Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 469 Kavin got stuck before

Chapter 469 Kavin got stuck before
Did she think she didn't die fast enough?
This is how it is shown on TV. The gang of beggars has been infiltrated by various forces. Whoever wants to engage in intelligence, finds someone to pretend to be a beggar and mix into the group of beggars. After squatting for a few days, they can always find out what they want.

She just arrived here, and there is no power under her control in the beggar gang. Who knows whose power the beggar is looking for?

If it was General Qian's person, wouldn't she automatically send her to her door to seek death?
On the first night in the capital, she excluded beggars.

Finding a beggar is not as good as finding a local ruffian. The local ruffian is well used and is no worse than a beggar.Besides, she is close to the local hooligans, at most, outsiders think she wants to curry favor with the local hooligans.

Beggars are different. If she gets close to beggars every day, everyone will suspect that she has ulterior motives!

A dark light flashed in Bai Yanheng's eyes, Shangguan Qingyun was beyond his expectation.He had seen Qing Yun grow up with his own eyes, and the speed of growth was astonishing in just a few months.

One point will be clear, and draw inferences from one instance.

Shangguan Qingyun's outstanding achievements in just a few months cannot be separated from one person—Mr. Song, a bachelor who knows everything about the past and present.

Bai Shaojie glanced at Qing Yun in shock, then silently lowered his head.Whether the beggar has any problems, he will not know, the reason why he said that Bai Shaojie put away his little thoughts, Shangguan Qingyun is not easy to fool.

"By the way, I met a friend at the casino today, Guo Xin. I have great use for this person. If he comes to the door, let me know."

After breakfast, Qingyun wanted to go out for a walk again, this time she did not go out alone, and brought Bai Yanheng, two brothers, and Bai Shaojie to stay at the inn.

Qingyun went back to the teahouse, went up to the second floor, asked for a box by the window, listened to the storytelling in the lobby on the first floor, listened to it twice, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The storyteller told the story of a scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam, met a fox fairy on his way, and with the help of the fox fairy, he went all the way to the top official in high school. 'it is good'.

Halfway through the story, there was a noisy sound outside the window. Qingyun was curious, got up and walked to the window sill, and looked around, and saw a young man pestering a girl on the street.

The drama is a bit like a bully looking at a certain girl, but the girl disagrees, and the bully wants to grab it.

The passers-by who watched the excitement, it was really three floors inside and three floors outside, all of them looked at it gloatingly, wondering if no hero jumped out to be a hero to save the beauty.

Qingyun was also one of them, lying on the window sill to watch.

"Let go, Chen Dongyang, I have nothing to do with you, do you want to show some face?" The girl looked impatient, struggling hard at the wrist being grabbed, probably because of anger, her face was green and white.

The man who was called Chen Dongyang not only did not let go, but gripped it even tighter, and said with pity and distress: "Wanwan, why did you become like this? You were not like this at the beginning."

"It's none of your business how I do it. Whether a man or a woman is close, Chen Dongyang, let go, don't forget that you have a fiancée, flirting with other girls on the street, if it gets to your fiancée's ears, your family will be in trouble A good marriage that is easy to climb, can you keep it?"

The girl known as Wanwan couldn't break free after several struggles, her expression was even more stern, and her eyes mocked and threatened impatiently.

Hearing the word 'fiancée', Chen Dongyang seemed apprehensive, and withdrew his hand as if electrocuted.

Wanwan was startled, before she could escape, Chen Dongyang grabbed her wrist as quickly as lightning, and looked at her with affection and pain.

"You know, I love you. This marriage was decided by the family, you know me." Chen Dongyang looked at her without words.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, this Chen Dongyang is not a thing, every time he went to a critical place, he would say some plausible words, so that the girl could understand by herself.

You can understand that he has feelings for you. If the two of you are in love with each other, he will be happy. If something happens in the future, he can also shirk it. I won't push you away.


Qingyun cursed in his heart, and glanced at the girl, hoping that she would open her eyes.

Wanwan rolled her eyes, her eyes were red with anger.Shit, you know me, she doesn't know anything, all she knows is that her reputation is going to be ruined by that bastard Chen Dongyang.

The passers-by watching the bustle, with a suddenly realized expression, turned their eyes back and forth on the two of them ambiguously.

"Wanwan, our two families are family friends. You and I grew up together. I used to be your fiancé. Even if the engagement is divorced, the friendship from childhood is still there. I can't just watch you fall. Wanwan, you If you have any difficulties, tell me, even if you go bankrupt, I will help you. I don't dislike you, and I will tell my mother to take you as my concubine."

From the beginning to the end, Chen Dongyang had an affectionate expression on his face.

When Qingyun heard that he was inferior to pigs and dogs, he would die of anger, let alone that Wanwan girl.

Wanwan was so angry that her face was purple, Chen Dongyang, a bastard, dared to set her up, the girl's reputation for restraint was gone, the free hand slapped him, and kicked him.

"Even if I marry a pig and a dog, I won't be a concubine for others. You don't look in the mirror, you look like a toad, and you dare to miss me. If your grandfather was not drunk back then, you were killed by your family. If you are coaxed by a shameless old bastard, will my old lady have a crush on you?"

Useless is a scholar, Chen Dongyang, a big man, was crushed and beaten by the girl, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"From old to young, your Chen family has been shameless and snobbish. You still have the nerve to mention your fiancé, who is engaged to this girl. You want to climb high and flirt with other women behind your back. Your mother doesn't think so. Shame and pride.

Thank you for being blind, my family rescinded your marriage, girl, I finally jumped out of the pit of fire in your house.You do such a shameless thing, and you still have the face to jump in front of me.

Your Chen family dislikes our poor family, but you are retiring the engagement in a fair manner, no one can hold you back.You think you are a prince and aristocrat, but a poor scholar, while taking money from my family, you hook up with the daughter of a rich businessman.Bah, what the hell, you have no temper as an old lady!

I just sell a fruit in the market, and give me a depraved reputation. You live in flower houses every day and night, spend your days and nights, and don't know how to make progress.Our whole family works from dawn to dusk to give you ten years of study. This is how you study, and you read into the stomach of a dog. You have lost the face of a saint, and you have depraved yourself and your mind is dirty.Come back to me and tear your mouth apart. "

This girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, with her hands on her hips, she is very hot, and she has a small mouth, and she pours out all the causes and consequences.

The passers-by who watched the excitement stopped booing as much as they wanted to.But the older girl and the younger daughter-in-law clapped their hands and shouted hello.

 Thanks to JUDY, baby【】Rong Rong, I don’t know what to name it, psychedelic fairy, wenxingege, the flower seller Guliang, 19 happy, roseberry, tea and tea, the youthful years in the morning light, so drunk, (lotus Honey fruit) Fang Xiaoling, syf0728, green fishtail, Yun v Feiyang, Shuzi Shushu, Hailian Mint, baby【】Rong Rong, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thank you (lotus seeds and honey fruit) Fang Xiaoling, jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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