Chapter 479
Mahjong does have a story, but it's not what Qingyun said.

Qingyun heard her old man mention it before, it seems to be a story about sparrows stealing food from the granary, and they can't be chased away, which is a hateful story.

There is nothing new in this story, Liang Po and others are the children of the rich and powerful, and they feel that there is too little time to spend and drink every day.

The story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is much taller than catching sparrows, and it is also romantic and sentimental. Everyone has fun listening to it, and the focus is on having fun.

".Did you see it? This little bird is the Sparrow Bridge built by sparrows when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet. The day of divination and reunion is counted, and the record is the note."

Qingyun made a fuss about it, and she got it back.

Liang Po and the others didn't take it seriously before, but after listening to it, the more they looked at the cards, the more they felt that this was the case.

Everyone is the ancestor of playing, after playing two rounds, they are all proficient in the essence of mahjong.

"You also know that my younger brother is from another place. He doesn't know the rules of the capital, and he can't go out and ask around. Liang Po, you are a native of the capital. Tell me about your taboos. You can avoid them when you walk in the capital. "

Another advantage of playing mahjong is that you can gossip without delaying playing mahjong.

What Qing Yun asked was not about the secrets of the rich and powerful families, there was nothing he couldn't say, but he mentioned the influence of the capital a little bit, and there were a few important points that he couldn't offend.

"Guan Yun, you look at a very shrewd person, what are you asking for? Have you seen our Young Master Liang? As long as you hold Young Master Liang, you can walk sideways in the capital." Liang Po's post, Zhao Yu, While speaking, he looked at Liang Po.

Liang Po straightened her chest with a calm expression.

"I can't see it!" Qingyun casually squinted at Liang Po. The more indifferent she was, the more inscrutable her expression was.

"You don't look like someone with no background, you are afraid of offending others!" Zhao Yu said tentatively.

Guan Yun and the others checked, but found nothing except that they were from outsiders.It's just that it can't be found out, which is what makes people jealous.

This, he came to explore the bottom of Guan Yun, it would be best if he could find out a little, and it doesn't matter if he can't.

"My old man said that I can walk sideways in the capital, and officials below the second rank don't care."

Qing Yun smiled and said nothing surprising, as if she didn't know that she dropped a bomb, which made everyone dizzy.

"I came to the capital to play, not to seek hatred. That's all my old man said, just listen to it. If you come to the capital for a visit, you can't cause trouble for my old man, and bring a whole bunch of enemies back. , it would be best if we don’t make enemies.”

Liang Po and the others realized that this kid has a deep background!Listening to his tone, second-rank officials don't need to pay attention, even Liang Po dare not say that.

In addition to his elder sister who is Mrs. Hou, there is also a noble concubine in the palace!Is he arrogant?

Guan Yun, this kid, is arrogant!

Too embarrassing!

"Although you don't need to pay attention to second-rank officials, there are also many first-rank officials! Besides, there are also many royal princes in the capital. It's better not to offend or not to offend, trouble!"

Everyone nodded, they still had self-knowledge, thinking about themselves, then thinking about Guan Yun, looking at him strangely, they still felt that he was arrogant!
"To tell you the truth, I ran out out of anger with my old man. If the old man let out his words, a dude like me would just walk sideways in his old man's place. After a few days in the capital, he would be interrupted." Legs, as long as I don't use his old man's relationship, I will stay for half a year, and I won't care what the young master does in the future."

Liang Po and others were amazed, "Your old man can do it!"

"Let's make friends with us. The old man belongs to the old man, so they can't be confused." Qing Yun raised his chin with a serious face.

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie glanced at Qingyun. If they didn't know Qingyun's details, just looking at him like that, they would be like Liang Po and his gang of idiots who believed in his evil.

The son of a wealthy family donated by him as an official, and a group of real rich and powerful children, open his mouth as a second-rank official, I am afraid of a ball, and shut up like I am the second best in the world. Where does he have the confidence?

"That is, we made friends with us. Peng, Zhao Yu, it's up to you to play the card."

Liang Po and the others agreed with their mouths, but they made up their minds in their hearts. They had to talk to Lao Tzu about this matter when they got home. Even second-rank officials were not afraid of offending them. They had a lot of backgrounds!
If Guan Yun's background is not small, it is estimated that their backs, Guan Yun's family is clear.

"Guan Yun, you're not kind! You know what's going on with us, we don't know anything about you!" Liang Po reacted and pointed him out.

Qingyun glanced at the people with different looks, without admitting or refuting, shrugged, and said rascally: "This is different, I come to the capital to play, afraid of stepping on thunder!

The old man is thousands of miles away from me, what's the matter, the far water can't save the near fire.If I really suffer a great crime, the old man will avenge me. What's the use? Can the crime and suffering still exist?What if there are shadows? "

So well said, they were speechless.

"Do you think it's easy to be a dude? Tell me, what is a dude?"

Liang Po and the others looked at each other. Needless to say, they are!

"Eat, drink and have fun!"

Qingyun looked at them, shook his head and clicked his tongue a few times, "I knew you would say that. Vulgar! For the sake of being friends, let me tell you what a real dude is."

Liang Po and the others were aroused and seemed to be listening attentively.

"Playboys are divided into four classes, low-end playboys, ordinary playboys, high-end playboys, and top-end playboys."

This is the first time Liang Po and others have heard that playboys are more particular and they are divided into grades.

"This type, how to distinguish?"

"No-bitch dudes, as long as they know how to eat, drink, and play, they are all included in the list. To put it bluntly, no one knows how to eat, drink, and play. Ordinary dudes, while eating, drinking, and having fun, don't bring trouble to the family.

The upper-class dandies have to be more particular, and they have to talk about eating, drinking and having fun, instead of following the trend.For example, for the clothes I wear, you need to know where the cloth comes from, what pattern it is woven on, what flower it is embroidered on, what history it has, and so on.

This jade pendant, what place of origin, what kind of jade, what kind of craftsmanship, etc., are very complicated to say.

The best dude, the minimum requirement is to be well educated.This learning to be rich and five cars is not a word, but a book that really needs to learn five cars.After you're done studying, you're a top-notch dude.

There is a rule in my family, if you want to be a rich man, you can, but you must be a top-notch rich man.

After studying Wucheshu, you are free. You can play however you like, and go wherever you like. Even if you poke a hole in the sky, the family will fill it in for you.

I'm not afraid to tell you, I just went for the top dude. "

Qingyun's words are not nonsense, these words are said by old man Song, she just copied them.Thinking back when she didn't want to study with him, old man Song said it's not easy to be a dude!

 Thanks to 20200125202549808, Ah Man 76, the star facing each other, oh. Excuse me, low-key nan, only asking the sword, 100626115028015, the day on the cloud 0451, the monthly ticket I voted for

  I don’t know if the dandyism is right or not, it’s for the judges, I don’t know which book to read, I forgot.No it's okay, just have fun
(End of this chapter)

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