Chapter 449
If they had known that what Master Qing said was true, they should have stopped the convoy in time and turned around instead of waiting until the rainstorm came.

From now on, if Master Qing told them to go east, they would go east, and if Master Qing asked them to go west, they would go west. They would never question Master Qing's decision.

Looking at their current situation, it is to question the tragic consequences of Master Qing's decision.

Qingyun and Bai Yanheng finally caught up with the convoy in the second half of the night.

At that time, the convoy was on its way up the mountain, and the mountain road in the rainstorm was muddy and slippery. The cart full of goods seemed to weigh ten thousand catties, and the wheels of the cart were all sunk in the mud, making it difficult to walk .

The brothers driving the carts waved their whips and drove the donkeys up and down. After half a day, they couldn't move a few steps. The brothers were anxious and all went over to help push the carts.

Qingyun rode over, his eyes swept across the convoy, and the front of the sports car team got off their horses.

The brothers were all focused on pushing the cart, and no one noticed Qingyun who had returned.

The brother driving the car saw him, and his eyes lit up. The sound of "Qing Ye" was covered by the rain, and no one heard it.

Qingyun rolled up his sleeves, walked to the front of the cart, raised the shaft of the cart with one hand, lifted the entire carriage one foot, got out of the muddy mud, and went up the slope with the donkey.

For the next dozen or so vehicles, Qingyun operated in this way. When all the convoys went up, the brothers knew that Master Qing was back.

The most excited and happy ones were the three of Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Heiba, who stayed around Qingyun, giggling non-stop, knowing that they couldn't understand in the rain, but still shouting 'Qing Ye' and 'Qing Ye'.

Qingyun patted the shoulders of the three of them, pointed to the front, and rode over.

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and Heiba ​​also returned to their respective positions.

After driving for two days and one night, I saw a ruined temple in the evening. The brothers were tired and hungry, and they kept resting. Even a man could hold a donkey, but he couldn't.

Qingyun glanced at the broken temple and then at the mad wolf.

Crazy Wolf nodded, took two brothers to investigate, came back soon, made a gesture that there was no danger, and led the brothers to the ruined temple.

Because of the cover of the mountains and forests, the ruined temple does not look very big from the outside, but after entering it, it is found that the area is very large. After several steps, only the house at the front door has collapsed, and the golden body of the Bodhisattva in the lobby is almost two feet high, which shows that this temple used to be very popular.

Qingyun walked around in a circle, weeds and shrubs were overgrown in the temple, spider webs could be seen everywhere, many temples had collapsed, and three or two collapsed golden statues of Bodhisattvas could be seen on the ground.

I don't know what kind of disaster has caused such a large temple to be so dilapidated.

There are many places in the ruined temple that can shelter from the rain. Donkey carts were all pulled in. The brothers collected broken wood and hay and lit the fire.

"Is the food wet?" Qingyun walked over and asked.

Tian Duoliang and Heiba ​​lifted off the rain cloth and inspected the grain one by one. These grains are related to the rations of the brothers, and nothing can go wrong.

"One or two bags per cart got wet." Heiba's face was not very good-looking. On rainy days, the grain is wet and cannot be dried, so it is easy to get moldy, and even the whole cart of grain will become moldy.

"If it's wet, take it all out and put it in a separate car. Tell Madam, use the wet one when cooking in the future." Qingyun thought for a while, and then said: "It doesn't get moldy so quickly, it's no problem to let it sit for a day or two. Mammy, make more, the brothers haven’t had a full meal for a long time, so let’s have a full meal today.”

It's better to eat it in the stomach than moldy.

"Master, the weather is still relatively cold right now, and you are most likely to get sick. We don't have a doctor in the team, so it's better to change your clothes and go to work." suggestion.

Qingyun glanced at her, then glanced at the brothers who were all undressing and changing, and said to Tian Duoliang and the others: "I'll go change first, and you also go change and dry. I'll talk about it later. Captain Bai, you go too." Change, don't guard me."

Seeing that Master Qing listened to it, Taohua was faintly excited, and tried her best to suppress it, not letting Lihua see it, with an uneasy look on her face.

Don't look at the two girls who look like sisters on weekdays, they are fighting for favor in private, who doesn't want to live a good life.

Qingyun changed clothes and came out, this time Peach Blossom didn't grab her, so she asked Lihua to go in and collect the wet clothes for washing, she was jealous of Peach Blossom's newly blooming Pear Blossom and saw that she liked her a lot.

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang Heiba ​​and the others had all changed, and Qingyun walked over to join them around the fire.

"There are still a lot of herbal medicines in the convoy. Let the mothers boil a pot to get rid of the cold, and the brothers all drink a bowl to get rid of the cold." Qing Yun said.

It's freezing cold, even a strong man, wearing wet clothes for two days, can't guarantee that he won't get sick.When on the road, people are exercising and will not feel cold. It is difficult to stop suddenly. Just in case, it is better to drink a bowl of soup to relieve the wind and cold.

"Mammy has been notified," Mad Wolf said.

The mad wolves have already practiced, and they will think more about things. He thought of this when he saw the herbal medicine just now, and immediately brought the herbal medicine to the mother.

Tian Duoliang arranged for the brothers to cut grass to feed the donkeys and horses, while Heiba ​​went to remind the brothers to change their wet clothes in time, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction, thinking, Huang Kun really did not train in vain, and at the same time, he valued Huang Kun more.

"Look, the rain won't stop for a while, Master Qing, what are your plans?" Tian Duoliang asked.

Crazy Wolf and Heiba ​​also looked at him, rushing in the rain?Or do you want to rest here for a few days?
"It's going to rain for two more days," Qing Yun took out the map and asked the three of them, "Which way should we go now?"

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and Heiba ​​shook their heads. The route they wrote down was provided by Huang Kun. They deviated from the fixed route and no one knew where they were going.

Qingyun took the map and studied it carefully. On the map of Dayong Dynasty, there were no place names marked, and the criss-crossing routes were not professional, so they couldn't be seen at all.

The four of them studied for a long time, but they couldn't find out where the convoy was on the map.

Qingyun was dumbfounded, and stared at them three times with hatred. After studying with Huang Kun for so long, he didn't even know how to read a map
Qingyun said angrily: "When you go back, learn from Huang Kun. You will lead troops in the future. People who fight in wars don't know how to read maps. You will laugh out loud when you say it."

His eyes slanted to Bai Yanheng, like a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Captain Bai, come here and have a look, where are we here?"

The route provided by Huang Kunqi went through Weiyang, Yizhou, Gu'an, and Qiyang to the capital.

The convoy had just left the Weiyang area, and within a few days of entering Yizhou, it was about to change its route.

Bai Yanheng took a full look at Qingyun Wuxi, then glanced at Tian Duoliang and the others, not knowing what to weigh in his heart, he walked over.

 Thanks to jingyexi, Dream Elf/Tiao, Mumuhe Changmei, Mingyu, Yanzi Xiaoxiaoxiao, for voting for the monthly ticket, meme da
(End of this chapter)

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