Chapter 460
Officers and soldiers are here!

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, it's interesting!

"Officers and soldiers are coming, who called?" Qing Yun looked at the two village chiefs and asked.

The eyes of the villagers are not as sharp as Qingyun's. They can see faces clearly from a long distance. They can only see a group of people coming, but they can't see who is coming.

"I don't know! We didn't call for officers and soldiers!" said the head of Shanggang Village, then looked at the head of Laigang Village and said, "Did someone from your village call here?"

At this time, the head of Shanggang Village did not forget to discredit the laid-off village. It can be seen that the sacrifice was interrupted today, and the head of Shanggang Village has always remembered it.


The head of the laid-off village was trembling with anger, and he gave the head of the Shanggang village a hard look. He was afraid that Qingyun would blame him, so he turned his head to look at him and said:
"The people in our village have always been united. There has never been any incident of eating inside and outside. Sending a bride to the God of the River has been approved by the daughters and their parents. If you want to shout, it is also done by people in your village. It must be your village people shouted."

The village head of the laid-off village nodded affirmatively at the end, it must be the people of the Shanggang village.

"I've heard that when you gave the river god's bride, the parents didn't agree, but you forced people to agree. It's no wonder that the parents didn't call you officers and soldiers for the wicked and smoky things you did in your village. .”

Regardless of the fact that Shanggang Village and Laigang Village are close to each other, only a hilltop is separated, because of the sacrifice of the river god, the two villages have a lot of trouble.

"Put your mother's shit on! Our village is honest, but we have never raised white-eyed wolves. My own butt is not clean, and it is pulled on other people's heads. My heart, liver and lungs are completely black."

The village head of Shanggang Village was so angry that he cursed and felt more guilty, ashamed and humiliated when his secrets were exposed.

Their Shanggang Village and Xiagang Village can be regarded as remote mountain villages, but the county magistrate of Handong County is known as a good county magistrate, fair and just, full of benevolence and morality, not the kind he said, the county magistrate of Handong is really the same .

It advocates that "a gentleman who breaks the law is as guilty as the common people", and it is not easy for anyone to intercede if he breaks the law.

Of course, if the people don't report it, the officials won't.good for everyone!

To sacrifice to the river god, the magistrate may not care if he knows about it.Your village is rich, so how many poultry you feed snakes is none of his business, as long as the village doesn't procrastinate taxation, you can feed as many as you like.

Sending a bride to the God of the River, the county magistrate didn't know about it, and the matter was over. If he was stabbed in front of the county magistrate, hehe... it would be easy to sit and wear in prison.

Therefore, it cannot be admitted even if it is killed.

"To shut up!"

Qingyun glanced at the two of them coldly, impatiently listening to their wrangling, his eyes touched the python skin on the ground, kicked down the dam, then pretended to inadvertently wash the oil on his hands, and put away the belt water.

This series of actions was done in one go, not exceeding three seconds.

What is this called?
Destroy the evidence!
When Qingyun is bored, she thinks about it, her brain is very weird, you say it is not a space, it can store things.

For example: water!

You say it is space, what the hell can't collect anything except water.

Of course, there is an exception, and things can be collected in water.

Qingyun wanted to pooh-pooh a few times, how many things in this world are not broken in water?
What a fucking psycho!
Really tasteless!
It's a pity that the food is tasteless and discarded!

After collecting the python skins, Qingyun discovered the depth of the water in the dam, and it went down by a foot. No one has discovered such a big problem until now, and she was just out of luck.

Qingyun could imagine with a strand of hair that the villagers were shocked by her thunderous means, and they didn't find any abnormalities in the dam, which was normal.

Fortunately, the water went down a foot, and it was just level with the millstone gap in the embankment.

The embankment will not collapse!
Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around and leave.She does not kill people, set fires, and sacrifice to the river god. The officers and soldiers have come, and it has nothing to do with her.

Turning around, he met Bai Yanheng Nasi, Qingyun took a deep breath, when did this guy come?She's a ghost and a ghost, I don't know if you saw her take the python skin?

Qingyun blinked expressionlessly, and in the blink of an eye, he deliberately looked in his mind, except for three balls of water (two drops and one water polo), there was an extra thin line under the water polo.

How thin is it?

A slightly pointed pencil, you know!Just like that, draw a horizontal line on the paper, and estimate the horizontal line to be one millimeter long.

And the python belt water she brought in just now is only one-fifth of the size, just that thin.

If it weren't for this in my own mind, I wouldn't be able to find it.

For such a little thing, when she collected it, the water in the dam didn’t even have a ripple. If there are ripples, she washed them with her hands. Rounding up, it’s equal to nothing. The probability of Captain Bai seeing it is 0.001, which should be equal to nothing. see.

After such an analysis, Qingyun felt relieved, and raised his head and shouted to the brothers over there: "Brothers, pack up your things and go back!"

To be honest, maybe she came halfway. Compared with Captain Bai and his guards, she trusts Tian Duoliang and Crazy Wolf more. After all, she accepted it from the beginning. It is her younger brother, not the original owner.

The brothers packed up their things, and the officers and soldiers arrived, and when they arrived, they sternly shouted, "Don't move!"

This sentence is very familiar to Qing Yun, back then, when she was chasing and beating the hooligans all over the alley, the first sentence she yelled was also this sentence, the hooligans who were afraid of being beaten by her really stood still obediently.

Feng Shui is turning!

Now it was her turn to be called out.

When the villagers saw the officers and soldiers coming, they didn't need the officers and soldiers to shout. They were like elementary school students seeing their class teachers.

Qingyun picked out his ears, as if he hadn't heard it, he continued to walk away.

The policeman glanced at the villagers who were standing still with satisfaction. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a group of people who not only didn't listen to him, but also packed up their things and left.

I don't take him seriously as a catcher.

The big brother of the policeman was upset, and pointed at the group of people and shouted.

"Hey, hey, what about you? You're deaf, don't move if you don't hear me!"

Not only is he a murderer, but he also rushes over to block the way, and the one who blocks is still the weakest scholar.

Qingyun blinked and weighed for a second. When he was away from home, one thing more is worse than one thing less, not to mention that they still have tasks to do.

The old man endured.

Qingyun clicked her tongue, she had to swallow her anger for a long time.He squinted his eyes, pulled away the hand pointing at his nose, he was habitually foolish, suddenly remembered that she was the young master, changed in a second, picked up her aloof noble son's book, and squinted at the captain, Bai Shaojie, at the same time.

The guard is not qualified!

Young master, she was pointed at her nose and shouted angrily, and her guards didn't even stop her, are you shit eaters?

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie were taken aback for a moment, and when they saw Qingyun's dissatisfied eyes, they realized that they had neglected their duties.

You can't really blame them both.

A group of them said they were Qingyun's guards, but they were actually marginal figures.

 Thanks to Yanzi Xiaoxiaoxiao, 20170813110013117, star Vera, I don’t know what name it is called, 20190321165359191, Peiyo, jingyexi, 20210428143756814, the love of rose and peony, 131021220330271, Cangu oh Xiaoyan, Pianlin, voted for the monthly ticket, okay? clatter
  Thanks for the reward, Shibuyue, Shibuyishu, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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