Chapter 487
"This good man, thank you for your righteousness and avoiding the trouble of the team. Just be careful, please don't refuse."

The vendor took out a small banknote from his pocket and stuffed it into Qingyun's hand. His heart ached to death, and the 50 taels of silver was spilled out.

No way!Anyone with long eyes can tell that this hero is capable, and he can hold a thousand kilograms of things without any effort. This kind of person cannot be offended.

Qingyun held the banknote and shook it pretentiously, then blew on the banknote, glanced at it, good guy, it's 50 taels when you make a move, compared to Huang Pengfei's two or three taels of silver, it's really nice to her.

"I'm fine, this"

The solid-eyed Huang Pengfei was hot with two or three taels of silver. Others were fine, so he felt uneasy with so much silver.Besides, if he offends a trader, the shop owner will drive him away, the loss outweighs the gain.

Where did he go to find such a lucrative job, and when he was about to pay it back, Qing Yun grabbed his hand.

Qingyun was not polite at all, put away the banknote, and waited for the hero to refuse to return it to his vendor, it really hurts, why is this hero different from the one he knew before!

Qingyun said to Huang Pengfei: "Take it, this little money is a drop in the bucket for this big boss, it's not enough for him to drink a cup of tea, he won't feel at ease if you don't charge him.

You are fine because I saved you. If I didn’t save you, you would be crippled without dying. At that time, the money he compensated you would not be two or three taels of silver, and you saved him a lot of money.Boss, do you think this makes sense? "

Huang Pengfei: "."

It seems to be the case.

Vendor: "."

It sounds like that is the case, the vendor nodded, always felt that something was wrong, it should be an illusion.

Onlookers: "."

It makes sense, they have nothing to say against it!
Everyone didn't realize that their thoughts were being led into the ditch by Qingyun.

"I accepted the money. In addition to saving you, I also saved a lot of money for the big boss. Look, this truck is full of goods. If it falls and is damaged, it will cost hundreds of taels of silver. .

Delaying everyone's business is a big deal.What do we pay attention to in doing business?Pay attention to honesty, for the sake of this hundred taels of silver, the two traders must not become enemies!I'm doing this for the two of them to turn the war into jade and save them a lot of money, which is a great deed.Two bosses, do you think this is the case! "

Qingyun said that it might not be right to do business, he talked nonsense, and he talked about a lot of nonsense, one set of tricks, and the people who said it were dizzy.

"That's the reason, you can keep it, and you can feel at ease if you take it from our side."

The vendor where Huang Pengfei worked also gave him two taels of silver, and at the same time gave Qing Yun a 50 tael silver note.

Qingyun took the money, squinted at Huang Pengfei who didn't want the money, held down his wrist, stuffed the money into his arms, and shouted to the shop manager above: "Brother manager, he is not feeling well today, I will take him back Rest, don't add chaos to your shop."

Before the steward could react to Huang Pengfei, he dragged Huang Pengfei who said "ahhh" and left the market quickly.

After leaving the market, Qing Yun let go of him, Huang Pengfei looked downcastly, looked at the savior and sighed, no matter what, the savior was also for his own good.

Qingyun guessed what he was worried about, seeing him teach the man who bullied his sister that day, he thought he was a tough guy, but he didn't expect to be so hesitant.

"What are you worried about? I'm telling the truth. Manly man, be tough when you should be tough. There are many things that cannot be solved by you retreating.

If you back down a step, they will think that you are easy to bully, and they will make an inch of it, and then force you to back down. When you back down step by step and become a habit, have you ever thought about the consequences?Do you want your parents or siblings to send it over? "

If he wasn't Huang Kun's son, Qingyun wouldn't bother to mention him.

Huang Pengfei remained silent. He had collected all the money, and it was too late to say anything now.

He understood what this person said. At the beginning, he was tough, but the reality broke his toughness until there was no scum.

You can even survive, so why talk about being stubborn?
If he was still the son of General Huang, let alone being tough, he would be arrogant and domineering, and beat the merchants half to death, and others would just take his share.

Huang Pengfei can also think about it, it's useless to regret it now, and he doesn't regret it, it's just a pity that he lost such a lucrative job.

He quickly got rid of his downcast expression, it was like this anyway, the worst thing he could do was to be driven out of the shop.At any rate, he got six taels of silver today, and he only got so much after working so hard for a year.

made money!

"Thank you no matter what. It's almost noon, little brother, I treat you as a thank you by treating you to a meal." Huang Pengfei thanked him sincerely.

Qingyun was worried that he would not have a chance to get close to him. At another time, she would definitely agree without saying a word. She glanced at Huang Pengfei who was tired and tired, but still refused.

"You haven't slept all night, have you? Your eyes are red. There's no rush to eat. I'll stay at the Yunlai Inn nearby. When you're rested, come and find me. If you're not drunk, you won't return."

Huang Pengfei really couldn't stand it anymore. Not only did he stay up all night, he stayed up in the shop for three days and two nights, and he couldn't stand it long ago.

"Okay, my name is Pengfei, my little brother's surname, I will come to the inn tomorrow to look for you."

"You can just call me Qingyun, Pengfei, you look so ugly, do you want me to take you back?" This is a good excuse, and he can come to the door openly.

"No, this road is not difficult for me, and I can walk back with my eyes closed. Brother Qingyun, I'm leaving first, goodbye! See you tomorrow."

Huang Pengfei was not so short-hearted to the point of an idiot, he brought a stranger who didn't know his whereabouts to the door, politely rejected Qing Yun, and left with his fists in his arms.

Qingyun smiled, waved his hand, and walked in the other direction, which was the direction of Yunlai Inn.

Qingyun reserved a room for seven days, and she spent these seven days staying here, planning to use Huang Pengfei as the starting point to approach them.


Laifu Inn
After Qingyun left, Bai Yanheng pretended to be him, every word, deed, and every action was exactly the same as Qingyun's. Even Bai Shaojie, who had followed Bai Yanheng since childhood, couldn't see any flaws. True or false, don't talk about others.

"How is things going?" Bai Yanheng leaned on the bed, raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Shaojie.

"Everything is going according to plan, and the information has been handed over to the Duke." The vengeance was immediately avenged, but Bai Shaojie was not as angry as before, and his mood was very calm.

Since the Bai family was exiled, the master seemed to have changed into a different person, and he survived like a walking dead.

The hundreds of clansmen of the Bai family who died unjustly and unjustly can finally rest in peace, and the lord who has carried hundreds of clansmen on his back and has a bloody feud can also be relieved.

 Thank you for looking back at the past, it has passed away, and I voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thank you Peiyo for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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