yun didn't know what to think, put down the sack, and ran to find Du Chun'an.

"Chun'an, have you bought the seeds from the cottage?"

"I bought it, I bought one piece back, and I bought the seeds needed by the newly settled people." When buying grain, he explained to Tian Duoliang and the others.

"The rice in the field is heading. Now it's too late to plant rice. The season is not good, and neither are sweet potatoes and other crops. We can only grow winter wheat and corn. The land that was opened up for the first time is not fertile enough to grow winter wheat, but corn does not need too much. The fertile land can be planted, this time everyone will plant corn, next year sweet potatoes, and after one year, they can almost grow rice and wheat.”

After Du Chun'an came back, he got to know the good farmers in the county carefully and carefully, and he told the truth.

Qingyun is also from the countryside, and she often works in the fields with her old man. She doesn't know anything about farming, and she knows a little bit after reading a lot.Sometimes the old man also likes to plant some winter wheat, rapeseed and so on.

Qingyun doesn't know what crops existed in ancient times, and she doesn't talk nonsense casually. Being laughed at is a trivial matter, but being suspected of her origin is a big problem.

"According to what you said, we all plant corn. For the newcomers, we will give them the seeds on credit first, and use the grain to pay off the debt in the coming year." Qingyun is not a kind person, so he can do whatever he wants.

With her, it is impossible to get something for nothing.

Du Chun'an was also worried that the county magistrate would give it away for free, and the magistrate's tolerance for refugees seemed too high, so he was relieved to hear his words.

Speaking of the newly settled people, after so long, she didn't go around and wondered what happened to those people.

"I'll go out for a walk, I'll leave the matter of the seeds to you." Qingyun waved his hand and slipped away to the newly settled village.

Young people and strong men have all gone to build the city wall, and the elderly, children and women, under the leadership of their village chief, cleared the gravel, bushes, weeds, etc. in the village.

Among a group of tattered common people, a few people in official uniforms came, standing out from the crowd, very eye-catching.

People don't necessarily know Qingyun, but the village head has seen the county magistrate, so he left his work and came to see him.

"grown ups……"

Before the old man could finish speaking, Qingyun interrupted him.

"Don't be afraid, old man. I'm just here to take a look. The house in Miaojiazhuang to the west has just been built. The people in Miaojiazhuang are nice. The village chief can go to Miaojiazhuang to have a look.

By the way, I have something to tell you. The county government bought a batch of seeds, and Mr. Du is responsible for the seeds. The old man can go to the county government to ask him when he is free. "

The old man thought that the county magistrate came to tell them something, but he didn't expect that the county magistrate came to care about them.

Qingyun wandered around every village, told every village head that he had a good opinion of himself and the county government, and also gave a wave of praise to Miaojiazhuang.

Qingyun took crazy wolf Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun and the others to go hunting again, to the valley she had wanted for a long time.

Like a pack of wolves, they rushed fiercely at the prey in the valley. They killed a third of the sheep and cattle, four of the wild boars, and countless rabbits and pheasants.

When they went back together, the people in the county were shocked.

Looking at the county magistrate carrying a cow, the newcomers finally believed what the county people said, the county magistrate is a formidable person.

The entire county had a share in this meat feast, and the yamen servants quickly notified all the villages.

Boss Miao of Miaojiazhuang sent people from the village to help, and people from the county town also voluntarily went to the county government to help.The newcomers, on the other hand, don't know what kind of character the magistrate is, so they are afraid and dare not come to him at will.

On the day of the meat feast, the whole county was busier than the New Year.

Nothing happened here in the county seat, Qingyun followed Crazy Wolf and the others to the cottage, and took the seeds with him.

Between building the city wall and going back to the cottage to open up wasteland and farm, Mad Wolf Tian Duoliang chose the latter.

Copycats should be free!

Huang Kun and the others were also taken away by Qingyun. There is no shortage of them to build the city wall. The stronghold needs to train troops. General Yang and the others are dead.

 Thank you Fengluo Lanchen, Huang Xingsu, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thanks for eating and lying down, Peiyo, for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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