Chapter 489
Qingyun didn't know anything about what Bai Yanheng and the others were planning. After dinner and washing, he took a book of travel notes to read, and waited for the fifth day of the lunar new year while he was reading.

"Master Qing, look who's here." After Chu Wu entered the room, he smiled mysteriously.

"Who's here? Crazy wolf Daliang or Heiba?" Qing Yun didn't raise her head, she changed her face now, it couldn't be Guo Xin who came to her, Guo Xin came to her, Chu Wu couldn't be so happy.

She knew only a handful of people in the capital, and it was impossible for Liang Po and Zhao Yu to come, and it was impossible for Guo Xin to come.

People I know and...

Could it be that Huang Pengfei is here? !Come very fast!Didn't you make an appointment to come tomorrow? Did you change your mind? !

Qingyun was a little surprised, and finally raised his head, and was really surprised when he saw the people behind Chuwu who he knew so well.

Not only surprised, but also very surprised.

"Why are you here? Where is the person who received it?" Qingyun frowned.

It wasn't Tian Duoliang and the others who came here. He took a dozen brothers and rushed to the capital day and night.

Tian Duoliang wiped his face, he was not in good shape, he was not afraid of Qingyun's shame, but the brothers were timid and coy at Qingyun, clustered around the door and refused to come in.

Master Qing didn't say a word, the brothers abandoned their mission and ran over in a hurry, all afraid of being cut by Master Qing.

"After the people were picked up, they met Crazy Wolf Heiba ​​and his two teams on the way. Everyone was safe and sound. The family members knew that nothing happened on the way. They were very honest and obedient, and they were afraid of causing trouble for our brothers.

The situation in the capital is the most complicated, and you are short of manpower. I brought my brothers over to help, and Crazy Wolf Heiba ​​also agreed, so I will take them back together. "

Qingyun's side is indeed short of manpower, and the capital is huge, divided into four cities, east, west, north, and south. A dozen brothers sprinkled it, which is no different from a ladle of water sprinkled into the river, and there is not even a sound.

You can't trust outsiders, and if you leak the news, let alone save people, even they have to get involved.

Her guard team only has a dozen or so people, and they have to protect her and investigate the affairs of various forces in the capital, and now they have to divide a part of them into Bai Yanheng's side, and the manpower is stretched.

Tian Duoliang and the others came at the right time. A dozen or so people may not seem like many, but they can share a lot of things. Bai Yanheng can transfer a few to show off.

"It's just this time, it's not an example. It's okay, there is a bathhouse outside, go clean it up and come back, see if you are so smoked that no one dares to enter the inn."

Qingyun waved his hand to signal Tian Duoliang and the others to leave, saying that they would not pursue it.Tian Duoliang smiled, then turned around and winked at his brothers, with an expression that looked like I guessed it right.

The brothers breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Master Qing didn't blame him, they all rushed to take a bath with silly smiles.

"On the fifth day of the lunar new year, you go to order a Datong shop, and let the shopkeeper have good meals, and the brothers just come back to eat."

"Hey!" Chu Wu happily went.

After eating and drinking, the brothers went back to Datongpu to catch up on sleep, but Tian Duoliang didn't sleep, and came to look for Qingyun, who was here on the fifth day of the lunar new year.

"Aren't you tired from the long journey? Let me know tomorrow." Qing Yun glanced at him, she was not an unreasonable and inhumane boss.

"It's not that I didn't sleep on the road, I slept for two hours every night." Tian Duoliang didn't see anything, picked up the jug on the table and poured water for himself.

"What is this distance? It can't be compared to the time when we escaped. We didn't eat or drink. We didn't dare to sleep for ten and a half months. We didn't dare to close our eyes when we lay down. We woke up immediately when there was a disturbance. Being dragged away and eaten in the middle of the night, that is tiring, tiring and tiring.”

Qingyun agrees with his words, fleeing is really hard.

"I came late, and I don't know what's going on in the capital. Master Qing, tell me what to do, so that the brothers can know what to do, so that they don't look like fools and cause chaos when they don't do their business." Tian Duoliang Said with a salivating face.

Qingyun glanced at him with a half-smile, then nodded Tian Duoliang's head in the air, and scolded with a smile: "Okay, Daliang, you've grown up, and you're playing tricks on me. Tell him about it on the fifth day of the lunar new year."

"Brother Tian, ​​we found Brother Kun's family members, Brother Kun's parents have gone, Brother Kun's wife, children and younger brother are all fine.

This family is very cautious, and it is difficult for ordinary people to approach, especially for strangers. The brothers have been staring at it for a few days but have not found a chance, and they are worrying about this..."

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Balabala revealed all the affairs of Huang Pengfei's family, including the flower house where Huang Shuwan's ex-fiancé stayed, and which girl in the flower house he was intimate with.

The black line at the end of Qingyun kicked Chu Wu, and said in a bad mood: "The reputation of a girl's family is very important, and people who don't matter can just mention it. Wanwan is right to divorce him. After marriage, this trouble will happen again." It’s such a bad thing, you can’t regret it more!”

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, I didn't dare to talk nonsense about the scumbag, and continued to talk about them. This talk lasted for half an hour.

"You are clear about the situation. Daliang, take your brothers out tomorrow to replace a few brothers, and the replaced brothers will come back to the Fu Inn.

Captain Bai pretended to be at the inn, and it was shameful that he didn't have any brothers by his side.Guo Xin, Liang Po, and the others had met Chu Wu and the others, and they had some impressions that it was inappropriate for Daliang and the others to go there.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, you can choose which brothers to take over, let them go back to be smarter, and you and the rest of the brothers will continue to stay here to investigate. "

"Yes!" Chu Wu took the order.

"Master, today you asked me to investigate. When the Huang family first moved to Wanbu Lane, there were patrol officers and soldiers watching twelve hours a day, and they were withdrawn in the third year. After that, the patrols followed the patrols in other alleys. Same hour.

The Huang family lived next to each other, and the neighbors nearby all lived there for their ancestors, so it had nothing to do with the government.But in the third year, the patrolling officers and soldiers withdrew, and a family named Zhang moved to Wanbu Alley, three households away from the Huang family.

It was unclear whether they were sent to monitor the Huang family, nor did they specifically inquire about the Huang family. "

Qing Yun stroked her chin and thought about it. She still cared a little bit. It was such a coincidence that the officers and soldiers came just as soon as they withdrew.

"Who are there in the family surnamed Zhang?" Qingyun asked casually.If they were ordinary people, they would have old people and children at home.

"A family of five, with a crippled father and a dumb mother, and a son who has been suffering from illnesses all year round. It is not easy for the couple to make money and support a large family."

Qingyun frowned, did she feel wrong?Is there any problem with the Zhang family?
I always feel that something is wrong, and I can't figure it out for a while.Judging from the information, it seems that there is no problem. She will go to see someone tomorrow, and if there is any problem, she will find out.

Qingyun clicked his tongue and said: "Leave the Zhang family aside, let's discuss the Huang family's affairs."

 Thanks to Tingting Yuli 216, JUDY voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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