Chapter 491
Qingyun pondered for a while, and she was relieved that the matter here had nothing to do with her and was not aimed at her.

It's all here, if you don't check it out, you seem to be out of breath.Qingyun thought for a while, waited, and went to visit after they went to bed.

The bright fire made the faces of all the officers and soldiers blush. There were many wine jars piled up on the ground, and they seemed to have drunk a lot.

The voice floated indistinctly from over there, only a few words, the preface did not match the afterword, and I didn't know what to say.

It was past half past ten o'clock in the evening, and the drunken officers and soldiers went back to their tents to rest one after another. They were too drunk to move, and they were lying on the ground sleeping, snoring loudly.

The prisoner, who had been tense for a day in the cage, gradually fell asleep, and there was only a fire that was about to go out in the open space, still burning stubbornly.

Qingyun touched the ground with his toes, like a big roc spreading its wings, flew towards the tent, skimmed around the top of the tent, turned over, hid behind the tent, waited for the patrol team to pass by, listened carefully to the movement in the tent, and then He opened the curtain of the tent and rushed in.

There was a smell of alcohol in the tent, mixed with the smell of sweat and stinky feet.

Qingyun held her breath, only her eyesight was superhuman, and her sight was not affected by the dark tent.

The officers and soldiers in the tent were all asleep, and the snoring of dozens of people was like thunder. Qingyun kicked over in a row, and they all kicked like dead pigs and couldn't wake up.If you were fighting at the border, you wouldn't even feel the pain if you were beheaded.

He grabbed an officer and soldier by the door and shook it a few times, but there was no sign of waking up.Qingyun simply slapped him a few times, but he still didn't wake up. The sound of the slap was too loud, and he was worried about alarming the patrol team outside, so he gave up slapping his ears.

Cruelly pressed his pain points, the officers and soldiers who slept like dead pigs finally woke up.Wake up is awake, people are still not awake!
"What are you doing? Why don't you keep people from sleeping?" The officers and soldiers opened their eyes and only saw a dark shadow. They thought it was the companion next to them, complained a few words and closed their eyes again.

"Hey, don't sleep yet, let me ask you, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that he was about to fall asleep, Qingyun pressed his pain point again.The strength is very well controlled, it can stimulate people, but it will not make you wake up, just wandering between sleepy and not sleepy, ignorant and tired.

People who are being tortured at this time will answer truthfully whatever they ask.

"Keeping the game."

Hunting ground?

place for hunting.

It seems that in ancient times, there were hunting grounds circled by emperors and dignitaries, specially for dignitaries to hunt.

Could it be that this is the hunting ground circled by the rich and powerful?

But she didn't see how many prey there were in the hunting ground?
In this wild mountain forest, the vegetation is not dense, and the aquatic plants are not rich. Rabbits and pheasants are rarely seen, so it doesn't look like a hunting ground!
"Where are those people in the cage? What are they doing here?" Qingyun asked again.

"I don't know, the higher-ups will arrest them as soon as they are asked." The officers and soldiers were about to fall asleep again as they talked.

"Where did you get it?" Qingyun pressed his numb point again, as if he had been electrocuted, and opened a gap again.

"I don't know. The following states and counties sent it over, and we took over from outside."

"Which state and county did you send it from?" Qingyun asked again.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything, I'm just a soldier, and the boss won't tell me. Brother, are you done asking? If you want to know, ask the boss, I'm going to sleep."

The officers and soldiers were all irritable, and they were about to fall asleep after getting angry. Qingyun asked again, but couldn't ask anything.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, shook the heads of the officers and soldiers, and interrogated another officer in the same way, and the answers were the same.

Those people in the mine can't see the light and can't stand the investigation. The people above must have erased their origins. I don't know what new charges have been charged to the people in the mine.

Not only did the officers and soldiers not know the origins of the people in the mine, but the officers and soldiers who were afraid of leading the way did not know either, thinking they were ordinary criminals.

Qingyun clapped his hands, walked out of the tent, returned the same way, left the hunting ground while it was dark, and when he arrived at the city gate, he just opened the city gate, and Qingyun entered with the people entering the city.

On the fifth day of Tian Duoliang's day, two people stayed in Qingyun's room, one guarded the door, sleeping against the wall, and the other guarded the window, sleeping against the window.

Qingyun came in through the window and saw this scene. When she came in, she deliberately made a movement, and Tian Duoliang woke up instantly.

"Master Qing, you're back." Tian Duoliang rubbed his face fiercely, glanced up and down at Master Qing, and was relieved to see that Master Qing was not injured.

"Master Qing," Chu Wu woke up as soon as Tian Liliang spoke, and he was also relieved to see that Qingyun was fine.

"Have you found out? What is the purpose?" Tian Duoliang asked impatiently, following behind Qingyun's butt.

He also came out of the mine on the fifth day of the lunar new year. Tian Duoliang told him yesterday that the officers and soldiers arrested those who escaped from the mine.

"I've found out that there is a hunting ground outside the city. The people from the mine sent it to the hunting ground, not for us. Our mission is the family of General Huang Kunmeng. We have nothing to do with other matters, so don't cause trouble."

Qingyun reminded them both not to act impulsively.

"By the way, did anyone come to see me during the day?" Qing Yun picked up the teapot on the table and poured it directly after not drinking water all day and dying of thirst.


"I haven't heard of it."

Tian Duoliang and Chuwu both looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Who is looking for you?" Tian Duohao was curious, winking at Qingyun wretchedly.

He heard from the fifth day that Qingyun not only visited the flower house, spent a lot of money for some fairy in the flower house, but also took a flower boat.

I envy him to death.

"Forget it if you don't come."

Qing Yun rubbed his chin, Huang Pengfei is not kind!He said that he would come to him during the day, causing him to wait in vain, and he broke his promise.

Qingyun didn't say anything, Tian Duoliang couldn't force him to say that he couldn't beat Master Qing!

"Master Qing, I have finished what you asked me to do, and I have all the things prepared, and I can pick them up anytime." When Tian Duoliang reported what he did, he had to let Master Qing know that he was doing real things.

"By the way, Master Qing, I found something strange last night. Someone was secretly arresting beggars in the city. What do you think those people are arresting beggars for?" Tian Duoliang narrowed his eyes.

Last night when he came back from Huang's house in Wanbu Lane, he found a group of men in black, sneaking around, arresting beggars begging on the street. After following him for a while, he found that not one or two were arrested. He guessed that there was a problem and immediately returned return.

"A group of men in black are catching beggars?" Qingyun raised his eyebrows and pondered, subconsciously thinking of the people in the cage in the hunting ground.

The people in the cage were also captured. Except for the people in the mine, the other people in the cage, from their tattered clothes and numb and desperate faces...

There is an answer, ready to come out.

Qingyun had a flash of inspiration, those people were refugees.

It's refugees, no wonder she felt strange when she saw those people, it turned out to be refugees, and only refugees have such expressions.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket that Huobao Benben voted for, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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