Chapter 481
Qingyun said some specious things, but in fact he didn't say anything.

This time she didn't dare to talk nonsense, she was a half-way monk, and she didn't have the memory of the original owner, who knows what happened in the south.

Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others are locals, and they have family power behind them, so they know something about the inside story.
What she is talking about now is an unfounded mysterious family, how can a family not know the inside story of this, this and that!

Besides, if a big family says to exterminate the clan, it will exterminate the clan, and there are only two possibilities for the murderer.

One was done by the imperial court, and the other was done by the enemies of the Bai family. Regardless of the power of that party, she could not intervene to inquire about it.

Qingyun's head was covered in cold sweat, gossip, there are pitfalls everywhere!
"The Bai family is also unlucky. I don't know who they offended, and ended up exterminating the family. Hey, I heard that there are still survivors in the Bai family. Someone is spending a lot of money in Wangxilou to hire killers to hunt them down."

Liang Po threw a bomb out, and Zhao Yu threw another bomb.

"What I heard is different from yours. I heard that the survivors of the Bai family are in the capital. They are holding several large books in their hands, and they are preparing to sue the imperial court. Many forces are looking for the members of the Bai family in the capital. Several months have passed. , I didn't even find a hair from the Bai family."

Qingyun: "..."

Don't you mean they are all playboys?
The news of the dude is so well-informed?
Did she misunderstand the word "playboy"?
Or is it the ancient dandies who have high demands and are both civil and military?
What about the Bai family and the Hei family? Qingyun didn't want to gossip, so he threw two mahjongs at Liang Po and Zhao Yu, and said angrily: "I heard from my old man that the Bai family is also a taboo. The walls have ears. This has not yet happened. In the past, stop and stop, be careful not to get angry with your upper body, it is not a romantic affair to raise a woman."

Qingyun's silent and solemn gesture made Liang Po and Zhao Yu dare not talk casually. They looked at each other and put away their petty thoughts.

Could it be that the Bai family was exterminated, what else is there to hide?
Qingyun didn't seem to see their eyebrows and eyes, and said indifferently: "It's a pity, the most regrettable thing in your capital is General Meng. End, what a pity!"

Qing Yun's daring to mention General Meng was also figured out through the performance of Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others.

Perhaps for some people, the matter of General Meng is a taboo, but for some dignitaries, it is nothing.

In power struggles, the winner is always king, and there is no talk of justice or fairness.

"It's a pity. When I was young, I saw General Meng. When he returned from a great victory, all the people in the capital lined the road to welcome the Meng family army. General Meng at the forefront, his armor shone with dazzling light, majestic and majestic!"

"My family's ancestors also said that since General Meng guarded the border, the Dayong Dynasty has been peaceful and peaceful for decades, and the tribes sent out at the border, when they heard the name of the Meng family army, they were scared to death, and their faces changed. The people all over the world call Meng The general is the god of war, invincible!"

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, it was exactly as she expected.

For ordinary people, the matter of General Meng is still taboo, and they dare not talk about it casually, for fear of getting angry.

But for the top class dignitaries, the matter of General Meng has passed, ten years, things and people have changed, and the top class dignitaries can only talk about General Meng with the word "unfortunate".

"I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. My childhood dream was to become a true hero like General Meng, who was beaten half to death by my old man."

"me too!"

Liang Po and Zhao Yu spoke in unison.

General Meng at his peak was a hero worshiped by men all over the world. Who would want to be killed by a traitor and be humiliated after death.

Liang Po and Zhao Yu sighed endlessly.

"I heard that General Meng has a daughter who is as beautiful as a fairy? Have you ever seen it?" Qingyun winked, looking flirtatious.

Liang Po and Zhao Yu froze for a moment, then looked at him with strange and complicated eyes.

Qingyun didn't understand the eyes of the two of them, and said with a smile: "You said, if General Meng's daughter is really as beautiful as a fairy, it would be a good talk if I take her in and add fragrance to the red sleeves."

Liang Po: "..."

Zhao Yu: "..."

Liang Po and Zhao Yu still looked at him strangely, but Liang Po seemed hesitant to speak.

Qingyun is impatient, so he kept quiet when he questioned them, and when the others saw that Liang Po and Zhao Yu didn't say anything, they all looked apologetic, causing Qingyun to roll their eyes.

"What do you two think of me like that? Have you ever seen it? Give me a word. Could it be that the girl's good name does not match the reality, but she is actually ugly and a hag?"

Qingyun kicked the two of them angrily, as if he insisted on the result.

"Is there anything I can't say, beautiful or not, just one word!"

"Beautiful, of course beautiful, it's not an exaggeration to be as beautiful as a fairy." Liang Po's eyes were complicated, no matter how beautiful she was, you couldn't take her away.

"Really?" Qingyun stared at him suspiciously, obviously not believing what he said, he kept asking for so long and didn't say anything, as if he was perfunctory her.

"Really, it's more golden than gold, you'll know later." Liang Po was about to swear.

Qingyun looked at Zhao Yu, and Zhao Yu also promised that it was true, afraid that he would not believe it, so he swore the oath.

"Compared to Fairy Suqing in Yuxian Pavilion?" Qingyun asked.

After hearing his words, Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others all had surprised expressions, then strange expressions, and finally looked at him with strange or complicated eyes.

Qingyun was baffled by them, confused, can he speak well if he has something to say?

"You will know when you see Miss Meng in the future."

"You'll find out later."

Liang Po and Zhao Yu didn't answer directly, but just said something inscrutable, which made Qing Yun's teeth itch with hatred and wanted to beat them up.

Well, I can't inquire about General Meng's affairs anymore, several people played two rounds of mahjong, and the table was replaced, and the four of them went to the cabin, listened to the girl's singing, and went to drink and have fun.

A group of people stayed on the flower boat that night and did not leave until the next afternoon.


Qingyun went back to the inn, washed up and called Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie to her room.

"Captain Bai, what do you think about this?" Qing Yun tapped on the table and asked Bai Yanheng halfway.

Smart people know what Qingyun is talking about.

Bai Shaojie glanced at his master calmly, and then at Qingyun.

"All subordinates listen to the young master." Bai Yanheng said with lowered eyes.

Qingyun looked at him deeply for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, she knew that Bai Yanheng would not answer.

"Liang Po and Zhao Yu's family will definitely send someone to investigate my matter, and send someone to clean up our tails. For the other half a month, let Bai Yi and the others stay in the dark, and no one is allowed to approach the inn. Starting from today , there must be five people guarding in the dark. Is there any problem?"

"Subordinates obey!"

 Thank you for not knowing what to name the swastika. Looking back at the past, it has passed away. I voted for the monthly ticket.
  Thank you 20190717003215476 for the reward, alright

  The following are the voting rewards for July
  Thank you for jumping without heartbeat, 161117201038710, happy horse, #投, 170101215459145, looking back at the past, gone, Liu Dashen’s little fan girl, Fang Yan, jly69, 20190827125035754, green fish tail, jingyexi, laughing at shrimp nonsense, afternoon lemon tea , Bazhanghe, Wenwu Lb, beibeiya, U184233636, dark jade smoke, peyo, green fishtail, 13600815236, chaoqiong, a little bit 352305530, 2017051811539727, shuzi mouse, green fishtail, 20171021194114729, swallow small, small, one Diandian 352305530, Qinyuan Chunxue, Tingting Yuli 216, 20190321165359191, 110415104123 voted monthly ticket, okay?
  Thanks to Peiyo, jly69, 20171021194114729, vickylihua for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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