Chapter 438
"Not bad, not bad, not bad." Qingyun rolled his eyes at Huang Kun and praised him, and sure enough, no one in Huang Kun let him down.

The brothers who were training in the playground saw Master Qing coming from the corner of their eyes, and they all trained more seriously, so they must let Master Qing see their earth-shaking changes.

When the brothers heard Master Qing's praise, they were all as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they trained even more vigorously.

Qingyun went back to her room to wash up, and Huang Kun settled the people he brought first.

Those who came with Huang Kun Qingyun and the others, the ignorant young men, really thought they were here to open up wasteland and cultivate land. When they stepped into the cottage and saw the people training on the playground, no matter how stupid they were, they could see that they did not come to open up wasteland and cultivate land. .

Qingyun changed clothes and came out, and heard Huang Kun say: ".I think many of you have seen it. You came to the cottage not just to open up wasteland and farm land. If you want to quit, there is still time. Stand up, and I will send someone to see you off. go back."

Qingyun swept his eyes, and called Tian Duoliang, who was watching the fun, to leave.

"Where are you going?" Tian Duoliang ran over, looking back frequently.

"Go to the granary to have a look. I was not in the cottage when the corn was harvested. Tell me, how many catties did you harvest?"

"I don't know, Wumo Village is the territory of mad wolves." Tian Duoliang was more confused than Qingyun, asked him what he was doing for farming, but he didn't care about the mess in Guigu Village, and let the people below do it.

Qingyun rolled his eyes at Tian Duoliang, raised his eyebrows, asked the wrong person, and nodded, "Go and call Mad Wolf."

"Hey," Tian Duoliang walked away, and soon the mad wolf came.

When Tian Duoliang called him, he casually asked Qingye what he was calling him, and came over to take Qingyun to the granary to see that it was more true than what he said.

"I heard from brothers who know how to farm, that the land was not fertile enough the first year, and a small part of the corn stalks were cut off to feed the horses, and the rest were burned in the field. Several brothers are good at farming. Everyone fertilizes, and some brothers say that planting beans can make the land fat for three years."

Crazy Wolf talked about what happened in the cottage all the way, Qingyun didn't know how to farm, so he let him figure it out, chatted while walking, and soon arrived at the granary.

The inventory in the granary is still very rich. It is said that the first year's land was not fertile and the yield was not enough. Seeing the harvest of corn in the granary, Qingyun was very satisfied.

After looking at the granary and then at the cottage, everything is on the right track, Qingyun is relieved.

After the suppression of the bandits, everyone gathered together for the first time, and the staff was complete.

He Shui and He Qiu borrowed it. After suppressing the bandits, they went back to the village. They didn't know why they told the villagers, but the two of them came back with the villagers.With Heiba ​​in front, Qingyun can't favor one or the other, so he can only accept it.

Qing Yun glanced at them one by one, and said seriously: "I called everyone here this time, and I have a few things to tell you."

Everyone looked all ears.

"You have seen all the people brought back by Huang Kun. In addition, there are almost tens of thousands of brothers in the cottage. Whether they are brothers or newcomers, they are all trained by Huang Kun. Huang Kun's ability is used when suppressing bandits. , you all have seen it, so I don’t need to say more. The training includes a few of you. This is the first thing.”

Everyone agrees with Huang Kun's ability very much, and everyone has no objection to the training.The brothers who didn't see the playground outside are very different from before.

"I've seen the Shanzhai granary, and it looks like a lot. If it is based on the number of people in the Shanzhai before, there is no problem. Now our team has expanded ten times, and the food is not enough. The work of opening up wasteland and farming continues, and we must open enough brothers. Eat as much as you can. Don’t count on my taxes and rations, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.”

When they heard that they still had to open up wasteland and cultivate land, everyone had a bitter face.

"Many of you don't know that Dama Village was almost massacred by a tribe from the enemy country. He Shui and He Qiu should still remember it vividly. This happened only a few months ago. How did the tribe of the enemy country cross the border and escape from our army?" Border officers and soldiers, we will not discuss the issue of sneaking into the interior of our Dayong Dynasty.

The New Year is coming soon, and it is rare for the people of Qishan to have a relaxed New Year. I don’t want to hear that a certain village was slaughtered by the enemy at this time.Huang Kun, you have dealt with the people there a lot, so you should know their style of work.All possible routes for them to sneak in will be guarded by heavy soldiers, and anyone who dares to step into Qishan will be killed without mercy!

The purpose of military training is to protect the people of Qishan to live and work in peace and contentment. We have no battles to fight, so we just use the enemy army to practice our hands. "

Huang Kun grinned, "My lord, don't worry."

"The most insidious ones are the old thieves surnamed Qian at Border Gate, and Weiyang. We have cut off their source of income. They must not be able to bear this tone. They have not acted until now, and they don't know what conspiracy they are planning behind their backs. You guys Be alert."

"The last thing, I want to take someone to the capital. You can discuss who will go with me. The task of going to the capital this time is very serious, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Don't go if you have a bad temper, and don't go if you have a criminal record. .” Qingyun thought for a while and added the last sentence.

The fact that Qingyun was going to the capital made the brothers stir up trouble. Except for Huang Kun and the others, everyone else wanted to go with Master Qing.

The capital is not far from Qishan, it is much closer than going to the south of the Yangtze River. If you want to say it is close, you have to walk for a month, which is not close.

This is not the issue that everyone is concerned about.

Master Qing's trip to the capital was definitely not for fun, it took several months to come and go, it was much more fun than they stayed in the cottage to open up wasteland and farm.

Several people wanted to go, but after discussing with no results, they went to the playground and had a fight. The winner was Mad Wolf Tiantara Heiba. Heiba's victory was beyond everyone's expectations. No one thought that he could beat a black bear go down.

The three of them limped to look for Qingyun with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Qingyun's favorite is Tian Duoliang and Crazy Wolf.

"Okay, just the three of you, pick the best and most powerful brother, this time we will do the big ticket." Mentioning this task, Qingyun also became excited.

This task is unusual, very arduous, and very dangerous. One more person knows that there is more danger, so Qing Yun didn't mention it in the previous meeting.

"This time I went to the capital to pick up Huang Kun's family members in secret. This is the list of their family members. You have carefully recorded them all for me. You must not miss them. Often a small joint determines the success or failure of the whole matter."

Qingyun took out three lists and handed them to the three of them, which recorded the addresses of Huang Kun and his brothers in detail, as well as all the information about their families.

Qing Yun intercepted Huang Kun's information alone and did not show it to the three of them.

"After memorizing, this list will be burnt, and it must not be leaked out. Except for the four of us, only the heavens and the earth know the ghosts. This list is divided into three parts, and one person is responsible for one part. The three of you discuss it carefully. Who will be responsible?" Which part, let me know the result."

 Thanks to Mumu and Changmei, there are trees in the mountains, book. Shengtu, dark jade and smoke, rong2020, passer-by 1216, sunny wind and warm snow, the monthly ticket you voted for, okay?
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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