Chapter 465
The surname Meng is also common, but there are not many people with the surname Meng in the capital. Even after ten years, the surname Meng is still a taboo in the capital, which makes people keep it secret.

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie stood there for a while, but Qingyun didn't give any instructions. Bai Shaojie glanced at his master, so he had no choice but to speak.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Qingyun looked back at the two of them, and suddenly smiled, "Captain Bai, what good idea do you have?"

"The subordinates have no idea, and they all follow the arrangement of the young master." Bai Yanheng said with a blank face.

Qingyun stared at him coolly for a few seconds, and when he saw that it was time to eat, he flicked his fan, tapped his palm and said, "Let's eat!"

Qingyun changed into inconspicuous clothes, and said to the two: "You two don't follow me, I will eat in the lobby of the inn."

The business of the inn was good, and there were quite a few diners sitting in the lobby, including people from the capital and foreigners, chatting while eating.

Qingyun scanned around, all the tables were occupied, only the table by the window was occupied by only one person, looking at his outfit, he looked like a scholar.

Qingyun waved his fan, walked over and raised his hand to salute, "Brother, set up a table."

The scholar looked up at Qingyun and continued to eat.

Qingyun pouted, pulled Dengzi away and sat down, ordered six dishes, five signature dishes, one vegetarian dish, one soup, and a pot of green plum wine.

The scholar on the opposite side only had one dish, which was still vegetarian. Hearing that the boy had ordered so many dishes, he paused and ate in silence.

After he came up, Qingyun tasted wine and listened to everyone's gossip. After finishing the food on the table and the time in the lobby, he paid the bill and walked out of the inn.

The feng shui in the capital city is really good. Across a state, Yizhou in the northern state suffered floods, and several counties in the south suffered severe drought. Nothing happened in the capital city. The weather was smooth and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment!

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the people in the capital, life is going well.

There are many places to eat, drink and have fun in the capital.

Qingyun followed the path to look for it, but before he stepped up the steps, two servants who were watching the gate came over.

"Looking at the young master's face? I don't know which young master it is?" He said nicely, but there was no respect in his eyes, and his eyes were very rude. He looked up and down several times.

It is concluded that this is a country bumpkin who has just entered Beijing.

Qingyun was at the bottom of the steps, and two servants were on the steps, both of them raised their chins, looking aloof.

Qingyun was upset!

I don't know who I heard said that a slave in a high-ranking family is more respectable than a seventh-rank sesame official outside.

She didn't believe this before, but when she saw these two servants, she believed it.

Qingyun took a few steps back, lifted his chin into the door, and smiled evilly, "Not allowed to enter, or not allowed to enter?"

Her casual attitude made it difficult for people to understand his background, and made the two servants dare not look down upon her, so they put back the contempt on their faces a little.

The relationship in the capital is intricate, every household, seven aunts and eight aunts, carefully check and pull, every household can have a relationship.

Who can have a few children to marry!
Who knows which family's young master and young lady is the boy who suddenly appeared!
"My lord, I don't know. Our guild hall is not open to the public. Only relatives and friends come to play. You can go in as long as you have a name card or a letter of recommendation from a few young masters."

She has a fart name post.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, but he refused to let him in, even if he had money.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, people are divided into three, six or nine classes, and it is the same everywhere.

I silently glanced at the two servants, but I didn't embarrass them, and I couldn't afford to embarrass them!

At the corner not far from the guild hall, there was a beggar begging. Qingyun walked over and knelt down, threw a copper coin into his broken bowl, and looked at him with a smile: "Brother, you are in a good position!"

The beggar looked to be in his forties, with an old face, stained face, drooping eyelids, hair the same color as a sewer, dirty, messy and greasy, and smelly.

Qing Yun seemed to be incapable of smelling it, chatting with him with great interest.

Qingyun threw over a dozen copper coins, but the beggar didn't look up. He only raised his eyes to look at her when he heard what she said, and saw that it was a young man with no expression of contempt on his face, so he said slowly: "It's okay, here I am. Been there for decades."

There was faint pride in his tone.

"Brother, you are so humble. Look at this place. In the center of the street, there are shops in the front, back, left, and right. The people who come and go are all dignitaries. Do you see the guild hall? They will give you something casually, enough for you to spend for several years gone."

Qingyun shook his head and looked at him, looking dishonest.

The beggar grinned, but he didn't refute. He looked up and down at the young master opposite, and raised his vigilance in his heart.

They are beggars. It's not that he wants to belittle beggars. The people in the capital don't look good when they see beggars, let alone rich and noble sons. When they see beggars, they don't look at dirty things?

It was as if taking one more look would kill him.

Regardless of his status, this young man stayed with him for so long, who knows what he's trying to do?
Although he is a beggar and has nothing to gain, he still has a bad life!
It's better to die than live!
Even a beggar doesn't live enough.

Qingyun didn't seem to notice the vigilance of the beggar, so he threw a piece of silver to him, licked his lips, and said in a low voice: "You saw it just now! I want to play in the guild hall, but the gatekeeper won't let me in." .”

I saw it!

The beggar glanced up at him, neither acknowledging nor denying it.

"I have grown up so big, there is no place I can't go to. In our place, I just walk sideways. I heard that the capital is the most interesting place in the Dayong Dynasty, so I came to see and see. Only when I came here did I know that here You can’t go there, you can’t go there, there are so many rules.”

I heard it, this is a foreigner.

"Brother, you have been here for decades. Nothing in the capital can escape your ears. I want to ask what is the origin of the guild hall? What's the point of going in?"

Not a sensitive topic!
The beggar breathed a sigh of relief, this matter can be said, and anyone can find out about it. This young man is new here, and he doesn't know the way inside, so he was rejected.

For the sake of the son's good attitude and money, he didn't hide it.

"I heard that the guild hall has something to do with Zhongyong Hou. It is not for ordinary people to enter. The people who enter and exit are the sons and daughters of the third-rank officials' families. Do you understand?"

Qingyun nodded, "ha", "According to what you said, even if you have money! Then I came here for nothing?"

The beggar didn't answer, glanced at him up and down, rolled his eyes, and drooped his eyelids again.

Qing Yun thought carefully and thought about the beggar's white eyes, which seemed to mean: Why do you still need to ask, and don't look at your own identity, whether your father has a third rank, you don't know?
Looking back at the guild hall and then at the beggar, Qingyun shook his head, hummed a tune and left.

Unwilling to give up, I went to try a few other guild halls, and the result was the same, except that someone took it with me, and everyone who went there for the first time required a name sticker.

 Thank you jly69 for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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